Memphis - MASS SHOOTING: 7 shot, 2 dead outside Prive Restaurant, police say

The first question to ask is if 2Aguy will accept this one as a mass shooting?
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Your fellow DemoKKKrats agree 100%. What's your plan? Another Holocaust?
No, I think we should just bring back tougher punishments for blacks....they commit 98% of crime, so we must punish them more harshly than normal people.

I suggest a separate legal system for blacks altogether....we can call it something catchy like Roy Rooster or Billy Bird....Jim Crow!!! that's it!
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No, I think we should just bring back tougher punishments for blacks....they commit 98% of crime, so we must punish them more harshly than normal people.

I suggest a separate legal system for blacks altogether....we can call it something catchy like Roy Rooster or Billy Bird....Jim Crow!!! that's it!
Yard Birds.
Well.....instead of cracking down on real Americans.....

We should impose tougher penalties on blacks and trannies....this will for one, teach trannies not to be trannies....and for blacks, it will teach them to be civilized humans instead of savages....

This was working when we had Jim Crow laws.....blacks were happier when they knew their place...

By the way, the 1994 Crime Bill was bad and Biden is a racist....
No, I think we should just bring back tougher punishments for blacks....they commit 98% of crime, so we must punish them more harshly than normal people.

I suggest a separate legal system for blacks altogether....we can call it something catchy like Roy Rooster or Billy Bird....Jim Crow!!! that's it!

I see you have full DemoKKKrat support and approval on your plan. Good luck, I guess...
Another mass shooting. SSDD................until Americans stand up and demand change.

Why didn't you do something when you had Congress and the White House for two years?

Be honest, you LOVE the daily slaughter, especially in your shithole cities.
The question is will the media call it a mass shooting of it was a bunch of negroes shooting each other?
I don't talk to racists and I don't take them seriously. They're afraid to act out violently and they just want to whine and complain.
No, I think we should just bring back tougher punishments for blacks....they commit 98% of crime, so we must punish them more harshly than normal people.

I suggest a separate legal system for blacks altogether....we can call it something catchy like Roy Rooster or Billy Bird....Jim Crow!!! that's it!
We already have 2 separate legal systems, been that way since the country was founded.

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