Men can do better!

They thought the same about us.
Not really. The older generations blamed Generation X for being unruly and for free love. Generation Z stands by strict rules of Political Correctness and by viewing men as oppressors.
No! At least 99% of MRAs (men's rights advocates) want Equality. Denying women vote was a great injustice. Conscription of men was even greater injustice -- although during WWII it was an absolute necessity.
Nah, back in the day men were worried about getting "cut off", now copious amounts pussy is just a swipe away......or so I've been told. ;)
Male victims of DV are not abusers. People accused on Social Media are not rapists.

Once again you are demonstrating that you and many Progressives in general are the most intolerant and biased people since WWII.
Now a staunch leftist known as Vaush has noticed that Leftist view of men as morally inferior oppressors has pushed many men to Conservative side. Vaush can communicate ideas much better then me

According to the Exit Polls, during 2022 Midterms, 42% of men voted Democrat and 56% of men voted Republican. At the same time, 53% of women voted Democrat and 45% of women voted Republican.

The 42% of men who voted Democratic have voted against their own Human Rights. Hopefully, this number can be brought down significantly! If just 10% of men who voted Democrat would have voted Republican, then Republicans would have gotten solid control of both Senate and House. Men can do better in 2024!

I understand that Republican Platform has many flaws, and I do not blame anyone who found some of these flaws a deal-breaker. Nevertheless, every man must understand that in Modern Western World, men suffer significant discrimination, and Democrats are much more hostile to their gender then Republicans.

Of course, both parties respect women much more then men. Of course, both parties answer to Female Majority (56% voters) more then to Male Minority (44% voters). There is no Republican war on women, and war on men is 90% Democrat.

What discrimination do men experience?
1) Male offenders get 61% more prison time then women for the same crime. Here.
2) Male victims of Intimate Partner Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. Republicans have shown much more support to male victims of abuse then Democrats.
3) Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are generally cancelled and lose their careers without any fair investigation. Democrats have a long history of opposing Presumption of Innocence. Republicans have supported Presumption of Innocence since Justice Brett Kavanaugh hearing.
4) Hate Speech against men is common and tolerated on Social Media and MSM. Democrats pressure Social Media companies to allow all Hate Speech directed at men and to ban all advocacy for men. Republicans work to build Social Media companies which allow users to be equally offensive to everyone.
/—-/ We can’t out vote this mail-in ballot printing presses.

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