Men in women's bathrooms

Enjoy your narrative and trans women will enjoy the ladies room.

Laughing....pretend otherwise. It won't matter.
it doesn't happen, and again, why can't you tell me what else is out there other than a dick and vagina? I've been waiting.

Sure it does. Every day.
it doesn't happen, and again, why can't you tell me what else is out there other than a dick and vagina? I've been waiting.

It obviously does.

You've 'pretended' yourself into a corner. That was easy.
what does your made up trans use to pee? can you tell me that? I only know dick and vagina. what is it your made up trans uses? perhaps you could take a picture of one of your made up human and show us.

Look up trans if you'd like. Or remain ignorant.

It really doesn't matter. As you're gloriously irrelevant to this entire issue.
it doesn't happen, and again, why can't you tell me what else is out there other than a dick and vagina? I've been waiting.

Sure it does. Every day.
it doesn't happen, and again, why can't you tell me what else is out there other than a dick and vagina? I've been waiting.

It obviously does.

You've 'pretended' yourself into a corner. That was easy.
what does your made up trans use to pee? can you tell me that? I only know dick and vagina. what is it your made up trans uses? perhaps you could take a picture of one of your made up human and show us.

Look up trans if you'd like. Or remain ignorant.

It really doesn't matter. As you're gloriously irrelevant to this entire issue.
I see you don't know. I win. you can't describe what your made up human uses to pee. therefore, as I stated don't exist.
Sure it does. Every day.
it doesn't happen, and again, why can't you tell me what else is out there other than a dick and vagina? I've been waiting.

It obviously does.

You've 'pretended' yourself into a corner. That was easy.
what does your made up trans use to pee? can you tell me that? I only know dick and vagina. what is it your made up trans uses? perhaps you could take a picture of one of your made up human and show us.

Look up trans if you'd like. Or remain ignorant.

It really doesn't matter. As you're gloriously irrelevant to this entire issue.
I see you don't know. I win. you can't describe what your made up human uses to pee. therefore, as I stated don't exist.

I'm unwilling to educate on what trans is. You'll need to do the research yourself. As your ignorance creates no obligation for me.

Remain ignorant. It doesn't matter. Trans women will continue to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity in Target, Macy's and at an increasing number of businesses.
They went too far. The "T" is where LGBT cult runs into a reversal of momentum. It was predictable,this reversal, if you think about it.

Its one year. With a half decade of increasing support before it.

As is almost always the case the trend is toward tolerance. With hate like yours aging out of our society due to the gentle attrition of age.

Young people are far more comfortable with trans folks. And they are the future. You and your bigotry is not.

Well men don't belong in women's private hygiene areas. Sorry. No matter what the day or time.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're the same gal who gave us such insane conspiracy theories as 'gay mafioso' kill teams murdering children, the pope being blackmailed 'by the gays', and 'the gays' infiltrating Gallup polling.

Which is why we don't use you as legal standard. And why trans women have more access to the ladies room every year. Not less.

More mansplaining to the "gals" about how they should shut up and do as they're told.

Have you always been a misogynist, or has it just been since you decided that anyone could be a woman if they wished hard enough?
you don't have the narrative at this time. you lose.

And yet Target, Macy's and a growing list of businesses invite trans folks to use the bathroom of that matches their gender identity.
don't know what they are. I know they said men could go in women's restrooms. I don't shop there and haven't since that announcement. I want them to go out of business. I respect women and are concerned for young girls. unlike the pervert you are.
Then look up the meaning of trans. You're literally arguing your own ignorance.
In your world if a man dresses like a women he is no longer a man:cuckoo:

In my world, a trans person is infinitely more familiar with their gender identity than you are pretending to speak for them.

Have you always hated women, or only since you decided womanhood was just another club you weren't being allowed to join?
I will never enter a bathroom where trannies are present.


Shall I say more?

Why do transgenders have a problem with bathrooms that say "Transgenders Only"

Are they ashamed of being one?

what's the problem?:dunno:
And yet Target, Macy's and a growing list of businesses invite trans folks to use the bathroom of that matches their gender identity.
don't know what they are. I know they said men could go in women's restrooms. I don't shop there and haven't since that announcement. I want them to go out of business. I respect women and are concerned for young girls. unlike the pervert you are.
Then look up the meaning of trans. You're literally arguing your own ignorance.
In your world if a man dresses like a women he is no longer a man:cuckoo:

In my world, a trans person is infinitely more familiar with their gender identity than you are pretending to speak for them.

Have you always hated women, or only since you decided womanhood was just another club you weren't being allowed to join? I hate women because you don't know what gender identity is?
And you're a raving anti-LGBT bigot.

It is not bigotry to be opposed to something that really is evil, insane, and destructive. It's just plain common sense and common decency—traits that are entirely foreign to immoral, perverted filth such as yourself,.

There's nothing 'evil' or 'destructive' about a trans woman using a bathroom.

You're working yourself up into a frothing lather about someone *peeing*. Take a breath. Its gonna be okay.
I will never enter a bathroom where trannies are present.


Shall I say more?

And you know You peeking in stalls? That's creepy.
Yes because as we all know from Obergefell, a false precedent set at a lower level will never lead to men being allowed also in women's communal showers, locker rooms and dorms etc. Won't be any peeking necessary then. Cuz it's "all out there" in those women-only areas...

And this is why LGBT cult is abusive to women and children in those areas. They insist that their demented sexual dogma is superior to women's rights to privacy and safety of their naked bodies.
I will never enter a bathroom where trannies are present.


Shall I say more?

And you know You peeking in stalls? That's creepy.
Yes because as we all know from Obergefell, a false precedent set at a lower level will never lead to men being allowed also in women's communal showers, locker rooms and dorms etc. Won't be any peeking necessary then. Cuz it's "all out there" in those women-only areas...

Obergefell never so much as mentions 'communal showers or bathroom stalls'. You're hallucinating.

And this is why LGBT cult is abusive to women and children in those areas. They insist that their demented sexual dogma is superior to women's rights to privacy and safety of their naked bodies.

A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Sil......a trans woman going to the bathroom isn't harming you. She's just peeing. The idea that you are somehow harmed by her urination is ridiculous. You're just letting your own compulsive obsession and rabid hatred of LGBT people override reason.
don't know what they are. I know they said men could go in women's restrooms. I don't shop there and haven't since that announcement. I want them to go out of business. I respect women and are concerned for young girls. unlike the pervert you are.
Then look up the meaning of trans. You're literally arguing your own ignorance.
In your world if a man dresses like a women he is no longer a man:cuckoo:

In my world, a trans person is infinitely more familiar with their gender identity than you are pretending to speak for them.

Have you always hated women, or only since you decided womanhood was just another club you weren't being allowed to join? I hate women because you don't know what gender identity is?

No, I have no idea why you hate women. But I can tell that you do by the way you 1) presume to define their womanhood as a "gender identity", and 2) tell the "gals" what they should think and feel as though their fluffy little heads can't possibly puzzle it out for themselves with a man to 'splain it.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Skylar doesn't give a shit about women or their rights, except for the ones HE designates that they should have, when he thinks they should have them.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Sil......a trans woman going to the bathroom isn't harming you. She's just peeing. The idea that you are somehow harmed by her urination is ridiculous. You're just letting your own compulsive obsession and rabid hatred of LGBT people override reason.
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Skylar doesn't give a shit about women or their rights, except for the ones HE designates that they should have, when he thinks they should have them.

How are your rights being stripped from you by a trans woman peeing?

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