Men took over women's job fair by registering as non binary.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
Further proof this whole pronoun and different sexual identities is just pure bullshit. Aside from the rare genetic anomaly there are only 2 sexes and they aren't interchangeable nor are they fluid or subject to feelings or opinion.

So there is a women's only job fair and men were taking it over simply by registering as non binary. So yet again women try to have something but have men coming into it by pretending to be something they aren't.

But then again, who the hell wants a job in a field where at a job fair you have a name tag with your pronouns on it? That's the dumbest shit ever. All I have to do is look at someone and say "yup, that's a dude".
Would you sell a gun to anyone that checked the non-binary box? ;)


Not any shop I know of because it promotes mental illness.

Admission right there of are mental illness.

In most states, the mentally ill cannot legally buy firearms.


although I agree if you dont know if youre a man or woman you have a serious mental problem that needs addressed,,

to say if you are mentally ill you shouldnt own a gun is using a very broad brush beings the dems think repubes are mentally ill and vice versa,,

the casual claim of mental illness shouldnt be used to take away a persons rights,,

what it takes is for a court through due process to declare you mentally ill and not able to take care of yourself or others and/or are a threat to yourself and others,,
although I agree if you dont know if youre a man or woman you have a serious mental problem that needs addressed,,

to say if you are mentally ill you shouldnt own a gun is using a very broad brush beings the dems think repubes are mentally ill and vice versa,,

the casual claim of mental illness shouldnt be used to take away a persons rights,,

what it takes is for a court through due process to declare you mentally ill and not able to take care of yourself or others and/or are a threat to yourself and others,,
In the case of the aforementioned 4473 that is not the case.....Their gun shop, their rules. They can deny a sale on any pretence.....In the case of someone checking the non-binary box it's just good common sense to deny the sale.
In the case of the aforementioned 4473 that is not the case.....Their gun shop, their rules. They can deny a sale on any pretence.....In the case of someone checking the non-binary box it's just good common sense to deny the sale.
keep in mind the 4473 is in violation of the 2nd A,,

and not much I can do about a private business deciding who they can sell too,,
Further proof this whole pronoun and different sexual identities is just pure bullshit.
It takes TWO to tango. Not three or 57. Once you have a man and a woman, that is all there is. The rest is pure mental illness which NO ONE can show any graphable science to support. Thing is, these guys should have been THROWN OUT. It was a woman's only fair. Even if you SAY you are non-binary, that means you are a THING, not a WOMAN. Non-binary means NOT a man nor a woman.

All I have to do is look at someone and say "yup, that's a dude".
If I can't guess whether you're a dude or a lady, you ain't getting in either way.
In the case of the aforementioned 4473 that is not the case.....Their gun shop, their rules. They can deny a sale on any pretence.....In the case of someone checking the non-binary box it's just good common sense to deny the sale.

Federal stats show that statistically, non-binaries have a much higher occurrence of violence, suicide, and clinical mental illness.

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