Mercury Contamination


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Having a nice chat with the rental office manager here yesterday, ocean contamination came up as I commented on her love of lobster. This morning, this on my mind still (wanting to make her something with lobster, sans contamination if possible,) my thoughts turned to the innoculation scare re: autism.

While we weren't calling autism "autism" for quite a while, and that'd make it difficult to identify exactly when such cases began to rise, I would think moreso than childhood immunizations, our consumption of seafood is more likely to blame as regular consumption of mercury-contaminated seafood would amount to much more mercury than a few shots. Plus, the mercury in some shots isn't the same kind of mercury in a contaminated seafood item.

The US government doesn't forbid mercury in seafood, rather it bans higher amounts of it, while allowing smaller "safe" amounts. But I wonder if these small amounts, seemingly harmless to the actual consumer are doing harm to our reproductive systems and any offspring they then make. Perhaps mercury is like radiation and can alter DNA/genes resulting in things like autism, and/or the effect is cumulative (adding up over time) and thus no amount is safe. Or rather, small amounts might not result in a noticeable effect on the consumer, but in their DNA it's doing something.

This is just speculative, but wanted to share my thoughts.
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Having a nice chat with the rental office manager here yesterday, ocean contamination came up as I commented on her love of lobster. This morning, this on my mind still (wanting to make her something with lobster, sans contamination if possible,) my thoughts turned to the innoculation scare re: autism.

While we weren't calling autism "autism" for quite a while, and that'd make it difficult to identify exactly when such cases began to rise, I would think moreso than childhood immunizations, our consumption of seafood is more likely to blame as regular consumption of mercury-contaminated seafood would amount to much more mercury than a few shots. Plus, the mercury in some shots isn't the same kind of mercury in a contaminated seafood item.

The US government doesn't forbid mercury in seafood, rather it bans higher amounts of it, while allowing smaller "safe" amounts. But I wonder if these small amounts, seemingly harmless to the actual consumer are doing harm to our reproductive systems and any offspring they then make. Perhaps mercury is like radiation and can alter DNA/genes resulting in things like autism, and/or the effect is cumulative (adding up over time) and thus no amount is safe. Or rather, small amounts might not result in a noticeable effect on the consumer, but in their DNA it's doing something.

This is just speculative, but wanted to share my thoughts.

There is no link between autism and mercury ... NONE.
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
you know what, i couldn't help myself. clicked through some links. that site is dangerously ignorant, and I really hope you aren't getting real information from them
The Shaken Baby Syndrome Lie
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?

It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
It's an unfortunate truth that to have and enjoy our technology and level of development, we have to tolerate the by-products and consequences. Could have a more eco-friendly society but not without sacrificing a lot of the things we regard as necessary or desireable. Wanna avoid ocean contamination you might have to get used to living without computers and the like. Lotta toxic stuff goes into making electronics.
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
it tells me there is rampant ignorance, nothing more.

what possible effects do you believe there could be from consuming a gmo?
Contamination of the oceans is a concern. However, the much bigger concern is the contamination of the food supply by unscrupulous big food and big chemical companies...all known to our huge all knowing government, but since campaign cash is more important than American's health, nothing is done to stop it.

We now even have a government approved GMO apple that will last many days without browning. How nice.

Americans are not only dumb about history and politics, they have no clue about the dangers lurking in their food and water.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
it tells me there is rampant ignorance, nothing more.

what possible effects do you believe there could be from consuming a gmo?
Yeah...nothing could go wrong with genetically modifying foods.

You keep telling yourself that.

And that website is excellent. Too bad you can't see the forest for the trees.
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
it tells me there is rampant ignorance, nothing more.

what possible effects do you believe there could be from consuming a gmo?
Yeah...nothing could go wrong with genetically modifying foods.

You keep telling yourself that.

And that website is excellent. Too bad you can't see the forest for the trees.
the website claims shaken baby syndrome is a conspiracy. that's pure evil.

and you keep saying that things could go wrong, but you haven't said what. so i'll ask again - what do you think could happen from eating gmo's?
Mercury is but one deadly chemical Americans consume. Americans have so many nasty chemicals in their bodies, is it any wonder disease is rampant? And yet, our omnipresent huge central government does little to stop it, and in some cases foments it.

BTW, lobster is the cockroach of the sea. Why would anyone wish to consume a cockroach?
The rampant diseases are obesity and obesity related disorders.

The rest of us are doing quite well, despite all the "poisons" in the environment.
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
it tells me there is rampant ignorance, nothing more.

what possible effects do you believe there could be from consuming a gmo?
Yeah...nothing could go wrong with genetically modifying foods.

You keep telling yourself that.

And that website is excellent. Too bad you can't see the forest for the trees.
the website claims shaken baby syndrome is a conspiracy. that's pure evil.

and you keep saying that things could go wrong, but you haven't said what. so i'll ask again - what do you think could happen from eating gmo's?
You need to open your mind, rather than keepiing it closed. Spend some time on the website and you will find a wealth of knowledge.

No one knows for sure what GMOs will do, since they are relatively knew and untested. But you have faith in government and the chemical companies, since everyone knows they never lie.:cuckoo: The rampant disease and obesity just might be the consequence of ingesting GMOs.

Top 10 Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
you have a problem eating a gmo apple? why?
I do my best to avoid all gmo products. You might want to do some research on the subject, if you don't know why.

A good place to start is right here: The Health Wyze Report
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
it tells me there is rampant ignorance, nothing more.

what possible effects do you believe there could be from consuming a gmo?
Yeah...nothing could go wrong with genetically modifying foods.

You keep telling yourself that.

And that website is excellent. Too bad you can't see the forest for the trees.

I don't think GMOs present a health risk for teh actual consumer of it so much as raise some concerns over enviromental/species breakdown type issues. Eating the genes isn't going to result in absorbing or otherwise being effected by the altered genes like. But when those altered genes get out into nature, which of course they will, that raises some questions of how they'll effect the ecosystem, whatever species they're in, etc.

I don't see it as necessary. Thing of late about preventing apples from browning seem frivolous given the questions and risks of messing with genetics. Saving a billion or so from starvation in India via the 'dwarf wheat' plant was good. But short of uses like that, don't be fiddling with genetics.
not gonna read anything that is "powered by god's medicine"
how about you give me your reasoning. what problem do you have with consuming a gmo apple?

also, on the subject of the op - i would doubt very much that mercury has anything to do with autism. i mean there's no real reason to believe it is a contributing factor, although i would not be surprised if it was some other environmental contaminant.

No testing has been done on the affects on humans of consuming GMOs. Many nations have banned them. That should tell you something.
it tells me there is rampant ignorance, nothing more.

what possible effects do you believe there could be from consuming a gmo?
Yeah...nothing could go wrong with genetically modifying foods.

You keep telling yourself that.

And that website is excellent. Too bad you can't see the forest for the trees.
the website claims shaken baby syndrome is a conspiracy. that's pure evil.

and you keep saying that things could go wrong, but you haven't said what. so i'll ask again - what do you think could happen from eating gmo's?
You need to open your mind, rather than keepiing it closed. Spend some time on the website and you will find a wealth of knowledge.

No one knows for sure what GMOs will do, since they are relatively knew and untested. But you have faith in government and the chemical companies, since everyone knows they never lie.:cuckoo: The rampant disease and obesity just might be the consequence of ingesting GMOs.

Top 10 Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
GMOs might pose a danger to other species in their ecosystem. care needs to be taken on that front.

but the website in your last link says "There is no way to tell if genetically modified foods can have an effect on the genetics of people."
which is just false. we do know, there is no effect on our dna from the ingestion of food dna.

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