Merkel plane technical failure leaves German leader late for G20


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
United Lefts of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts and crazy Merkel extremely successfully transformed the former high-technology country to a rubbish and laughing stock. Who can take seriously morons from DDR 2.0? Berliner Airport - a never end story, railway is a rolling sh.., almost all old people searching in rubbish bins for empty bottles, police is a joke, industry destroyed, etc. etc. etc.
Now even Merkel's plane is busted.
Too much leftism makes countries insane, most of news from DDR 2.0 shall be posted in 'Entertainment' sections of newspapers

German Chancellor Angela Merkel missed the opening of the G20 summit in Argentina after her plane was forced to land shortly after leaving Berlin.
The plane carrying Mrs Merkel's team turned back while flying over the Netherlands late on Thursday, because of a communications failure.
The Airbus made a safe but unscheduled landing in Cologne.
Mrs Merkel flew to Madrid on Friday then boarded a scheduled Iberia airlines flight to Buenos Aires.
Among her fellow passengers on board the Iberia flight was Agustín Agüero, who tweeted a picture of the chancellor on board.

Merkel's nightmare journey to G20 summit

German Technology Today

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