Merkel: We must defeat terrorism with "compassion"

To Islam compassion = submission. They're coming to conquer Germany, Merkel, and you're rolling out the red carpet.
Merkel is just echoing the rights strategy to deal with Russian hacks. Just leave them alone and stop being mean!!
Ask Merkel how many citizens she intends to sacrifice for her cause, 1,000? 10,000? Ask Merkel if she will sacrifice her own kids and parents for this cause. How far is she willing to go if she herself has to pay the price.
People will either succumb or decide enough and get rid of these people whomever they are that are willing to subject everyone but themselves to their decisions (for greed).
it took me 10 minutes to write and re-write the title cos it makes no sense!

try stoppin a truck with compassion, you globalist traitor!

Merkel Stands by Migrant Policy, Fights Terrorism with Compassion

Wasn't it US AG Lynch who said we had to defeat it with 'love' ... or a hug or something? :p
Wasn't it US AG Lynch who said we had to defeat it with 'love' ... or a hug or something? :p
I bet there are people willing to buy her the plane ticket to go on over there and give those people some of her love.
I have a German friend that says that Merkel needs to be stabbed, shot, hung, disemboweled, drawn and quartered, beheaded and burned.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is getting a tongue-lashing from Republicans for her claim that “love” the best tool to fight terrorism.

“Our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love,” Lynch said after meeting with officials in Orlando, Fla., on Tuesday — a week after a gunman at a gay nightclub killed 49 in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.

Calls for Lynch to resign over claim that ‘love’ is best response to terror

Wasn't it US AG Lynch who said we had to defeat it with 'love' ... or a hug or something? :p
Wasn't it US AG Lynch who said we had to defeat it with 'love' ... or a hug or something? :p

Loretta does have a lot of love in her heart, in fact it took her 30 minutes on a tarmac in Phoenix to show just how much love she has.

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