Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

You act as if this is just coming out of left field. Unwarranted.
You honestly see nothing wrong with how Trump and his admin have comported themselves?
Nothing at all?
Nope. Lower TAX ,good Trade deals ,Energy independence ,crushing ISIS , Making the vermin illegals stay in Mexico. And handling COVID better than any filthy Democrat could have. Also ,when COVID was spreading ,the fuckin' Dems were impeaching Trump over a Phone call the snitch Eric Ciaramella didn't even hear. I would say they comported themselves in marvelous fashion. Unlike that senile old hair sniffing pervert we have now.
Democrats don't give a shit about competence. Just identity. The first Gay this. The first Black woman that. The first Tranny other. But Trump made 'em eat shit and block their biggest "First". Hitlery LOST. It ruined their list of "Firsts". --PS-- Reagan put the first woman on SCOTUS. But SHE just happened to be competent.
Actually Democrats seem to be more concerned about quality than republicans do, and of course diversity; both are givens.

This should be interesting. Most of the investigative work has probably already been done. It will not drag out long.
Trump is undoubtedly the most investigated man in American history and so far not indicted nor was he removed from office despite being impeached twice.

Keep this in mind. …

Paybacks are a bitch.
Never in the history of this country, has one man been so unjustly vilified and investigated with absolutely NO proof of criminal activity. It is true that democrat actions of the past six years are tantamount to the Salem Witch Hunts with only one target---AND the victims are the taxpayers of the US.

You guys impeached Bill Clinton over a blow job.

There's a lot more proof against Trump than there was against Clinton for the things he was accused of.
Define GOOD. Is it pleasing to your partisan position or to see actual justice done?

What I define as good is a swift resolution to a problem. Historically, Special Prosecutors or Independent Counsels drag on investigations for years, frequently end up indicting people on tangential issues.

Worst Examples (And I'm being totally non-partisan).

Scooter Libby getting indicted for perjury because he didn't remember a conversation the same way Tim Russert did.

Ken Starr - long List of abuses, including jailing Susan McDougal for not breaking bad on Clinton, imprisoning another woman for refusing to back up Kathleen Willey's bullshit stories. Implying Hillary had something do with Vince Foster's death before admitting it really was a suicide.

Lawrence Walsh indicting Cap Weinberger for perjury for telling Congress he didn't keep a diary, but then turning over his meeting notes to the National Archive. Wasn't actually anything IN the meeting notes we didn't already know, but he made it sound sinister. What makes it worse is that Cap was the one guy who said trading weapons for hostages was a terrible idea.

Now the same left who were bitching about the Republicans in the House looking into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings are all good with this investigation.
Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Trump's abuses were as a public official.
So, in other words, you consider it “good news” that a “special” counsel is NOT in fact independent.

So why bother to make him or her a “special” counsel?
I noticed last night that MSNBC's 10 pm Lawrence O'Donnell
show was dominated by this Special Counsel attempt.
I believe the title " Special Prosecutor " was used.And of course
the snidley whiplash Lawyer Andrew Weissmann was on hand.
The guy who headed Muellers - Special Counsel - and
not so inconspiculously managed to Leave it in the nick of
time.Before he was made to Answer to why Rod Rosenstein
{ Deputy Attorney General } flew the coop and submitted his
resignation as of early May,2019.
Rosenstein explaining his acheivements as smoothing relations
between the Justice department and Trump's White House.
Writing ... " Productivity rose and Crime fell. "
Keep that in mind all these new Special Prosecutors out to
nail Trump to the nearest cross.
You guys impeached Bill Clinton over a blow job.

There's a lot more proof against Trump than there was against Clinton for the things he was accused of.
Not even the Horniest of all Potus, J.F.K. or " Jack " dared to
pull what Slick Willy did.Sneaking in a busty Intern after hours,
not to take short hand.Well maybe.Some kind of sexual bidness.
Plus no one forced Monica Lewinski to keep in tact in a secure
closet the infamous Blue Dress.With a certain stain that required
extensive DNA match.But you nude dat ... right.
Pure political in trying to distract from the threat's by Republican's to investigate everything Biden. The abuse of power is relentless amongst this administration.

Hopefully this country will regain it's strength in order to properly pursue justice against the injustice going on inside of this current crop of looney tunes democrat's having to be dealt with these Days.

It's a little early for you MAGAts to freak out yet.

You should wait until Jack Smith files the formal indictments before you hit the streets for your little attempted "rev-o-lushun."
Don't forget to bring these piddly home arsenals you've all been bitterly clinging to.
it will be fun to turn on the TV and watch federal troops mowing you down.

Like it or not Trump is going down.

This latest move was Merrick Garland calling "CHECK."

Very soon now Jack Smith will be following that up with "CHECKMATE."

a special counsel was to be appointed, I can think of no-one better suited than Jack Smith. Vast experience prosecuting public corruption cases, treacherous national security violations, and crimes against humanity. Absorbs complex facts instantly," Tribe wrote. "Perfect for Donald Trump."
Legal experts: Special counsel investigating Trump will move very quickly

Legal experts: Special counsel investigating Trump will move very quickly

This should be interesting. Most of the investigative work has probably already been done. It will not drag out long.
It will drag out, this all drags out for decades this stuff drags out. The government will drag this out long after Trump dies.
And he keeps breaking the law. Which is why he keeps getting into trouble.
A leopard cannot change his spots. trump has always been a criminal. Most businessmen do not have thousands of lawsuits against them through their lifetime. Unfortunately the Republican leadership knew what they were getting into before he was nominated and did nothing to prevent it.
No they didn't.
They impeached him for lying about a blow job. (Wait, that's not any better. :) )

And the Republicans wouldn't convict trump for actual crimes against the state TWICE.
A leopard cannot change his spots. trump has always been a criminal. Most businessmen do not have thousands of lawsuits against them through their lifetime. Unfortunately the Republican leadership knew what they were getting into before he was nominated and did nothing to prevent it.

And the Republicans wouldn't convict trump for actual crimes against the state TWICE.
You have always been a lying traitor. But tell us, what crimes? lol

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