Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

12 pages of whining and sniping at each other like a bunch of 6 year olds.

It's going to take some real action to stop the prosecution of Trump and maybe it's time to take real action as has been promised so many times?

Merrick is on a roll now with confidence that Trump hasn't the popularity to rally his troops behind his cause. Only a show of strength by Trump and his 'boys' is going to intimidate Merrick (government) into fearing Trump.

Can Trump rally his pseudo-military forces behind him again, or will the real military crush him and his badboys like bugs?
Tell us traitor, what will he be prosecuted for? Lol, you won't say because you're a lying POS like all leftist swine. Lol. Military will crush them! Lol, lol, liar says what? Lol trump has taken your mind and all you can do is sit and drool about prosecutions and
Now the same left who were bitching about the Republicans in the House looking into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings are all good with this investigation.
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Hunter Biden isn’t a government official.

An unwarranted, bad faith ‘investigation’ into Hunter Biden by the House is purely partisan, started for no other reason than he’s the son of a Democratic president,
There's better proof of that on at least a dozen democrats who incited everything from threats and attacks against SC Justices to prompting a man to shoot Scalise, not to mention riots in 350 cities that lasted through half of 2020.

Like every president. Try again.

2020 and 2022 are replete with election fraud. All Trump did was to try to STOP IT.

Yep. He should have asked a Democrat. Trump didn't ask anyone to make up or invent a single vote, just FIND any that might still be out there possibly missed. Whatever happened to your "every vote must count?"
No, he asked him to find those votes by hook or crook. There is absolutely zero evidence of voter fraud. He wasn't President when he was in possession of them and that is a federal crime.
It's a little early for you MAGAts to freak out yet.

You should wait until Jack Smith files the formal indictments before you hit the streets for your little attempted "rev-o-lushun."
Don't forget to bring these piddly home arsenals you've all been bitterly clinging to.
it will be fun to turn on the TV and watch federal troops mowing you down.

Like it or not Trump is going down.

This latest move was Merrick Garland calling "CHECK."

Very soon now Jack Smith will be following that up with "CHECKMATE."

a special counsel was to be appointed, I can think of no-one better suited than Jack Smith. Vast experience prosecuting public corruption cases, treacherous national security violations, and crimes against humanity. Absorbs complex facts instantly," Tribe wrote. "Perfect for Donald Trump."
Legal experts: Special counsel investigating Trump will move very quickly

Legal experts: Special counsel investigating Trump will move very quickly
We've { The entire Nation } has been thru this drill with the
Historic HOAX { known as the Mueller Special Counsel }
Even guys like california punks { Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell }
said numerous times they had evidence that Trump colluded w/Russia.
Whereas we have evidence that Big Mouth Maxine Waters
was making money { oddles worth under the table with the
Democrat dark money Fraud FTX }.
This morning on Breitbart Radio a House member explained
there is no expense being spared to prove how These diabolitical\
Unamerican Marxist have broken all standards and safeguards in
order to continually PERSECUTE a sitting President and now a Former
president.This sort of thing has never been done nor attempted in\
the United States before.
It's not even sufficiently hatched.Nor were BOTH the Trump
We've { The entire Nation } has been thru this drill with the
Historic HOAX { known as the Mueller Special Counsel }
Even guys like california punks { Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell }
said numerous times they had evidence that Trump colluded w/Russia.
Whereas we have evidence that Big Mouth Maxine Waters
was making money { oddles worth under the table with the
Democrat dark money Fraud FTX }.
This morning on Breitbart Radio a House member explained
there is no expense being spared to prove how These diabolitical\
Unamerican Marxist have broken all standards and safeguards in
order to continually PERSECUTE a sitting President and now a Former
president.This sort of thing has never been done nor attempted in\
the United States before.
It's not even sufficiently hatched.Nor were BOTH the Trump
We have never had a President in this country who spit at the Law like Trump has, that is why we have never had it. He loves it because he has enablers like you that think he is above the Law and should be able to do whatever he wants to do.
Go find me 11,000 votes is not election tampering? Voter fucking fraud and its manifestation. You're pretty sick in the head thinking there is nothing wrong with that!

No, it's not, you ignorant twat. Not when it is in context WITH THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION.!

Which you lying assholes ignore.
Ah look the hypocrite loon has chimed in Hunter got sweatheart overseas deals in things that he had zero experience or expertise in but things that his father had influence in through the various committees he sat on or chaired that is suspicious especially given that we now know two years after the fact I might add the Hunter laptop is not Russian disinformation. Maybe nothing illegal went on but something can be wrong without being illegal but it is something that should be looked into which you would fully support if was a Republican and it was the Democrats doing the investigation. Now get back to the kiddies table.
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Ridiculous accusations of ‘wrongdoing’ by either Hunter Biden or the President have been debunked as baseless rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – completely devoid of fact and merit.
For the House to ‘investigate’ baseless rightwing conspiracy theories and lies is likewise completely devoid of merit.

“The granular details of many of the allegations about Hunter Biden’s dealings in China are supported by documentation, but larger conclusions resurrected at the end of the 2020 campaign are unsubstantiated.

Foreign policy experts say these allegations do not add up to a picture of Joe Biden being corrupt or pursuing policies contrary to the national interest. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so.”

We have never had a President in this country who spit at the Law like Trump has, that is why we have never had it. He loves it because he has enablers like you that think he is above the Law and should be able to do whatever he wants to do.

Obummer did more damage to the laws of this country than any other president.

And you cheered him on.
We have never had a President in this country who spit at the Law like Trump has, that is why we have never had it. He loves it because he has enablers like you that think he is above the Law and should be able to do whatever he wants to do.
Hey liar, that's my kids bike you're on!
Tell us traitor, what will he be prosecuted for? Lol, you won't say because you're a lying POS like all leftist swine. Lol. Military will crush them! Lol, lol, liar says what? Lol trump has taken your mind and all you can do is sit and drool about prosecutions and
I'm not opposed to Trump convincing his 'boys' to take the action necessary to intimidate Merrick and thusly government.

You're going off halfcocked, imagining I'm your enemy when in fact I'm at least neutral, if not leaning toward Trump doing his part to propel his lieutenants to taking the long promised action.

Try to understand that Merrick can be stopped dead in his tracks if there's a threat of hundreds (thousands) wounded and dead Americans on the streets, if Merrick stays his course.

The extreme right's threats are real and should be taken seriously.
Whether the charges against Trump are real or just trumped up out of thin air, is of no concern to me as a Canadian observer.

I'm only interested in the outcome, which is largely dependent on Trump's ability to rally his troops behind him.

Now, as opposed to before, there's some doubt in Trump's remaining power to accomplish what he needs done.

Merrick and government might crumble like a house of straw.

Or Merrick and government might not!

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