Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

I'm not opposed to Trump convincing his 'boys' to take the action necessary to intimidate Merrick and thusly government.

You're going off halfcocked, imagining I'm your enemy when in fact I'm at least neutral, if not leaning toward Trump doing his part to propel his lieutenants to taking the long promised action.

Try to understand that Merrick can be stopped dead in his tracks if there's a threat of hundreds (thousands) wounded and dead Americans on the streets, if Merrick stays his course.

The extreme right's threats are real and should be taken seriously.
So you get your way or go on a murderous rampage?

What more evidence do you need to understand the destructive nature of Trump and Trumpism?
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Ridiculous accusations of ‘wrongdoing’ by either Hunter Biden or the President have been debunked as baseless rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – completely devoid of fact and merit.
For the House to ‘investigate’ baseless rightwing conspiracy theories and lies is likewise completely devoid of merit.

“The granular details of many of the allegations about Hunter Biden’s dealings in China are supported by documentation, but larger conclusions resurrected at the end of the 2020 campaign are unsubstantiated.

Foreign policy experts say these allegations do not add up to a picture of Joe Biden being corrupt or pursuing policies contrary to the national interest. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so.”

No actually it hasn't been debunked because no one has actually investigated it. The problem with you far left liberal partisans is you think opinions and speculation you agree with are proof and facts they are not and never will be no matter how much you pretend otherwise.
So you get your way or go on a murderous rampage?

What more evidence do you need to understand the destructive nature of Trump and Trumpism?
None more. I do and it's not my country.

You could consider the damage done by Trump as the inverse of what is good for the rest of the world.
No, he asked him to find those votes by hook or crook.
You mean you have the actual audio of Trump telling people to cheat?! I'd love to hear that! Or are you just going by someone's TDS story?

There is absolutely zero evidence of voter fraud.
Odd, I'm far removed from elections and DC yet I'm sitting on a pile of proof. Election cheating is as old as elections themselves. Many might even say that cheating is the ESSENCE of politics. Even Jimmy Carter admitted as much when he drafted the 2005 Carter-Baker report on election fraud DENOUNCING everything that would be done 15 years later---- to claim there is zero evidence is to carry truck with an idiot.

He wasn't President when he was in possession of them and that is a federal crime.
More RUBBISH. A president can declassify anything at anytime. That action does not somehow magically just undo itself then when you leave the office! Another pure political stunt and just further efforts at stealing another election by trying to do the VERY THING to Trump now for '24 that they impeached Trump over claiming he was trying to do to Biden when he called Ukraine, fool. God, do you people ever stop being such total hypocrites?
12 pages of whining and sniping at each other like a bunch of 6 year olds.

It's going to take some real action to stop the prosecution of Trump and maybe it's time to take real action as has been promised so many times?

Merrick is on a roll now with confidence that Trump hasn't the popularity to rally his troops behind his cause. Only a show of strength by Trump and his 'boys' is going to intimidate Merrick (government) into fearing Trump.

Can Trump rally his pseudo-military forces behind him again, or will the real military crush him and his badboys like bugs?
Says and idiot living under the authoritarian dictatorship now in Canada... LOL..... Don't bring your bull crap here boy, because it won't go over so easy.
So you get your way or go on a murderous rampage?

What more evidence do you need to understand the destructive nature of Trump and Trumpism?
Some truth and facts, not just speculation, would help. But then the democrats never want to have that.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy theories. They have been after Trump for 7 years and no results. If that does not make this a conspiracy what does?

No, it’s true that AG Garland is appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Trump unlawful possession of national security and intelligence documents.

There is ample objective evidence to justify such an investigation.

No, it’s true that AG Garland is appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Trump unlawful possession of national security and intelligence documents.

There is ample objective evidence to justify such an investigation.
As there is for investigating Hunter Bidens laptop, yet that still has not occurred.

Pure politics.
Conservatives went on a murderous rampage on January 6th because they didn’t get what they wanted.

There’s no reason to believe they won’t do it again.
There was no rampage. The only death was one of their own. The murder was by the capital police and was quickly covered up by the democrats.

The only source of violence to occur was from these democrats and there is no reason to believe that they won't try it again.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

No, it’s true that AG Garland is appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Trump unlawful possession of national security and intelligence documents.

There is ample objective evidence to justify such an investigation.
And there has been ample time to do so without waiting for a politically opportune time to do so. Stinks of politics only.

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