Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

You can do all of that and still get seriously ill, needing medical care. You're 19, so you'll realize that life isn't that simple as you get older.
Okay, so? We all die someday, don't we? I heard a theory that life degradation is really just cancer. Or can be called that. Anyway, many things are simple. We have just complicated them. We've gotten to smart for our own good.
You really need to stop adopting white racist language. That "complaining" is why your black ass can brag about working in a 4 star restaurant that would not have let you in if not for those who you call complainers today. You attitude of I'll just shut up and take it is weak.
I don't even know what you're talking about. And I don't think I was bragging. At least I hope not. I put in my profile that I was a server. You pursued it by asking exactly what I do. It's a great job, but I don't think it'd be great if I did it ten years from now.
Okay, so? We all die someday, don't we? I heard a theory that life degradation is really just cancer. Or can be called that. Anyway, many things are simple. We have just complicated them. We've gotten to smart for our own good.

We all die but that doesn't imply that we shouldn't have access to healthcare or regular checkups with a doctor. People who have access to primary care, getting checkups once a year or once every two years, are healthier and live longer. A nation of people, who are healthier and able to identify health issues early before they become serious and much more expensive, are more productive and prosperous. Watch this:

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I don't even know what you're talking about. And I don't think I was bragging. At least I hope not. I put in my profile that I was a server. You pursued it by asking exactly what I do. It's a great job, but I don't think it'd be great if I did it ten years from now.
I know you don't. And that's the problem. You lack knowledge at this point in your life. You are arguing about concepts that you really do not have a thurough understanding of at this point in your life. Opinon is a great thing to have but lived experience is much better. In 10 years you will look back on yourself and realize just how much you didn't know. Don't fool yourself, you don't get dumber as you grow older.
People in our society should be afforded the basics as a human right. No one should starve, be homeless, without healthcare, an education, or gainful employment. People should be given the basics as a foundation, upon which to build upon and improve their lives. We have more than enough resources in this country to invest in people in this way and it would make us more prosperous as a nation.
No one has the right to the labor of others. Entitlement is the foundation of slavery.
You really need to stop adopting white racist language. That "complaining" is why your black ass can brag about working in a 4 star restaurant that would not have let you in if not for those who you call complainers today. You attitude of I'll just shut up and take it is weak.
Black ass? YOU are quite disrespectful and a disgrace to the black community. Did your strong mother you spoke of teach you to treat women this way? Did you look down on the young college women you allegedly spoke to?

Do you know what I think? I think you not only despise religious black women, but you despise black women in general. You have a paternalistic and patronizing attitude that is actually worse than my profs. This is why I DON'T date black men. Most of them are like you--failures in life who constantly complain how their EBT card ran out again.

Good night to you.
We all die but that doesn't imply that we shouldn't have access to healthcare or regular checkups with a doctor. People who have access to primary care, getting checkups once a year or once every two years, are healthier and live longer. A nation of people, who are healthier and able to identify health issues early before they become serious and much more expensive, are more productive and prosperous. Watch this:

Damn, Mr Cross. Your old material was better. It’s sad to see comedians dying on an ideological cross.
The more value you provide to your employer, the more you are paid. It’s simple economics. I spent most of my career doing hard, high risk jobs, for which I generally made more than attorneys, way more if you calculate hours worked to pay. I had co-workers who made over six figures every year.
No one has the right to the labor of others. Entitlement is the foundation of slavery.
That's what capitalists do, they leech off of other people's labor. The parasite employer/exploiter - employee/exploitee relationship is one where one person does all of the work and the other feels they have the right to exploit and commodify other human beings in a "labor market". When the working class produces everything in society and pays its taxes, it can employ its government to produce public services, including food, basic housing for the poor, healthcare, education, employment guarantees in the public sector..etc.

The capitalists want people to be desperate for a job that way they have more leverage when negotiating the terms of employment. If everyone had a job guarantee from the government, that would empower the working class.
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Soros is a billionaire hedge fund manager/capitalist, Nancy is also a capitalist-investor. Bernie is a social democrat, not a Marxist.

Marxists don't believe only "communist party elders" should get paid more than the lowest-paid worker. The disparity in pay between the highest Soviet government officials and the lowest-paid workers in the USSR was much less than it is here now under capitalism. American politicians make almost 200K yearly with a long list of benefits like full healthcare coverage, paid vacations..etc, whereas the lowest-paid workers only make about $7.50 hourly, or about $13,000 yearly. Over 60% of America lives hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck.
That’s only if you don’t count the benefits only available to high ranking party elders. Things like the best doctors, western medicines, German appliances, ultra-high level free housing, special lanes on the roads, special stores that always had full shelves of quality merchandise and food.
Beauty is definable. Opinions are based on some type of criteria.

And, if one states he is a Marxist, then that would be a fact (unless he is mistaken, delirious, or lying). But, otherwise, saying someone is a Marxist is opinion.

Well, we can see why nobody on here who claims she's a Marxist can actually back up their views then.... how sad when people with the responsibility of voting can't even be informed because "It's my opinion".
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That’s only if you don’t count the benefits only available to high ranking party elders. Things like the best doctors, western medicines, German appliances, ultra-high level free housing, special lanes on the roads, special stores that always had full shelves of quality merchandise and food.
Assuming that what you're saying isn't just American capitalist, Cold War propaganda/claptrap, that's still irrelevant to us here in America in the 21st century. Socialism in Germany for example, in the 1930s, transformed the German Weimar Republic, into one of the most productive, prosperous economies in the world. Germans enjoyed the highest standard of living under National Socialism, with plenty of social services and benefits.

So you are conflating supposed conditions in the USSR with every single socialist country, including a potential socialist America today in the 21st century. One has nothing to do with the other because we're living under completely different conditions today, with access to advanced technology and other resources, not available 100 or 80 years ago.

With the advent of advanced automation and artificial intelligence, the adoption of a marketless, non-profit, more democratic, and centrally planned system of production is inevitable. Society is going to be forced by necessity to become socialist.
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That is your opinion of what has gone on.
No, it is historically documented fact of what has gone on.

Here is an example:

The Naturalization Act of 1790​

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty-one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed.

So this law made it so only whites could be citizens. No one else had constitutional rights. So non whites did not get the same opportunites as whites and that guaranteed a better outcome for whites as a whole.

Dred Scott v Sandford even further made certan that blacks did nothave the sane opportunities and outcomess as whites.

United States v. Stanley, United States v. Ryan, United States v. Nichols, United States v. Singleton, and Robinson et ux. v. Memphis & Charleston R.R. Co. and Plessy v.Feguson all nullified the 13, 14th and 15th amendments and gave whites the rght to exclude or deny rights to blacks and other non whites while providung the best outcomes for whites.

And don't talk that dumb stop living in the past mess, because I can keep going right on up to Students for Fair Admissions v. President & Fellows of Harvard College. I speak based on reality. Documented fact. Learn to do the same.

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