Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

Actually Democrats seem to be more concerned about quality than republicans do, and of course diversity; both are givens.
Divirsity makes competence irrelevant. Example: Old Pete Bootyjudge knows NOTHING about Logistics ,Mass Transit ,or anything else. He was picked because he was Gay. No other qualifications. Biden picked Harris as VP because she was black and female. That giggling idiot got into politics by being Willie Browns Monica Lewinski. The only smart person ,Jenn tsaki ,quit.
What’s the difficulty?
Trump’s announcement made him a political opponent of Garland’s boss. A Third party who is outside of the politics was appointed to carry the case foreword.
That is what you should want.
So you’re acknowledging Garland is politicizing the DOJ. That’s a step in the right direction.
Conservatives went on a murderous rampage on January 6th because they didn’t get what they wanted.

There’s no reason to believe they won’t do it again.
No conservative murdered anyone on Jan 6. Only one person was killed and she wasn’t killed by a conservative.

No, it’s true that AG Garland is appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Trump unlawful possession of national security and intelligence documents.

There is ample objective evidence to justify such an investigation.
Why didn't they already do that? If there's ample evidence and all.

Hunter Biden isn’t a government official.

An unwarranted, bad faith ‘investigation’ into Hunter Biden by the House is purely partisan, started for no other reason than he’s the son of a Democratic president,
Wrong, he is the son of a sitting president that has dirty dealings in the worst order, and even so his dad is referred to as the "big guy" (highly compromised ever since Ukraines beginnings with them), and for whom the "big guy" alledgedly benefitted from those dirty dealings. You leftist trying to derail and deflect says a lot about what you all know, how much you all are trying to hide, and how far you are willing to go in order to protect a leftist progressive President that has been put into office in order to do your bidding for you all, and worse do your bidding regardless of what the cost is for the future of this country.
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At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Ridiculous accusations of ‘wrongdoing’ by either Hunter Biden or the President have been debunked as baseless rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – completely devoid of fact and merit.
For the House to ‘investigate’ baseless rightwing conspiracy theories and lies is likewise completely devoid of merit.

“The granular details of many of the allegations about Hunter Biden’s dealings in China are supported by documentation, but larger conclusions resurrected at the end of the 2020 campaign are unsubstantiated.

Foreign policy experts say these allegations do not add up to a picture of Joe Biden being corrupt or pursuing policies contrary to the national interest. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so.”

I hope you stick with your stupid bull crap, because you need to be taught a lesson once and for all about betting on a bad horse, and you need to also be taught that hitching your wagon to a lame duck horse/president was a very serious miscalculation on your part.
We went wrong when we elected the wolf and let him write his own rules of conduct, then decide if, how and when to go after violations of those rules. In all seriousness, the rules of Congressional conduct should be written and enforced by outside agencies.
Exactly, because they've proven to engage in huge conflicts of interest.
What’s the difficulty?
Trump’s announcement made him a political opponent of Garland’s boss. A Third party who is outside of the politics was appointed to carry the case foreword.
That is what you should want.
No it was an attempt to continue to try and harass Trump, and it's all in hopes to stop him from running again.
Divirsity makes competence irrelevant. Example: Old Pete Bootyjudge knows NOTHING about Logistics ,Mass Transit ,or anything else. He was picked because he was Gay. No other qualifications. Biden picked Harris as VP because she was black and female. That giggling idiot got into politics by being Willie Browns Monica Lewinski. The only smart person ,Jenn tsaki ,quit.
I believe it... They've engaged in identity politics with a glorified "everyone gets a trophy ideology", and it's backfired on them badly. What about the health and human services secretary ? LOL.

It's unbelievable what's been going on in this country. Gender, color, and such things are absolutely no prerequisite for any job title to be based upon those things alone. They must qualify first, and then the other stuff won't ever matter.

Biden has been the worst offender of such goings on with his pandering bull crap. People are fed up.

Hunter Biden isn’t a government official.

An unwarranted, bad faith ‘investigation’ into Hunter Biden by the House is purely partisan, started for no other reason than he’s the son of a Democratic president,
Joe Biden was and he greased the wheels for son and brother to rake in big bucks. It’s called corruption.
I Just want to say formally that I disagree with AG Garland appointing a Special Counsel to proceed with the J6 and Mar A Lago investigations.

I think he should have appointed TWO Special Councils, one for each of the different investigations to keep them separate instead of combining them under one SC.

The Crazy Democrat Cult doesn't have anything on Trump, so they just make things up.
This is just pure political harassment and a smear campaign and abuse of power.
They will end-up with being charged with violating Trump's 4th amendment right to protection from politically motivated illegal search and seizure.
I hope so, but the Democrat sophists will figure out a way to get out of trouble by walking stuff back and making up a cause that blames Trump and leaves a black mark on his name that he likely does not deserve. He does what experts tell him to do, and he doesn't up the ante. If he gets angry on camera, the Democrats turn that into an issue even though they cheated. I'm sick to death of them.
No, there are several greater oversights in history, like the Muslim in Chief and Hillary going free, especially Hillary and her treason, and Poopeypants and his son and the FBI leaders, and.....

You Dims are comical in your TDS.
Mirrick Garland has a resposibility of looking into Biden's life of extortioning money out of Foreign Aid packages to pay for his five mansions.
We have never had a President in this country who spit at the Law like Trump has, that is why we have never had it. He loves it because he has enablers like you that think he is above the Law and should be able to do whatever he wants to do.
Name the law broken or get thee to a Nunnery for a swift
Mirrick Garland has a resposibility of looking into Biden's life of extortioning money out of Foreign Aid packages to pay for his five mansions.
Definable Candy-ass.Right out the door.No need to even specify.
The guy's a weenie.His every act only provides proof.
Plus ... It dramatically explains why ALL Democrats were in such
a tizzy to have him nominated to the Supreme Court.
The guys a definable Ringer.It also provides clarity for those
pushing hard for Garland's SCOTUS Nomination.They too are
definable ringers.No bigger than Fox's Juan Williams.
Who wrote an article providing extreme clarity.Conservative
Salem Talk Radio's Dennis *Prager was not about to let it alone.
He set us an interview with Williams to get an explanation as to
to the Williams article :
- Democracy hangs in the balance in the midterms -
The Hill { 10/31/22 }

* Prager spells out and proves how wrong Williams is/was

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