merry christmas....

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Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
queen of denial there luiza
Queen ?
Absolutely and a timely promotion from Princess .

But like any good sufferer from MF Psychosis I see that you are forced to deflect from the facts to try and preserve your entrenched mind set .
But it is the season of good cheer and miracles so I will put in a good word for you with my friend Baby Jesus .
Not only is this fake, it has nothing whatsoever to do with "Merry Christmas". It's political hogwash.

It's not about Jesus Christ.

It's not even about secular Christmas--food, family, music.

Just hogwash. No.
Flame thread a violation of board rules in the op. Boones is a simpleton and doesn't know better.
Queen ?
Absolutely and a timely promotion from Princess .

But like any good sufferer from MF Psychosis I see that you are forced to deflect from the facts to try and preserve your entrenched mind set .
But it is the season of good cheer and miracles so I will put in a good word for you with my friend Baby Jesus .
Queen ?
Absolutely and a timely promotion from Princess .

But like any good sufferer from MF Psychosis I see that you are forced to deflect from the facts to try and preserve your entrenched mind set .
But it is the season of good cheer and miracles so I will put in a good word for you with my friend Baby Jesus .
I do love a good miracle.
Merry Christmas Bones and let remember Two Democrats were Impeached vs One Republican during our history of a Republic, so ya Democrats have the Republicans beat on that but we must also remember Donald the Magnificent was impeached twice and was not convicted and removed twice…

Anyhoo, have a beautiful day my wonderful and glorious friend and remember both political parties are cheap whores that suck you dry and then leave you penniless!
Of the 215 indIctments, Trump van be credited with a total of ZERO of them.

The entire 215 ar on the TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, scandal-plagued,Constitution / Law-violating, FISA Court-defrauding, fake 'Russian Collusion' scandal-pushing, failed coup-attempting, criminal coup Impeachment-failing, false evidence-creating, perjuring, seditious, treadonous Democrats and their failed, never-ending, 6+-year, 'We've got him THIS time' crusafe yo 'Get Trump'.

EVERY attempt to 'Get Trump' has ended in failure, in screaming at the sky, and in tears...and Democrats' lies, schemes, and crimes being exposed.

So the 215 doesn't mean anything and should not count, since it only represents the number of times Democrats' criminal, treasonous schemes have failed.

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