Merry Xmas.......One day cease fire clarify the cease fire.............NO MORE OF THIS FOR ONE DAY.

Merry Xmas to all.............and for one day no more of this .......A one day Cease Fire.

To all your families..........Feliz Navidad...

The Night Before Trumpmas:

  1. 'Twas the night before Trumpmas, and down in Palm Beach
An old fashioned holiday seemed out of reach

The guests all stood silent, not touching the food

As their host stormed around in a terrible mood

He ranted and raged and he made quite a scene

As he screamed how “The whole damn impeachment’s obscene!”

The Chinese intruders all scurried like mice

Each hand held a camera, and listening device

They planted their spyware and scurried away

And flew back to China the very next day

Then out in the driveway there came such a sound

That everyone’s heads started snapping around

The sound was so loud that the whole building shook

And Trump ran outside just to take a quick look

And what to his wondering eyes should appear

But a shiny Zil limo, red flags front and rear

The limo pulled in, and then moved up a tad

And out of the back seat popped good old Saint Vlad

He marched to the porch with a sly, knowing peek

And then he kissed Trump on each fat, orange cheek

He said to him, “Donald, I’ll fix all your pain

But just you remember, the culprit’s Ukraine!”

Then he sat on a desk like a bird on a perch

And he gave Trump his present, some oppo research

“Our software’s upgraded and the boys got the note

Next November you win in the popular vote”

Then he hopped off his perch and went back to his ride

But before getting in he pulled Donald aside

“Merry Christmas” he said, :Now you listen and hear

Those sanctions had better be gone by next year.”

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