Mess With The Best Die Like The Rest


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The ironic part of the Bad_Daddy raid is that HE BEHEADED HIMSELF. His head was still intact and the Delta Force boys quickly IDed him...he's dead, like the President said today, dead as a door nail. What the sullen Rat media isn't widely reporting is that we got his second in command, ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir in a second raid, in effect, beheading the beheaders. Any remaining ISIS leaders should know this...we found names and resumes of his associates and in due time they also will feel the power of the United States Armed Forces and our great commander in chief, President Donald J. Trump.

HOOAH! :salute:


How ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s headless body was ID’d minutes after death
ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, considered potential al-Baghdadi successor, also killed in Syria, official says
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Pelousy and the rest of her perverted sycophants could barely manage an "attaboy" to the Operators who took down the terror leader without a single casualty....nothing to congratulate the President. No worries...they'll be rewarded for their treason next November, losing the only thing they value...their power to hurt America.
Sounds like a textbook mission and successful due to it being kept beyond quiet - and most likely much of the Turkey/Syria issues were used as a 'decoy'.
I'll bet Pelosi is having a temper tantrum about NOT being informed of the raid!
I can hardly wait for the fallout on that. Well played Mr. President!
If Pelosi had any prior knowledge of this, she would have told Schiff, and Schiff would have written an oped
in the New York Times of the impending raid. There is no doubt that Schiff is that much of a weasel not
to let Trump have a victory.
He blew up his suicide vest surrounded by women and children.

Sounds like a lefty cuck to me.
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From what I've heard, the two wives were also wearing suicide-vests and were shot dead. The coward dragged 3 children into the tunnel with him and when the K9 (the dog's name remains classified), approached he detonated his vest, blowing his own head off and murdering the children. This afternoon he and bin-Laden are in Hell and facing an eternity of being gang-raped by shia.
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Lefties are so sad that a murderer, child molestor, and rapist died.

My bad, austere religious scholar!

You fucking losers.

Timothy McVeigh, noted political activist, dies at 33? Was that the headline?

You absolute cucks.

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