Message To Jeb: No! Hell, NO!!! NFW!!!

Bush Sr was a genuinely good man and so was Bush 43. At the very least, they wanted to do the right thing. That's something we forgot with obama which has become a regime that would make Caligula proud.

Ha, you don't think the sheer embarrassment of the GOP coupled with the total disdain by the Left for Bush's fucking UNNECESSARY WARS BASED ON CHENEY'S LIES and then top it off by giving Wall Street $750,000,000,000 wasn't just a few reasons why Obama was elected?
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Posting Message - Please Wait Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3 09-09-2012 12:49 AM - permalinkzonly1
fuck off douche bag of clarity
View Conversation Report 08-27-2012 08:48 PM - permalinkDesperado
Hey Nole
Thanks for the information, you sound very knowledgeable on our space program, So I will keep you in mind if I have any questions. I have been a very avid supporter of the program as I believe it is one of the few government organizations that actually have been a benefit to us, and one that needs to be kept alive. I know we disagree on a few other views but that is the way it goes. Thanks for the information.
View Conversation Report 08-27-2012 07:25 PM - permalinkPixieStix
So if you don't have a picture ID, how do you drive or fly?
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About Nole
SOI anaylst for NASA
“When you lose, fans are looking for something to point at, ... They'll call it nepotism, but half of them don't know how to spell it and the other half doesn't know what it means. They aren't looking at the film the next morning and seeing the blocking assignments missed and the routes not run right, or poor tackling. That's why you lose ballgames.”

Bobby Bowden
I dont have any reason to believe you

you must be a mind reader!

lol, Do you even know what SOI stands for? Here, ill educate you. SOI stands for Space Object Identification. Now, ho in the fuck do you think one would identify an object in space? Ill fill you in, RADAR! lol Go on, look it up, the Space Surveillance Network, its on WIKI, Google. And it just so happens our Military does not teach the basics of radar like they use too. Only a few colleges do.
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becuase you want to distroy this country

Actually it's because I love this country so much that I want to see the "transformation" done by Obama reversed as quickly as possible.

You are chearing the people putting monkey wrenches into the system so it DOES NOT do what the people want it to do.

Your either believe in Democracy or you dont.

You people who appauld working to subvert what the people voted for are NOT good Americans

I believe in the ideas and the Constitution this country was built upon, not the European Socialist Model Obama is turning it into with the destruction of Personal Rights enumerated within the Constitution (Which he swore twice to uphold and Defend).
what have you done?

I am overseas as we speak, I train USMC peeps in radar theory and telemetry. TYVM. lol I can promise you this, I have done less harm to this Nation as a whole than any other Bush alive or dead.

Really??? Yet you have time to post here?? Truth be known, you are probably getting ready for the lunch crowd at the local Burger King.
\\I believe in the ideas and the Constitution this country was built upon, not the European Socialist Model Obama is turning it into with the destruction of Personal Rights enumerated within the Constitution (Which he swore twice to uphold and Defend).

Stop the bullshit. You can't define Socialism much less place it into context in the American narrative 100 years ago or now. What an idiot.
Actually it's because I love this country so much that I want to see the "transformation" done by Obama reversed as quickly as possible.

You are chearing the people putting monkey wrenches into the system so it DOES NOT do what the people want it to do.

Your either believe in Democracy or you dont.

You people who appauld working to subvert what the people voted for are NOT good Americans

I believe in the ideas and the Constitution this country was built upon, not the European Socialist Model Obama is turning it into with the destruction of Personal Rights enumerated within the Constitution (Which he swore twice to uphold and Defend).

what a bunch of meaningless blather.

Its nothing but republican talking points based on NO facts.

NAME these exact things you say are ending the rights given in the constitution.

Your a liar and a shitty one at that
Really??? Yet you have time to post here??

of course I have time to post on here. I enjoy politics, a lot. And I prefer this place over other boards, so I find time to post. How do you have time to post on here? Is it not working hours back state side. Just so happens its 1605z where I am.
Bush Sr was a genuinely good man and so was Bush 43. At the very least, they wanted to do the right thing. That's something we forgot with obama which has become a regime that would make Caligula proud.

However, there has been such poison spread about the Bush family that the whole family should retire from public office completely and totally.

Each succeeding family member is just a bit more liberal than the last, slowly sliding into liberal hell, but bemused that even liberals don't want them.

If Jeb Bush ran for president, he likely would not survive a primary. If he did, somehow, by some miracle become the republican candidate, it would be the best chance of a third party victory.

(My bold)

Bush pere had the best resume of any serving prexy. But he signed up as VP with Reagan - the most profoundly ignorant & incurious prexy we've ever had. If Reagan had been impeached for Iran/Contragate, & Bush pere's activities on Iran/Contra come to light, we would have been spared Bush, Cheney, W, Rumsfeld, Rice, Scooter Libby, Poindexter's rehab, Perle, Halliburton, Blackwater & a lot of the other campfollowers & also-rans. It would have been money & effort well-spent, I think. & we wouldn't be on our way to becoming some Orwellian version of the US.
becuase you want to distroy this country

Actually it's because I love this country so much that I want to see the "transformation" done by Obama reversed as quickly as possible.

You are chearing the people putting monkey wrenches into the system so it DOES NOT do what the people want it to do.

Your either believe in Democracy or you dont.

You people who appauld working to subvert what the people voted for are NOT good Americans

Dear TM: If you support the party system for organizing all members by the parties and policies of their own, that would be democracy.
If you believe in abusing the party system to overrule the minority interests by "majority rule" (either way, if Dems exclude GOP or vice versa) then THAT subverts democracy.

It is still majority rule, but it overrides consent of the governed which is the basis of social contracts and the spirit of the laws.

So please be careful you are not undercutting democracy by saying YOUR party interests represent "the will of the people" if you are leaving out half the country!

Especially if you criticize other parties for doing the same, for manipulating by majority rule to claim some kind of public mandate while half the nation (ie the dissenting party) is left out.

Can you run a country democratically by only counting the yes votes?
that is what is happening by winner-take-all majority-rule under party politics.

it isn't equal protection of the laws for all views/beliefs if you have to be
in the majority to have your interests represented in govt!

Would we allow Hindus, Muslims, Christians Atheists Buddhist to vote in one leader to impose policy for all the rest? just because that group had the majority of votes?

if not, why do this with political parties when it is clear the views/philosophies are
as distinct as religious denominations?
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you

If not Jeb, then who? If not now, then when?
emily writes that "It is still majority rule, but it overrides consent of the governed which is the basis of social contracts and the spirit of the laws." It is still majority rule, but it overrides consent of the governed which is the basis of social contracts and the spirit of the laws."

SCOTUS protects the social contract as embedded in the Constitution. All of us are bound by the social contract to abide by decisions of Congress and SCOTUS. We do not get to pick and choose the laws we will obey and believe our choices do not have consequences.
I'd vote for Jeb before I would vote for any Democrat that I know of.
That's 'cause you're much-too-young to know anything about....

Run, along, now......

You are chearing the people putting monkey wrenches into the system so it DOES NOT do what the people want it to do.

Your either believe in Democracy or you dont.

You people who appauld working to subvert what the people voted for are NOT good Americans

I believe in the ideas and the Constitution this country was built upon, not the European Socialist Model Obama is turning it into with the destruction of Personal Rights enumerated within the Constitution (Which he swore twice to uphold and Defend).

what a bunch of meaningless blather.

Its nothing but republican talking points based on NO facts.

NAME these exact things you say are ending the rights given in the constitution.

Your a liar and a shitty one at that

His attacks on the 2nd Amendment is one prime example, as is his push for the Government take over of health care into a single payer system. If you would care to read the Constitution, you will not find that as a enumerated power of the Federal Government. Remember the 10th Amendment...

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Any Federal take over of the Health Care system violates the 10th Amendment.

I see I must have struck a chord, one that you can not refute since you resorted to the Adhom attack response.
There are no attacks on the 2nd Amendment.

There is no single payer system.

You, shroom, simply do not understand what is Socialism.
Couldn't agree more with CF. And, amazingly, for the same reason. This country needs 2 strong political parties and 0 Bush's in the white house.

No more Bushs and no more Clintons, either. Their time is OVER. I hope Elizabeth Warren runs for president in 2016 and for the Pubes I hope Chris Christie loses 100 pounds and goes for it, too.

Tweedledum and Tweedledummer.
There are no attacks on the 2nd Amendment.

There is no single payer system.

You, shroom, simply do not understand what is Socialism.

So you claim.

Which version of Socialism do you believe that I do not understand?

If you go back and read my post carefully, you will see that I specified the current European version of Socialism is that which Obama and the Democrats in general are attempting to "fundamentally transform" the United States into.

Using their Gun Control Laws, their Health Care systems as examples which the U.S. should strive to emulate, it is quite obvious what is happening.

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