Message To Jeb: No! Hell, NO!!! NFW!!!

Christie is a NE Republican, like Snow. Jindall.... Well.. he's signed on to gun control.

I am not surprised that you like them.. They are the kind of "Republicans" you guys on the left like. Ones who agree with you.

While those like me, who rarely agree with you because our positions on the issues are so different, you don't like. You can't even respect my right to disagree with you.

I am to the left of you, and you are to the far reactionary right of me and most of Republicanism. You have every right to disagree with me. I wish you would disagree for serious reasons. Most of you reactionaries don't have reputable reasons.

I mean reactionary folks natter about socialism, marxism, fascism, kenyanism, jihadism, having no idea truly of the subjects on which you natter.

The mainstream does not take your subjects seriously, not your right to disagree.

Do you think folks take you seriously?

I know the ever shrinking nutjob reactionary far right don't, so who gives a care? Your numbers don't count like they once did. Good riddance.
I am to the left of you, and you are to the far reactionary right of me and most of Republicanism. You have every right to disagree with me. I wish you would disagree for serious reasons. Most of you reactionaries don't have reputable reasons.

I mean reactionary folks natter about socialism, marxism, fascism, kenyanism, jihadism, having no idea truly of the subjects on which you natter.

The mainstream does not take your subjects seriously, not your right to disagree.

Do you think folks take you seriously?

Yeah, he does. Isn't that a hoot?

#63 above :lol:

Call it a hunch.

You got it in one. Not the Socialism of the European model Obama wants for us.

But I don't understand. America? Which America? Wall Street or Appalachia? Beverly Hills or Detroit? You described what America should not be, what is your vision for what it could be?

They don't want to be Switzerland or Swaliland or the Sudan or Something.

Don't ask them to be specific, because the can't be specific about what they don't like.
You got it in one. Not the Socialism of the European model Obama wants for us.

But I don't understand. America? Which America? Wall Street or Appalachia? Beverly Hills or Detroit? You described what America should not be, what is your vision for what it could be?

They don't want to be Switzerland or Swaliland or the Sudan or Something.

Don't ask them to be specific, because the can't be specific about what they don't like.

The far right are mindful of people described by Eric Berne in Games People Play for I find few interactions on this message board adult to adult. A good deal of those on the right are unaware within his meaning posted below:

“Awareness requires living in the here and now, and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.”
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It also requires integrity, the which such as bripat and others simply do not possess.

One cannot be a libertarian and have an ethical set of values. They define their system as value-less, thus it follows the believers are value-less.

Buncha loons.
bripat, the pretend libertarian who uses almost solely communist material from WHO instead of investigating all of the literature on an issue.

he is the perfect value-less ethics-less individual.
Kiss my ass Jeb...take your progressive butt back to where ever you came from.
Bush Sr was a genuinely good man and so was Bush 43. At the very least, they wanted to do the right thing. That's something we forgot with obama which has become a regime that would make Caligula proud.

[more, worth less; and so deleted to cut to the chase]

Pap Bush is a decent man. He is the closest thing to an honest president since IKE. One wishes honesty was somehow connected to competence.

It isn't.

But I digress...

Junebug Bush is the filthiest god damned scum ever to darken the white house door. When Karl Rove spotted his meal ticket, Junebug's family were resigned to prevailing upon their friends to support the boy in various make-work jobs from wildcatting with other people's money to pretending to manage a baseball team. Rove made the calculation that he could turn dogshit into the governor of the lowest IQ state in the union, and earn the full faith and support of the Bush network - again, at the expense of others, the most consistent thread in the ratty little scumBush's resume.

Two years into Junebug's first term as governor Rove realized the boy was another Reagan - stupid and gullible yet willful in his own interest. By the end of Junebug's first term as gov Rove had sold the boy to Wall Street as the perfect dupe and to NeoCon Ron's original financial backers as a remf chickenhawk with penis image problems: the perfect front man for the crowd fully prepared to spend America's last nickle defending Israel.

The rest is history. The boy let Saudi Arabia attack the United States, then invaded two other nations for reasons that would embarrass Genghis Kahn and reduce Hitler to tears of laughter. For good measure, on his way back to Tejas he broke the bank.

There has never been a more despicable human in the white house - including tourists - than the halfwit inheritor, Junebug Bush.
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Some of you hysterical lefties would have made very eager members of the Red Guard. Convince your little pea brains to get excited about something and not to think at all beyond that, and off you go! You're very useful to those who make a living manipulating fools.
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you

Take note, everyone. This is how conservatives treat others of their own when they fall out of favor or fail some test of orthodoxy at some point. Yeah, Bush 41 the war hero who almost died as a direct result of fighting in WWII is evil, the inference being that Reagan was worried about Bush making an attempt on his life in much the same way that Stalin operated.

And what about Bush 43, the formerly much beloved TRUE conservative they once enthusiastically supported? He's a "lying peckerhead," of course.

Now, imagine how conservatives see you, view You, think of YOU, if you're not one of them, and you're not on their side of the political divide!

What would they say about you in order to destroy you? If you guessed ANYTHING, regardless of the truth, then you would have guessed right.

Despites their claims to the contrary, these American Machiavellian conservatives have no core principles other then to further their quest to regain power to push their wholly ideological agenda on the US, whether the people want it or not.

Don't forget that a lot of them claim to have disliked Romney all along too. They have to either be liars or the most incompetent political party in existence. Say what you want about the third parties, but at least they nominate people they can stand.
The so-called "conservatives" are failing in the GOP, obviously, after only four months after the election.

They are sounding their own death knell. About time.
I am to the left of you, and you are to the far reactionary right of me and most of Republicanism. You have every right to disagree with me. I wish you would disagree for serious reasons. Most of you reactionaries don't have reputable reasons.

I mean reactionary folks natter about socialism, marxism, fascism, kenyanism, jihadism, having no idea truly of the subjects on which you natter.

The mainstream does not take your subjects seriously, not your right to disagree.

Do you think folks take you seriously?

I know the ever shrinking nutjob reactionary far right don't, so who gives a care? Your numbers don't count like they once did. Good riddance.

I notice you use the word "reactionary" a lot.

But it appears you don't understand it.

It looks like you imagine it refers to anybody with conservative principles. But it doesn't.

You liberal Democrats are quite confused.

Stop. Don't wet yourself. I know you claim to be a Republican.

Nobody believes that, though. So no need to worry about getting outed.
You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:
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You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"
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