Message To Jeb: No! Hell, NO!!! NFW!!!

You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"

The reason they lost is that moderates felt they had to be fire breathing conservatives, costing them in the general. For all the rhetoric about the "socialist" Democrats, their candidates have a lot more freedom to be moderate. Isn't that what it's all about, freedom? I think the Republicans have a lot to learn on that score, despite their avowed worship of the concept.
You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"

The reason they lost is that moderates felt they had to be fire breathing conservatives, costing them in the general. For all the rhetoric about the "socialist" Democrats, their candidates have a lot more freedom to be moderate. Isn't that what it's all about, freedom? I think the Republicans have a lot to learn on that score, despite their avowed worship of the concept.

The people I work with have real track records in business and they know when something isn't working; they agree that backing Republican Moderates is a losing proposition
You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"

The reason they lost is that moderates felt they had to be fire breathing conservatives, costing them in the general. For all the rhetoric about the "socialist" Democrats, their candidates have a lot more freedom to be moderate. Isn't that what it's all about, freedom? I think the Republicans have a lot to learn on that score, despite their avowed worship of the concept.

Neither Juan McCain nor Mitte Romney were fire breathing Conservatives.

All of you in the Far Right Camp are not right about Republican mainstream modernism, Frank.

You are quite wrong.
Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"

The reason they lost is that moderates felt they had to be fire breathing conservatives, costing them in the general. For all the rhetoric about the "socialist" Democrats, their candidates have a lot more freedom to be moderate. Isn't that what it's all about, freedom? I think the Republicans have a lot to learn on that score, despite their avowed worship of the concept.

The people I work with have real track records in business and they know when something isn't working; they agree that backing Republican Moderates is a losing proposition

Leave out the word 'moderates' and I agree with them. :cool:
All of you in the Far Right Camp are not right about Republican mainstream modernism, Frank.

You are quite wrong.

I disagree a little. Imo we now have de facto three parties. Liberals, Tea Partiers and Moderates. Moderates are found registered with either party for various reasons and often because of one issue or even one candidate who may even be in a state position.

The Tea Party is a bit different. There are educated and non crazy people who truly are aghast at federal spending. This isn't really new. I voted for Anderson in 80 because I knew Reagan was lying about deficits, or perhaps more kindly he figured there'd be a peace dividend after the Soviets were defeated, and he left that to successor administrations. I thought Perot was an attractive candiate, until he showed he really was nuts.

Unfortunately, the tea party is also home to charlatans like DeMint and Dick Armey and Norquist, who are corrupt and exist solely to take bribes from the uber rich to make sure thier tax rates are lower than the middle class. And they prey on white boomers and older with the familiar meme of "that group is gonna take your stuff." Or "the 47%."

And, I toss into the tea party the single social issue voters.

JMO. But moderates haven't been welcome in the gop since Reagan remade the party into the big tent group that included christian nutters and states right nullification folks.

Given Jeb's flip flop on immigration, I'd say he's trying to get back in the club.
You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Oh, no. I am right.

And you are wrong.

You slap that term around almost as though you had any clue what it actually means.

You don't.

And you are EVERY bit as much a Republican as Joe Biden.

Everyone knows there is no far right in your actual Party. the democratic Party. You guys don't tolerate dissent.
You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Oh, no. I am right. And you are wrong. You slap that term around almost as though you had any clue what it actually means. You don't. And you are EVERY bit as much a Republican as Joe Biden. Everyone knows there is no far right in your actual Party. the democratic Party. You guys don't tolerate dissent.

We in the mainstream of Republicanism (Bush, Rove, Christie, Jindall, Martinez, et al) have told your type of reactionary crazees that we will not tolerate you trying to make this Party of Stupid. You cost five of the last six elections. You will have absolutely no input of worth into the selection in 2016, and we will primary out almost all of the Stupids (ie Walsh, West, Akins, Bachmann, Broun, etc) in congressional elections. You truly are nobodies.
You are right in that you speak for "nobody", IlarMeilyr, only for yourself. You claim to be conservative, but you are not, a mere far right reactionary. You offer nothing of worth and never will.

The fun of it now is that after 14 years I can poke the far right and make fun of them all I want knowing they no longer have dominant influence in the party.

I know what you claim, and, yes, you are nobody. :lol:

Oh, no. I am right. And you are wrong. You slap that term around almost as though you had any clue what it actually means. You don't. And you are EVERY bit as much a Republican as Joe Biden. Everyone knows there is no far right in your actual Party. the democratic Party. You guys don't tolerate dissent.

We in the mainstream of Republicanism (Bush, Rove, Christie, Jindall, Martinez, et al) have told your type of reactionary crazees that we will not tolerate you trying to make this Party of Stupid. You cost five of the last six elections. You will have absolutely no input of worth into the selection in 2016, and we will primary out almost all of the Stupids (ie Walsh, West, Akins, Bachmann, Broun, etc) in congressional elections. You truly are nobodies.

Do you really think a maj of the gop house will vote for any path to citizenship (esp after Jeb pulled out the rug) or to close loopholes on corp kickbacks and the tricks the uberrich use to transform wealth into venture capital returns? And that's leaving aside all bogus social issues from gay marriage destroying the society to sperm eating vaginas, and just sticking to things Reagan supported.
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you

Jeb is a decent Republican and would probably make a very good president, most certainly a much better one than GW. Just because he isn't the all out ultra conservative you want doesn't make him a bad option. But of course, we know where you stand on moderation; it's a good thing for the party. At least in the future, Republicans can concentrate their efforts on local elections, because at the national level, they are going to struggle. After listening to Rubio's rebuttal to the SOTU, I'm absolutely certain that Dems would love to see him as the Republican nominee in 2016, especially over a moderate like Jeb Bush or Chris Christie.
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Oh, no. I am right. And you are wrong. You slap that term around almost as though you had any clue what it actually means. You don't. And you are EVERY bit as much a Republican as Joe Biden. Everyone knows there is no far right in your actual Party. the democratic Party. You guys don't tolerate dissent.

We in the mainstream of Republicanism (Bush, Rove, Christie, Jindall, Martinez, et al) have told your type of reactionary crazees that we will not tolerate you trying to make this Party of Stupid. You cost five of the last six elections. You will have absolutely no input of worth into the selection in 2016, and we will primary out almost all of the Stupids (ie Walsh, West, Akins, Bachmann, Broun, etc) in congressional elections. You truly are nobodies.

Do you really think a maj of the gop house will vote for any path to citizenship (esp after Jeb pulled out the rug) or to close loopholes on corp kickbacks and the tricks the uberrich use to transform wealth into venture capital returns? And that's leaving aside all bogus social issues from gay marriage destroying the society to sperm eating vaginas, and just sticking to things Reagan supported.

Investment returns will not decide the next election.

Either the GOP reaches out to women and minorities (including gays) or the 2016 dem candidate skates home in a landslide.
obama's transformation needs to be stopped but that doesn't mean Jeb's vision is that much better. Jeb Bush is a hispanic supremacist who would sell us to the cartels faster than you could say taco.
If the GOP runs Jeb Bush, they're even more stupid than I think they are now.

Jeb Bush was involved in the Savings and Loan scandal back in the early 80s. Many many people lost everything. Except Jeb bush who made millions.

He's an absolute crook. I'd never ever vote for him.
We in the mainstream of Republicanism (Bush, Rove, Christie, Jindall, Martinez, et al) have told your type of reactionary crazees that we will not tolerate you trying to make this Party of Stupid. You cost five of the last six elections. You will have absolutely no input of worth into the selection in 2016, and we will primary out almost all of the Stupids (ie Walsh, West, Akins, Bachmann, Broun, etc) in congressional elections. You truly are nobodies.

Do you really think a maj of the gop house will vote for any path to citizenship (esp after Jeb pulled out the rug) or to close loopholes on corp kickbacks and the tricks the uberrich use to transform wealth into venture capital returns? And that's leaving aside all bogus social issues from gay marriage destroying the society to sperm eating vaginas, and just sticking to things Reagan supported.

Investment returns will not decide the next election.

Either the GOP reaches out to women and minorities (including gays) or the 2016 dem candidate skates home in a landslide.

Well, sure. But citizenship and protecting middle class entitlements by eliminating loopholes that not only don't provide any growth benefit but actually DISTORT investment and employment markets are two reativiely painless ways the gop can reach out. Sure the gop is hostile to gays, immigrants, and women ... but the gop is actually hostile to the middle class.

The older and the whiter, the more republican. "I got mine, Jack, you're on your own"

But the gop cannot even seem to compromise on easy stuff. And that's not a great Hizzah for Obama or the dems. I might be ok with Hillary though.
Many of who are eligible to run for President.

When Obama leaves America is back to the same 2 families to find candidates?

I just cannot believe that's the best this country can do.
Jeb the moderate? That's what they will be selling in four years. All the right wing crazies will be encouraged to lie low, but they won't be able to keep their mouths shut.
Can you say President Hillary Clinton?
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you

I humbly concur.
Jeb the moderate? That's what they will be selling in four years. All the right wing crazies will be encouraged to lie low, but they won't be able to keep their mouths shut.
Can you say President Hillary Clinton?

Jeb's now the denier of citizenship. Can "renew the bushii taxcuts" be far behind?
He is acceptable to me, Intense, but the problem will be convincing the majority of the mainstream. They like Jindall, Christie, Martinez.

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