Message To Jeb: No! Hell, NO!!! NFW!!!

Not to worry. Anybody tarred with neo-conservatism and "conservative values" is toxic as a candidate now.
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you
I disagree. Jeb is a great choice :)

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