The most idiotic debate ever

Even simpler challenge: YOU prove you assertion.
That is the way responsible adult discourse works.
YOU said it.
YOU prove it.

So saddle up Skippy, show us what your little pony can do.
As expected, you're afraid of the challenge.
As expected, you're afraid of the challenge.

One can hide behind an insincere "challenge", I suppose.
But back in the responsible adult world: If one make a claim, one is expected ---required ---to put his money where his mouth is, and prove it.

I am mildly convinced poster Leroy, would, should, or could know a responsible adult.

One can hide behind an insincere "challenge", I suppose.
But back in the responsible adult world: If one make a claim, one is expected ---required ---to put his money where his mouth is, and prove it.

I am mildly convinced poster Leroy, would, should, or could know a responsible adult.
And I propose to prove it by producing two Biden lies for every Putin lie that you produce. Looks like you can't even find one Putin lie. Biden lied about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. So far Biden is winning the lying contest 1-0.

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