Message To Jeb: No! Hell, NO!!! NFW!!!

Really??? Yet you have time to post here??

of course I have time to post on here. I enjoy politics, a lot. And I prefer this place over other boards, so I find time to post. How do you have time to post on here? Is it not working hours back state side. Just so happens its 1605z where I am.

I worked in Govt. Programs for a major health insurance company for almost 30 years. Retired early several years ago. I cannot think of one day when I would have had enough time to post anything!!! Loved the work but it was always busy.

I just could never understand how so many people on this site have the time to post while working.
Many of them, liberals and reactionaries, are paid by think tanks to post so many comments per day.

Examples are, I think, bfgrn and TM and QWB and bigrebnc.
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you
What did George H.W. Bush do that makes you classify him as evil?
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you
What did George H.W. Bush do that makes you classify him as evil?

This question is immaterial here. We are moving forward leaving the bad old luggage behind.
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you
What did George H.W. Bush do that makes you classify him as evil?

This question is immaterial here. We are moving forward leaving the bad old luggage behind.
I don't understand what you mean. I don't especially want another Bush in office but to call HW evil without explaination seeems a bit over the top.
Whether he was or was not does not matter. Leave it to the historians.
Jeb, I know your family sold yourselves to Satan generations ago and you think we're all clamoring for more Bush, but please, please, please leave us the fuck alone!

Your Dad was a genuinely evil person. It sucks to have a Dad like that, but that's your Karma. He was Reagan's VP and I'm sure after that incident in March, Ronny never stooped looking over his shoulder to wonder when the ex-CIA Director would try again

I was willing to give your Brother a chance, but was a lying peckerhead. He fucked Conservatives in ways no Progressive ever could.

Don't do us any favors. You can run, but there's not a chance in Hell we will support you
What did George H.W. Bush do that makes you classify him as evil?

A few things:

First, he is a Statist and was against Reagan's economic and foreign policy ideas. Reagan NEVER wanted him as VP but had to take him to get the support of the Republican Establishment.

Second, instead of transitioning the Soviet Empire to Free Enterprise he and Clinton made it an oligarchy.

Third, he started the Iraq War

Fourth, the VP always has a hand in every Presidential Assassination or attempt.
I've really feared Jeb. I would gladly have voted for him in 2000, but I really viewed him as the biggest threat to Hillary and getting rid of the Citzens United majority activist court. But, this episode really points out his liabilities. His father was VP when there was amnesty, and his big brother was Potus when we last tried it.

Pick an issue that Bushi or Bushii hasn't screwed up. Don't get me wrong, I like HW more than any potus since JFK except for Ford (personal courage) and Reagan (vision). But dang, Jeb's got baggage.
Whether he was or was not does not matter. Leave it to the historians.

If it doesn't matter, then you shouldn't be making such empty claims.

:lol: Your poncy remarks are so silly. I have made no claims, which is the point. Who cares?

On nozies. I am guilty of having misread a post.


Hey, Starkey, shall I go out back and get shot now or is it going to be a hanging, instead?

Ok. I hope you feel all better now.
Hey, IlarMeilyr, why should you be shot or hung? Have you committed a capital offense? :lol;
I'd vote for Jeb before I would vote for any Democrat that I know of.
Yeah....right....give the Bu$h Family ANOTHER shot at our banks, right???


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Yes! He must run for President so I can pretend I'm voting against his oafish, bumbling brother, whose Presidency was such a disaster that our great country barely survived him.
Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"

The reason they lost is that moderates felt they had to be fire breathing conservatives, costing them in the general. For all the rhetoric about the "socialist" Democrats, their candidates have a lot more freedom to be moderate. Isn't that what it's all about, freedom? I think the Republicans have a lot to learn on that score, despite their avowed worship of the concept.

The people I work with have real track records in business and they know when something isn't working; they agree that backing Republican Moderates is a losing proposition

No, they don't, unless they are selling a product like a "Palin" or a "Perry" on which they will make boodles even if the candidate loses.
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Democrats pretending to be Moderate Republicans cost us the last two election and personally cost our backers hundreds of millions of dollar in cash and billions in enterprise value. I tell you the truth, they are done backing Republican "Moderates"

The reason they lost is that moderates felt they had to be fire breathing conservatives, costing them in the general. For all the rhetoric about the "socialist" Democrats, their candidates have a lot more freedom to be moderate. Isn't that what it's all about, freedom? I think the Republicans have a lot to learn on that score, despite their avowed worship of the concept.

Neither Juan McCain nor Mitte Romney were fire breathing Conservatives.


It was the nutty "conservative" branding that destroyed them.

Why do you think the mainstream is moving sincerely to immigration reform and women's issues?

Your brand of politics is toxic.
Another Bush would be just what this country needs! Yup, we could invade a couple more countries and say that the oil revenues will pay for the wars. Bush and Rubio....I think it will happen.

But a Repub is a Repub is a Repub....they will lose again.

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