Message to the little girl worried mommy and daddy will be deported

But don't worry, you can go with them so you don't have to break up the family.
you would deport a citizen?
I don't consider them citizens.

Your consideration is irrelevant.
its very relevant considering he is most likely a citizen.

The consideration of one big mouth on the Internet (or even two of you) doesn't change the law.
We're ALL immigrants, (except, perhaps the Native Americans, and they're only a few millennia Native, anyhow!), and to adopt the stance that those less fortunate have no right to the opportunities we all enjoy, is unChristian, at least.

Says the lefty who doesn't know the meaning of the word, immigrant.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?

Then mommy and daddy would be referring to Hitlery. We are all some classification of phobe to her if we don't share her hemisphere, free for all, for sale, dream for our country.

I don't have the slightest idea what this means. Let alone whatever the fuck the OP was going for.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?
It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people. Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?

It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people.

I'm not arguing it shouldn't be- I'm just trying to point out that most unauthorized immigrants never had the the choice to come to the U.S. legally.

Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

Very funny :p.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?
It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people. Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

We're already down to a Duopoly of two interchangeable "parties" ---- you want to do away with the charade and just go with one huh?

Good luck wit dat.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?
It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people. Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

We're already down to a Duopoly of two interchangeable "parties" ---- you want to do away with the charade and just go with one huh?

Good luck wit dat.

There are actually other parties, the most notable being the Libertarian party (currently worse than Hillary in my view) and the Green party (who I support).
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?

It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people.

I'm not arguing it shouldn't be- I'm just trying to point out that most unauthorized immigrants never had the the choice to come to the U.S. legally.

Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

Very funny :p.
Then they don't get to come here at all. If there is no path for entry, they stay home or find somewhere else to go.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



How benevolent of you -.-

For those who really want to know a little more of the trials of unauthorized migrants, I recommend the following film...

Or for those who prefer this type of thing documentary style...
This (Illegal) American Life

The trials of the unauthorized migrant make as much sense as the trials of the home invader, the bank robber or the kidnapper who just can't have a child of their own and has no path to adopt.
What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?

It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people.

I'm not arguing it shouldn't be- I'm just trying to point out that most unauthorized immigrants never had the the choice to come to the U.S. legally.

Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

Very funny :p.
Then they don't get to come here at all. If there is no path for entry, they stay home or find somewhere else to go.

Found an article I really think you should read. Here's an excerpt:
We have all heard the phrase that a parent will do anything for their child. However, for some of the 4.1 million Mexican women living undocumented in the United States, this may mean leaving their child behind while they illegally enter the United States to become a domestic worker. This population of women wants so much to provide for their family that they are willing to leave their children in order to improve the circumstances for them. However, no parent should be forced to make this choice.

There is a huge political debate on both sides of the aisle as whether family reunification should be one of the main goals of immigration laws. While both the Democratic andRepublican parties are hesitant to say anything that devalues the importance of family reunification, neither side is willing to make it the forefront of their immigration platform. However, this is a really important issue and should be addressed more seriously by both sides.

Often time these Mexican mothers are forced through tough economic, as well as social and political, issues to make the hard choice to leave their families behind. ‘“I came here because I didn’t have enough to feed my kids. I had nowhere to live because I was making so little money,”’ said Gloria Garcia, a 43 year old Mexican mother who was forced to part with her children.

Read more at: Immigrant mothers making tough choices for their families
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.



How benevolent of you -.-

For those who really want to know a little more of the trials of unauthorized migrants, I recommend the following film...

Or for those who prefer this type of thing documentary style...
This (Illegal) American Life

The trials of the unauthorized migrant make as much sense as the trials of the home invader, the bank robber or the kidnapper who just can't have a child of their own and has no path to adopt.

How you can equate a mother and/or father wanting to feed his or her children with a home invader/bank robber or kidnapper, I have no idea.
We're ALL immigrants, (except, perhaps the Native Americans, and they're only a few millennia Native, anyhow!), and to adopt the stance that those less fortunate have no right to the opportunities we all enjoy, is unChristian, at least.

All of my people came here legally via Ellis Island.

My Mom kissed the ground at JFK when her flight landed, even Christ himself would tell you to please go fuck yourself
We're ALL immigrants, (except, perhaps the Native Americans, and they're only a few millennia Native, anyhow!), and to adopt the stance that those less fortunate have no right to the opportunities we all enjoy, is unChristian, at least.

All of my people came here legally via Ellis Island.

How fortunate that they were able to do so.

My Mom kissed the ground at JFK when her flight landed, even Christ himself would tell you to please go fuck yourself

I think that's one of the most denigrating interpretations of Jesus I've ever heard -.-. Fortunately, many are of a rather different view regarding the teachings of Jesus. Some quotes from the Bible...

"God Loves the Foreigner Residing Among You
He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:18-19)"

Do Not Oppress a Foreigner
Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt. (Exodus 23:9)

Invite the Stranger In
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ (Matthew 25:25-36)

We Were All Baptized By One Spirit
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself." (Galatians 5:14)

Have Mercy on Your Neighbor
He asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise." (Luke 10:29-37)

I got all of those quotes from here:
What the Bible Says About How to Treat Refugees
We're ALL immigrants, (except, perhaps the Native Americans, and they're only a few millennia Native, anyhow!), and to adopt the stance that those less fortunate have no right to the opportunities we all enjoy, is unChristian, at least.

"unChristian" LMAO. No, it's unChristian to cut the line in front of other people who choose to abide by the law. It's unChristian to steal and lie to your neighbor. It's unChristian to support what these illegals do. Oh, and it's unChristian to kill an unborn child. Yea I threw that in there also.

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