Metal Detectors -REMOVED

That makes no sense. What were the Israelis supposed to do after 2 Israeli (non-Jewish) policemen were killed?
It never had to happen and they have to learn to live in peace or leave. Antarctica would be a good choice for people who can't learn to live with others.
It never had to happen and they have to learn to live in peace or leave.

A Palestinian smuggled weapons into a supposedly holy-to-him space and used those weapons to murder two Israelis?

In response Israel put up metal detectors to prevent further deaths.

Who isn't living in peace? Do you think all the Palestinians should leave? Or just the terrorist ones? How are you going to separate which is which?
That makes no sense. What were the Israelis supposed to do after 2 Israeli (non-Jewish) policemen were killed?
It never had to happen and they have to learn to live in peace or leave. Antarctica would be a good choice for people who can't learn to live with others.

For once, I agree with you. The Palestinians who killed the Druze policemen cannot live in peace, and at least SOME Palestinians SHOULD be sent to Antarctica.
A Palestinian smuggled weapons into a supposedly holy-to-him space and used those weapons to murder two Israelis?

Oh please. Did or did not three Palestinians shoot to Israeli officers in the event that instigated this whole thing? Its is the Palestinians who are having trouble "getting along".
Did or did not three Palestinians shoot to Israeli officers in the event that instigated this whole thing?
We don't know. We just know what israel has claimed that was accompanied with a grainy photo and video that proved nothing.
That's what I said should be done. I stated on another thread that stand-off systems should be used. I suppose most people did not understand what stand-off systems meant. And, I see you people are as ignorant about technology as you are of history. And yes, they work effectively.

Our company sells stand-off sensor systems. Here is a one of our competitor's products.


Sago[emoji769] ST-150, is a stand-off detector that can be deployed at mobile checkpoints, building entrances, as a perimeter security device or as a covert contraband detection system. Designed for mobility, the system is lightweight, battery-powered and communicates at a safe stand-off distance over standard wi-fi interfaces to a laptop computer. The acquisition time of images is about two seconds. Our other systems include portals, handheld devices and real-time imagers for personnel screening.

Advantages Over Other Millimeter-wave Products

  • Operates with safe stand-off distance
  • Lightweight / portable
  • Low cost
  • Provides clear images of concealed weapons
  • Totally passive – safe to user and subjects
  • Rugged


You're not understanding. Moslems will whine, moan and issue threats in an attempt to intimidate. Ultimately, cameras are far less effective as a security measure and will allow an opportunity for smuggling weapons and ammunition into the grounds and that implies dead israeli citizens.
Camera is a euphemism. They use a variety of technologies, including mm wave radar.

Sent from my SM-G935F using mobile app
That's what I said should be done. I stated on another thread that stand-off systems should be used. I suppose most people did not understand what stand-off systems meant. And, I see you people are as ignorant about technology as you are of history. And yes, they work effectively.

Our company sells stand-off sensor systems. Here is a one of our competitor's products.


Sago™ ST-150, is a stand-off detector that can be deployed at mobile checkpoints, building entrances, as a perimeter security device or as a covert contraband detection system. Designed for mobility, the system is lightweight, battery-powered and communicates at a safe stand-off distance over standard wi-fi interfaces to a laptop computer. The acquisition time of images is about two seconds. Our other systems include portals, handheld devices and real-time imagers for personnel screening.

Advantages Over Other Millimeter-wave Products

  • Operates with safe stand-off distance
  • Lightweight / portable
  • Low cost
  • Provides clear images of concealed weapons
  • Totally passive – safe to user and subjects
  • Rugged


And it only costs like Gazillion Shekels. No biggie.
Israel will just mooch the money from the US.

I agree. You should just move to " Palestine" then
Well the metal detectors have been removed completely, previously installed cameras at the entrances to the Temple Mount too.
It'll take about 6 month as reported to install the 'new systems' all over Jerusalem.
Yesterday the last gate was opened as a result of riots.
And yet there're still riots and the Waqf is not pleased.

Muslims can do anything on the Temple Mount:



But let the Jews move their lips in a manner that dissatisfies the Waqf and the Jews are arrested??

I hope Hashem gives Natanyahoo the strength and the courage because it seems people have given up on him.
That makes no sense. What were the Israelis supposed to do after 2 Israeli (non-Jewish) policemen were killed?
It never had to happen and they have to learn to live in peace or leave. Antarctica would be a good choice for people who can't learn to live with others.
You're not dwelling in a reality based worldview. It was Arabs-Moslems who chose to bring weapons and ammunition (a component of The Peaceful Inner Struggle™) to a religious / historical site. Obviously, that's a pattern of behaviour we see with regularity on the part of muhammud worshippers.

How is anyone expected to "get along" with Death Cultists who have a written agenda for their Jew genocide?
No one has brought proof that weapons were inside the Mosque,the israeli police were shot in the streets of the old town, the perps. then ran inside the "religious / historical site", followed by armed isreali's who used weapons inside. but then again zionists use every death as propaganda in their occupation of Palestine
The Israeli police were shot in the back by three people coming OUT of the compound gate that the police were guarding. How do you make peace with people who are so convinced that Jews are "liars" that they are blind to reality?
Why were israeli police guarding the entrance, were they invited, after all it is the palestinian territory

No, its not "Palestinian territory".

And they were and are there to protect people from violence perpetrated almost exclusively by Arab "Palestinian" Muslims.
You're not dwelling in a reality based worldview. It was Arabs-Moslems who chose to bring weapons and ammunition (a component of The Peaceful Inner Struggle™) to a religious / historical site.
Indeed, but they did not start the occupation. You are avoiding the context of the event.
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they did not start the occupation. You are voiding the context of the event.

Then how did beduines build their mosqe on the Temple Mount, how did they get to control Jerusalem?

Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks - all occupiers.

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