Methane is the real threat to the heating up of the Earth, not carbon.

Now they have discovered these huge gigantic subterrainean areas of Methane deep beneath the permafrost, that have been there for millions of years, that have these chimney cracks at the top of these huge resevoir of methane that are leaking methane into the surface of the Earth. They estimate that there may be trillions of tons still trapped underneath the Earth's surface waiting or being released into the Earth's atmosphere. This methane will super heat up the Earth for the future.
Scientist have not been factoring in this methane into their global warming estimates or computer models for the future.So as this permafrost melts, its releasing more and more of this methane.

Source :Nova science show on PBS TV.
PBS TV.......Yeah, sure, i believe it.
Yes, they are covering these landfills now with a thick plastic, and running pipes under them to suck out all the methane, and use it for methane energy plants.
Thats true

except only on a small scale at this time

Part of the video showed LiDAR, a ground-penetrating radar which found large numbers of EQ Faults in northern Russia and Alaska The Earth moves and we can't fix what it breaks, but, the enormous amount of methane gas and carbon being released into our atmosphere is something to fear and hopefully find solutions. Listen to the scientists, and ignore the politicians and their echoers on the internet.
Climate change can only be fixed through taxation, stopping people from eating meat, and encourage people to stop passing gas.

This is what the democrat party has taught us.
But it's true!


Then again, I was told 10 years ago that Washington DC would be under water if the climate continued to get warmer.

So I did my part, I drove an SUV, bought a large house to cool and warm, and ate a can of baked beans every day, and nothing!

Damn it, Washington is not under water yet!!

I feel like I've been lied to.
the enormous amount of methane gas and carbon being released into our atmosphere is something to fear

That is right. I watched the PBS show and indeed, methane unlike CO2 is nothing to sniff about. These methane releases and not man may be the cause of any climate change especially up north. Now the question is proving whether the chicken laid the egg or the egg just hatched.
It's unfortunate and pitiful that Oddball doesn't even know what NOVA is or how to find it.
It's unfortunate that Rye doesn't know that NOVA is government funded propaganda. . . the whole point of that meme was to warn you off of government trying to trick you into letting them squeeze you for more taxes. You didn't get that NOVA is government propaganda?

It's unfortunate that Rye doesn't know that NOVA is government funded propaganda. . . the whole point of that meme was to warn you off of government trying to trick you into letting them squeeze you for more taxes. You didn't get that NOVA is government propaganda?

Science has proven for every dollar taken in taxes to fight global warming the climate cools a bit, but never enough to say that it is OK. There will never be a time we are not doomed due to climate change.
Science has proven for every dollar taken in taxes to fight global warming the climate cools a bit, but never enough to say that it is OK. There will never be a time we are not doomed due to climate change.
. .. is there a correlation, can you prove that the dollars taken are going to fighting climate change?
That is right. I watched the PBS show and indeed, methane unlike CO2 is nothing to sniff about. These methane releases and not man may be the cause of any climate change especially up north. Now the question is proving whether the chicken laid the egg or the egg just hatched.
We are the cause of much of the methane in the atmosphere. Gas and oil wells, and rice agriculture. And that CH4 is contributing to about 1/4 of the present warming. A warming that is warming the oceans and resulting in the release of methane from clathrates. Also resulting in land based release of methane from permafrost.

"Scientists are finding hidden climate time bombs—vast reservoirs of carbon dioxide and methane—scattered under the seafloor across the planet.

And the fuses are burning.

Caps of frozen CO2 or methane, called hydrates, contain the potent greenhouse gases, keeping them from escaping into the ocean and atmosphere. But the ocean is warming as carbon emissions continue to rise, and scientists say the temperature of the seawater surrounding some hydrate caps is within a few degrees of dissolving them.

That could be very, very bad. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas, responsible for about three-quarters of emissions. It can remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Methane, the main component of natural gas, doesn't stay in the atmosphere as long as CO2—about 12 years—but it is at least 84 times more potent over two decades."
Fauci says, eh? Kind of like Simon says?

Well Fauci says not to wear a mask fool.


Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.

And he was correct. However, as the pandemic spread, more and better masks became available. And now we have vaccines. And many earning a Darwin Award for refusing that vaccine.
We are the cause of much of the methane in the atmosphere. Gas and oil wells, and rice agriculture. And that CH4 is contributing to about 1/4 of the present warming. A warming that is warming the oceans and resulting in the release of methane from clathrates. Also resulting in land based release of methane from permafrost.

"Scientists are finding hidden climate time bombs—vast reservoirs of carbon dioxide and methane—scattered under the seafloor across the planet.

And the fuses are burning.

Caps of frozen CO2 or methane, called hydrates, contain the potent greenhouse gases, keeping them from escaping into the ocean and atmosphere. But the ocean is warming as carbon emissions continue to rise, and scientists say the temperature of the seawater surrounding some hydrate caps is within a few degrees of dissolving them.

That could be very, very bad. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas, responsible for about three-quarters of emissions. It can remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Methane, the main component of natural gas, doesn't stay in the atmosphere as long as CO2—about 12 years—but it is at least 84 times more potent over two decades."
Much of the time since 800 million years ago Earth was a warm planet, this icy planet condition is somewhat new. Youd find before the glaciers of the millenias millions of years of tropics.

It's unfortunate that Rye doesn't know that NOVA is government funded propaganda. . .You didn't get that NOVA is government propaganda?

Well, Tards like Rye aren't nearly as edumacated as they pretend. I thought I explained it all earlier saying that NOVA is a PBS program-- -- government-funded PUBLIC BROADCASTING. Mind you, I liked the show and take serious the threat methane could be, but anymore, the left have gotten so obtuse from 7 years of involuntary-triggered TDS venting that you have to explain things three times at an elementary level to them now just for a hope of getting through.

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