Meuller will drag this out forever because he will never admit he's got nothing...

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

Well thank you for the lesson, but Clinton's blowjob was the only major finding to come out of the 8 year whitewater investigation.

The Clinton blowjob was in the workplace on company time.

If Clinton had been working as a security guard and did that on the job, he would have been fired on the spot.

I can appreciate Clinton's viewpoint on this, but he shouldn't have been so cheap, and just got a room for this activity.

Clinton's blowjob had nothing to do with the failed Whitewater real estate deal, but that didn't seem to have any effect on how long that investigation lasted (8 years), and how far it strayed from the purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. Muller will be done when he is done
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

Well thank you for the lesson, but Clinton's blowjob was the only major finding to come out of the 8 year whitewater investigation.
S & L scandal was real...........everyone around them went down or so called offed themselves in the called because they supposedly shot them self in the head and there was virtually no blood..........

Scandal after scandal after them and somehow they escape ..............while everyone else goes down...........imagine that........Everyone in the company is dirty but them and they NO NOTHING............Innocent little angels............

If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

That all sounds interesting, but I don't see what that has to do with the subject, and you need a little proof to go along with your imagination if you want any sane people to believe it. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL

In other words, it took right wingers 8 years. Mueller is ethical, and is investigating only what he was charged to investigate, and he will be done when he is done.
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

Well thank you for the lesson, but Clinton's blowjob was the only major finding to come out of the 8 year whitewater investigation.
S & L scandal was real...........everyone around them went down or so called offed themselves in the called because they supposedly shot them self in the head and there was virtually no blood..........

Scandal after scandal after them and somehow they escape ..............while everyone else goes down...........imagine that........Everyone in the company is dirty but them and they NO NOTHING............Innocent little angels............

If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

That all sounds interesting, but I don't see what that has to do with the subject, and you need a little proof to go along with your imagination if you want any sane people to believe it.
I remember those times.............and how these shady groups hosed the country and people for their own self gain.............Clinton's fit the bill but they were smarter than everyone else in that little shit hole law firm...............Why don't you CHEER FOR THEM............on how they got money for fucking over their fellow citizens...........

That's what that firm did..............and everyone went down but them..........Oh they are angels.........sell that to the uniformed.........they are just good at not going to jail for being criminals.............
"Alan Dershowitz: “These are not crimes. He (Mueller) has no authority to be a roving Commissioner. I don’t see any evidence of crimes.” This is an illegal Hoax that should be ended immediately. Mueller refuses to look at the real crimes on the other side. Where is the IG REPORT?

“This demonstrates the Robert Mueller and his partisans have no evidence, not a whiff of collusion, between Trump and the Russians. Russian project legal. Trump Tower meeting (son Don), perfectly legal. He wasn’t involved with hacking.” Gregg Jarrett. A total Witch Hunt!" - President Trump do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL

In other words, it took right wingers 8 years. Mueller is ethical, and is investigating only what he was charged to investigate, and he will be done when he is done.
BS...........his job was Russian interference.............and his top hits are perjury..........that had nothing to do with the DNC hack or emails.........and old Tax evasion charges before anyone even knew Trump was running.

You got a bunch of idictments on RUSSIAN BOTS..........who he can't bring to trial because they are in Russia.........

It will go on and on..........because it is a protect the slime in Washington..........including themselves......... do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
You know you just set yourself up to look stupid as soon as Mueller files his final report. Do you not realize that or do you just enjoy eating crow? do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
You know you just set yourself up to look stupid as soon as Mueller files his final report. Do you not realize that or do you just enjoy eating crow?
Tell the dirty cop to shit or get off the pot then..............Or do we let him find petty shit for 8 years.........His dirty little friends on the team have been disavowed...........All got fired for being dirty little bitches.............

Perhaps the entire FBI should be asked how they like having new training as a result of the dirty little bitches..........


I suppose we are supposed to be impressed by that lunatic...........LOL
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

The most important sentence in your post is:

Anyone when an interest in the truth.

They aren't of course.

Jo do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
You know you just set yourself up to look stupid as soon as Mueller files his final report. Do you not realize that or do you just enjoy eating crow?
Tell the dirty cop to shit or get off the pot then..............Or do we let him find petty shit for 8 years.........His dirty little friends on the team have been disavowed...........All got fired for being dirty little bitches.............

Perhaps the entire FBI should be asked how they like having new training as a result of the dirty little bitches..........


I suppose we are supposed to be impressed by that lunatic...........LOL
Wow, well I can’t compete with such an articulate and well presented argument. You win sir. Well played!
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

There is already enough info on Trump to impeach him. Especially dangling pardons on national TV.
Polishprince said:
and just got a room for this activity.
He Did
And Subordinate Paula Jones Was Dragged Up To It
Later, Paula Jones Was Personally Defamed In A National News Magazine
She Demanded A Retraction And An Apology
The Clinton Team Responded With
'Dragging A Dollar Bill Through A Trailer Park'
The reality is that nothing that Cohen pleaded guilty to or admitted is incriminatory to President Trump.
It's politically damaging in the eyes of those who expect a presidential candidate to tell the truth when declaring business interests in countries having a history of conflict with the US.

It matters not to those expecting a POTUS candidate to lie like a rug.
Polishprince said:
and just got a room for this activity.
He Did
And Subordinate Paula Jones Was Dragged Up To It
Later, Paula Jones Was Personally Defamed In A National News Magazine
She Demanded A Retraction And An Apology
The Clinton Team Responded With
'Dragging A Dollar Bill Through A Trailer Park'
Getting a BJ is a bit different than collusion and obstruction. Clinton and Paula Jones? Hilarious! :) :) :)
August West said:
Getting a BJ is a bit different than collusion and obstruction. Clinton and Paula Jones? Hilarious! :) :) :)
Not Hilarious
The Arkansas Rape Syndicate Brought It On Themselves
Jones Won
Impeached For Perjury And Suborning Perjury
The Obstruction Of Justice And One Other Charge
Was Passed Over
Also Got Disbarment

So The #MeToo Girls
Are Really All Just Trailer Trashing Skanks ??
Headlines like the one on this thread are hilarious. Nobody knows exactly what Mueller has, yet. The cooperation deals, convictions, etc., not to mention trump's behavior, give the impression that there is a lot more to this story. I wonder if the raid on his former tax attorney's office will produce another chapter in the continuing saga, as we don't know what is in the files that the FBI took. There also is the little matter of Jr.'s phone call to a blocked number.
August West said:
Getting a BJ is a bit different than collusion and obstruction. Clinton and Paula Jones? Hilarious! :) :) :)
Not Hilarious
The Arkansas Rape Syndicate Brought It On Themselves
Jones Won
Impeached For Perjury And Suborning Perjury
The Obstruction Of Justice And One Other Charge
Was Passed Over
Also Got Disbarment

So The #MeToo Girls
Are Really All Just Trailer Trashing Skanks ??

And yet they only got him for a lie about the blow job. Unreal, since Trump can't open his mouth without a lie coming out.
Penelope said:
And yet they only got him for a lie about the blow job.
That Was Just Proving A Pattern Of Behavior
Paula Jones Won Her Civil Suit
Unreal, since Trump can't open his mouth without a lie coming out
A Perceived Lie
Is Not Actual Sexual Harassment Of A Subordinate

So Penelope,
A Guy Flopping His Peter In Your Face Would Be Funny ??
Wasn't That One Of The Things They Tried To Say About Kavanaugh ??

Tell Me What You Think Of The #MeToo Girls
Are They All Just Trailer Trashin' Skanks Too ??
Last edited: do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
You wait for it to run its course.

Lawrence Walsh kept his investigation going for 7 years.

Ken Starr's investigation outlasted Ken Starr. It didn't wrap up until 2001.

Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

I agree, Whitewater Non-Scandal and Bill Clinton's sex life were two separate matters. So why did Ken Starr investigate the latter?

At worst, it should have gotten it's own investigation. At best, it should have gotten a shrug, all these politicians step out on their wives....

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