Meuller will drag this out forever because he will never admit he's got nothing...

Crime cartel families, like the trumps. go through great lengths to disguise their activities and produce plausible deniability. Anyone even remotely familiar with judicial systems (which excludes the far right) understands the basic system behind investigating such crimes. Unlike TV, these alleged crimes are not solved in an hour. Furthermore, other new discoveries get uncovered which when part of the lead investigators jurisdiction and purview, must also be examined; for example the roles of Ivanka and Jared which lead to the email fiasco.
JoeB131 said:
all these politicians step out on their wives....
It's Oft Been Said
The Clinton Marriage Was A Political Arraignment
I See What Hillary Needed From Bill
But What Did Bill Need From This Two-Time Loser
That Huma Had To Tell When To Shave And Bathe ??
Windparadox said:
for example the roles of Ivanka and Jared which lead to the email fiasco.
The 'Unsophisticated Secretary of State' E-Mail Fiasco ??
That Dumped Tens Of Thousands Of Already Subpoenaed E-Mails
And Deliberately Smashed Devices Fiasco ??
That Didn't Return State Dept Documents
After Testifying Under Oath They Were Returned Fiasco ??
Documents Were Found On Weiner's Home Computer,
For Some Reason Fiasco ??

Aren't Those Jailable Felonies On Their Face ??
It's Oft Been Said The Clinton Marriage Was A Political Arraignment
I See What Hillary Needed From Bill But What Did Bill Need From This Two-Time Loser That Huma Had To Tell When To Shave And Bathe ??

swco.jpg do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Well he does have all kinds of sealed indictments. What or who they are for is any bodies guess.

As for Trump/Russian election collusion?? He won't have that because it doesn't exist.
I agree, Whitewater Non-Scandal and Bill Clinton's sex life were two separate matters. So why did Ken Starr investigate the latter?

At worst, it should have gotten it's own investigation. At best, it should have gotten a shrug, all these politicians step out on their wives....
It had to do with Paula Jone's lawsuit against Clinton. He lied under oath to a Grand Jury. Clinton's three lies, according to Starr - September 21, 1998
(LOL...CNN headlines imply only Ken Starr could find Clinton whoppers to be lies, ridiculous as always)
Given the depth of Trumps illegal activity this may last years
Given the depth of Trumps illegal activity this may last years

It has already lasted two years and there was no Trump/Russia election collusion.

Wonder how long Mueller wants to drag this out??

Oh and as for Trump's illegal activities?? Only in your head. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
Once and for all!!!!!!!!!! Mullier is NOT a 'Special Prosecutor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The US has NOT had a 'Special Prosecutor' since 1997!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LIB MSM uses the word "Prosecutor" to make things sound worse than they are. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
Once and for all!!!!!!!!!! Mullier is NOT a 'Special Prosecutor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The US has NOT had a 'Special Prosecutor' since 1997!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LIB MSM uses the word "Prosecutor" to make things sound worse than they are.

Yup. He's a Special Counsel and that all he is. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Mueller is a special council not an independent prosecutor.

Congress wants to pass protection for the Mueller investigation without knowing what he's been doing. Reminds me of "we have to pass the bill before we can find out what's in the bill".

TRUMP seems to be willing to wait out the Mueller investigation since it really isn't preventing him from doing the things he was elected to do.
I can't wait to see this piece of scum Mueller behind bars, where he belongs.

That's never going to happen.

You've been brainwashed with right wing lies.

No one is investigating Mueller. There's no reason to do that. Mueller isn't a criminal.

You just hate him because he's exposing the truth and all the crimes of trump.

Keep living in your weird fantasy world. Here in reality, you're totally bat crap crazy.
Penelope said:
And yet they only got him for a lie about the blow job.
That Was Just Proving A Pattern Of Behavior
Paula Jones Won Her Civil Suit
Unreal, since Trump can't open his mouth without a lie coming out
A Perceived Lie
Is Not Actual Sexual Harassment Of A Subordinate

So Penelope,
A Guy Flopping His Peter In Your Face Would Be Funny ??
Wasn't That One Of The Things They Tried To Say About Kavanaugh ??

Tell Me What You Think Of The #MeToo Girls
Are They All Just Trailer Trashin' Skanks Too ??

Her civil suit was thrown out of court due to the fact that she couldn't show she was harmed.

Clinton paid her off to not file an appeal.

She didn't win. She was paid to not appeal her loss.
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

Completely agree. I also think it was expect by those involved that TRUMP would resign or in the least he would be a lame duck and get little accomplished. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
Really Bubba??

Mueller preparing endgame for Russia investigation


WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors have told defense lawyers in recent weeks that they are “tying up loose ends” in their investigation, providing the clearest clues yet that the long-running probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election may be coming to its climax, potentially in the next few weeks, according to multiple sources close to the matter.

The new information about the state of Mueller’s investigation comes during a pivotal week when the special counsel’s prosecutors are planning to file memos about three of their most high profile defendants — former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen

The fact that Mueller is planning a public filing about Manafort suggests he may no longer feel the need to withhold information about his case in order to bring additional indictments against others. That would be consistent with messages his prosecutors have given defense lawyers in recent weeks indicating that they are in the endgame of their investigation.
. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Ours ended in a valid indictment. Clinton lied. You can't lie to a special prosecutor. If Trump had lied under oath as Clinton did, you would have no problem having him impeached.

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