Meuller will drag this out forever because he will never admit he's got nothing... do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL
There will be no election in 2020?

Trump is as good as reelected already. The Democrats have no body.

Who they going to put up? Crazy Bernie? Creepy Joe? Pocahontas? Farticus?
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

There is already enough info on Trump to impeach him. Especially dangling pardons on national TV.
Not to mention the obstructing justice just in the last day.
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL
There will be no election in 2020?

Trump is as good as reelected already. The Democrats have no body.

Who they going to put up? Crazy Bernie? Creepy Joe? Pocahontas? Farticus?
Oh..."as good as reelected already"? The fix is in, eh? do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.

1 facepalm for Whitewater, plus 1 for Mueller. Actually, Mueller's is better so far, it's ousted some leakers n stuff. Not enough to justify dragging it out forever, though. Whitewater was a huge waste of taxpayer money.


How do you know what Mueller's investigation has or has not discovered?

Because it's been TWO FUCKING YEARS. If there was a smoking gun to be found, it would have been found already.
Two years? So? Many investigations are quite a bit longer than that. Where is it written that two years is too long?

President Trump is only in office for 8 years, and distracting him with a Pointless Witch Hunt could hurt his effectiveness.

When Trump was elected, he set a goal of being one of the Top 5 presidents, and with a little bit of luck, he felt he could be in the Top 3.

Why not give the man a chance to show how tremendous he can be as President? This is about our country, after all.

He's already shown how tremendous he is. He's a tremendous pig.

How do you know what Mueller's investigation has or has not discovered?

Because it's been TWO FUCKING YEARS. If there was a smoking gun to be found, it would have been found already.
Two years? So? Many investigations are quite a bit longer than that. Where is it written that two years is too long?

Its written with every indictment, every conviction, every guilty plea that Mueller's team gets as he works his way up the Team Trump ladder.

Republicans aren't infuriated with Mueller because he can't do his job. But because he's so damn good at it.

How do you know what Mueller's investigation has or has not discovered?

Because it's been TWO FUCKING YEARS. If there was a smoking gun to be found, it would have been found already.
Two years? So? Many investigations are quite a bit longer than that. Where is it written that two years is too long?

President Trump is only in office for 8 years, and distracting him with a Pointless Witch Hunt could hurt his effectiveness.

When Trump was elected, he set a goal of being one of the Top 5 presidents, and with a little bit of luck, he felt he could be in the Top 3.

Why not give the man a chance to show how tremendous he can be as President? This is about our country, after all.
I was willing to give him a chance after the election. He blew it miserably . No one gets unlimited chances
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL
There will be no election in 2020?

Trump is as good as reelected already. The Democrats have no body.

Who they going to put up? Crazy Bernie? Creepy Joe? Pocahontas? Farticus?
Cory Booker, the next Obama . Suck it up! do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

Then why are you whining so much? do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

There is already enough info on Trump to impeach him. Especially dangling pardons on national TV.
He has been embarrassingly careless in his obstruction do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Given the complexity of the case, Mueller has been very efficient
I wouldn’t want Mueller investigating me

Trump should have stuck with Comey
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Given the complexity of the case, Mueller has been very efficient
The number zero is quite simple, and that's exactly what Meuller has on Trump.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL
There will be no election in 2020?

Trump is as good as reelected already. The Democrats have no body.

Who they going to put up? Crazy Bernie? Creepy Joe? Pocahontas? Farticus?
Cory Booker, the next Obama . Suck it up!
Booker is faux-black, too? do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

Then why are you whining so much?
I’m not whining. I’m pointing out the abuse, political bias and cost. You should object, too.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Given the complexity of the case, Mueller has been very efficient
The number zero is quite simple, and that's exactly what Meuller has on Trump.

Show us Mueller's report saying as much. Specifically, cite Comey's testimony to the Mueller investigation, along with Manafort's, Cohen's and Flynn's.

Oh, that's right. You can't, as the report hasn't been released. Making any claim you have of 'Mueller's got zero' just meaningless speculation.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Given the complexity of the case, Mueller has been very efficient
The number zero is quite simple, and that's exactly what Meuller has on Trump.

Are you a member of Mueller's team? How do you know that?
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

Then why are you whining so much?
I’m not whining. I’m pointing out the abuse, political bias and cost. You should object, too.

What abuse? And Mueller's investigation has brought in far more in fines than it has cost so far.

So the cost to the US tax payer is zero. Mueller's actually making us money. As for the 'bias', Mueller's a republican, appointed by a republican, under a republican administration.

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