Mexican illegal alien w/ AK47 goes on rampage, kills 5 people in Kansas & Missouri; Build the wall.

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
Nah, got it all wrong 2AGuy.

What we really need are safer guns that wont let people shoot other people harmfully and safer bullets that wont injure them.

And the families of these victims should be able to sue this "undocumented person" and the gun maker, that would have made him stop and think about what he was about to do. . . .

And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:

So. you going to sue all the car makers who's products are used to commit crimes? how about those pesky knife makers? Or the sledgehammer makers, the shovel makers, the pencil makers, the glass makers, the ......

Do you understand now just how incredibly stupid your desire to hold manufacturers accountable for the criminal misuse of their products is?
Should strap him to the existing Border Fence, facing Mexico, as a message to what will be done to illegal invading threats to the United States and its citizens. Place a big sign declaring all violent criminals will be subject to DEATH.

Rather than spend even of our money on the judicial system, paying for their lawyers court time, etc, just shoot anyone who murders, kills, rapes, or engages in pedophilia.

Too harsh? Strap parachutes on them, load 'em up on a C-130, overfly the Mexican capitol, and drop them out the back, right on the Mexican President's lawn...right over the WALL I am pretty sure HE has.
And you have guarantees that they are guilty without a doubt before shooting them?
But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
Nah, got it all wrong 2AGuy.

What we really need are safer guns that wont let people shoot other people harmfully and safer bullets that wont injure them.

And the families of these victims should be able to sue this "undocumented person" and the gun maker, that would have made him stop and think about what he was about to do. . . .

And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:

So. you going to sue all the car makers who's products are used to commit crimes? how about those pesky knife makers? Or the sledgehammer makers, the shovel makers, the pencil makers, the glass makers, the ......

Do you understand now just how incredibly stupid your desire to hold manufacturers accountable for the criminal misuse of their products is?
I think you missed my point sir. . . .

And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:
How does a manufacturer 'make sure' that the buyer complies with the law in the use of their product?

Are you in favor of allowing General Motors to be sued for every case of someone killing people in drunken car accidents with their GM cars?
And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:
How does a manufacturer 'make sure' that the buyer complies with the law in the use of their product?

Are you in favor of allowing General Motors to be sued for every case of someone killing people in drunken car accidents with their GM cars?

Libs are so silly.

May as well sue the high school or college that a criminal went to. That's who gave him the education to think up his plan.
they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
The most recent bill to close background check loopholes did speak to loaning a gun or transferring a gun within a family. There would not be a background check required in those circumstances.
I see no reason why a dangerous weapon like a gun should not be registered. You frequently point to the deadliness of autos. Well, they are registered and the users are also licensed as to knowledge of the laws and skill in using the auto. Why shouldn't guns be the same? Most guns already are registered, aren't they? Aren't most stolen guns able to be traced back to their last owner? Isn't that registration? If most already are, why shouldn't the rest be? Why are you so against that?

Sorry....that isn't have to check these states that are passing these universal background checks...they are starting to include family transfers as well....

The reason that you can't register opposed to that any registration list will later be used for banning guns and confiscating them......this has happened all over the world and gun registration always leads to bans, forced turn ins and confiscation....

Guns are a right, cars are not.

Would you support getting rid of the secret ballot for we know how people vote....or registering your electronic devises...I-pads, computers with the police to help monitor computer crimes? What about registering with the government before you post on the help them stop crime?

Registering guns in the hope of finding out who the owner is is pointless.....if a gun is stolen....or sold to a criminal and reported stolen.....defeats the point of registering the gun....

The whole point to registration is to down the road...sometimes decades down the road like in Germany, to ban, confiscate or outlaw guns.
Who told you that the whole point of registration is to confiscate your guns? You do realize, don't you, that Nazi Germany is not a good example of what happens in the average democracy?
It is most certainly NOT pointless to know who owns a gun that has been used in a crime. If it wasn't reported stolen, maybe you got your guy! And it happens all the time, since most guns are already registered.
In my state, the universal background checks thingee does eliminate transfers to family members and loans. It was in the paper. Not positive they weren't discussing the federal bill.
IMO, gun ownership is no more a right than a Ford truck. If you aren't in the military, the 2nd Amendment does not apply to you. I know you disagree; just answering your point.

The Constitution disagrees with you, too.
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

97% of black people murdered this year will be murdered by anothe black person.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh:

It isn't always a white dude.
And you have guarantees that they are guilty without a doubt before shooting them?
As much as Obama before he kills people with his drones....

Funny how they overlook that. We aren't officially at war with those nations. So....what does Obama call it?

Obama drops bombs on a village and kills countless innocent people??? Silence.
But a cop shoots someone in self defense? Oh....The Savior and his minions are outraged!!
But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..

Really? Seemed to work for the Romans, the Chines, and the Soviets so long as the walls were manned and maintained. Walls work if they are allowed to.
So...walls work. Planning one on the Northern border too?

No need. Trudeau has a wall planned for the Canadian border.
private sellers do not have to maintain records simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
The most recent bill to close background check loopholes did speak to loaning a gun or transferring a gun within a family. There would not be a background check required in those circumstances.
I see no reason why a dangerous weapon like a gun should not be registered. You frequently point to the deadliness of autos. Well, they are registered and the users are also licensed as to knowledge of the laws and skill in using the auto. Why shouldn't guns be the same? Most guns already are registered, aren't they? Aren't most stolen guns able to be traced back to their last owner? Isn't that registration? If most already are, why shouldn't the rest be? Why are you so against that?

Sorry....that isn't have to check these states that are passing these universal background checks...they are starting to include family transfers as well....

The reason that you can't register opposed to that any registration list will later be used for banning guns and confiscating them......this has happened all over the world and gun registration always leads to bans, forced turn ins and confiscation....

Guns are a right, cars are not.

Would you support getting rid of the secret ballot for we know how people vote....or registering your electronic devises...I-pads, computers with the police to help monitor computer crimes? What about registering with the government before you post on the help them stop crime?

Registering guns in the hope of finding out who the owner is is pointless.....if a gun is stolen....or sold to a criminal and reported stolen.....defeats the point of registering the gun....

The whole point to registration is to down the road...sometimes decades down the road like in Germany, to ban, confiscate or outlaw guns.
Who told you that the whole point of registration is to confiscate your guns? You do realize, don't you, that Nazi Germany is not a good example of what happens in the average democracy?
It is most certainly NOT pointless to know who owns a gun that has been used in a crime. If it wasn't reported stolen, maybe you got your guy! And it happens all the time, since most guns are already registered.
In my state, the universal background checks thingee does eliminate transfers to family members and loans. It was in the paper. Not positive they weren't discussing the federal bill.
IMO, gun ownership is no more a right than a Ford truck. If you aren't in the military, the 2nd Amendment does not apply to you. I know you disagree; just answering your point.

The Constitution disagrees with you, too.
Sez you. I'll get my constitutional lawyer and you get yours, and we'll let them handle it.
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..

Really? Seemed to work for the Romans, the Chines, and the Soviets so long as the walls were manned and maintained. Walls work if they are allowed to.
So...walls work. Planning one on the Northern border too?

No need. Trudeau has a wall planned for the Canadian border.
I can't blame him for wanting to keep us crazy fu---ers out of Canada.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

Think about the families will break up!
And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:
How does a manufacturer 'make sure' that the buyer complies with the law in the use of their product?

Are you in favor of allowing General Motors to be sued for every case of someone killing people in drunken car accidents with their GM cars?

Haven't got a clue. Just noting the reality and what to expect with a Hillary Presidency. . .
Clinton: Gun industry is 'wholly protected' from all lawsuits

Clinton Campaigns To Allow Hit-And-Run Victims To Sue Car Makers
And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:
How does a manufacturer 'make sure' that the buyer complies with the law in the use of their product?

Are you in favor of allowing General Motors to be sued for every case of someone killing people in drunken car accidents with their GM cars?

Haven't got a clue. Just noting the reality and what to expect with a Hillary Presidency. . .
Clinton: Gun industry is 'wholly protected' from all lawsuits

Clinton Campaigns To Allow Hit-And-Run Victims To Sue Car Makers
According to the talking heads, she believes it will put pressure on gun makers to design guns with a lot more safety features. Less deaths, less suits.
they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
The most recent bill to close background check loopholes did speak to loaning a gun or transferring a gun within a family. There would not be a background check required in those circumstances.
I see no reason why a dangerous weapon like a gun should not be registered. You frequently point to the deadliness of autos. Well, they are registered and the users are also licensed as to knowledge of the laws and skill in using the auto. Why shouldn't guns be the same? Most guns already are registered, aren't they? Aren't most stolen guns able to be traced back to their last owner? Isn't that registration? If most already are, why shouldn't the rest be? Why are you so against that?

Sorry....that isn't have to check these states that are passing these universal background checks...they are starting to include family transfers as well....

The reason that you can't register opposed to that any registration list will later be used for banning guns and confiscating them......this has happened all over the world and gun registration always leads to bans, forced turn ins and confiscation....

Guns are a right, cars are not.

Would you support getting rid of the secret ballot for we know how people vote....or registering your electronic devises...I-pads, computers with the police to help monitor computer crimes? What about registering with the government before you post on the help them stop crime?

Registering guns in the hope of finding out who the owner is is pointless.....if a gun is stolen....or sold to a criminal and reported stolen.....defeats the point of registering the gun....

The whole point to registration is to down the road...sometimes decades down the road like in Germany, to ban, confiscate or outlaw guns.
Who told you that the whole point of registration is to confiscate your guns? You do realize, don't you, that Nazi Germany is not a good example of what happens in the average democracy?
It is most certainly NOT pointless to know who owns a gun that has been used in a crime. If it wasn't reported stolen, maybe you got your guy! And it happens all the time, since most guns are already registered.
In my state, the universal background checks thingee does eliminate transfers to family members and loans. It was in the paper. Not positive they weren't discussing the federal bill.
IMO, gun ownership is no more a right than a Ford truck. If you aren't in the military, the 2nd Amendment does not apply to you. I know you disagree; just answering your point.

We have Germany as only one example...tell me how Britain and Australia do not count for registering guns and then confiscating them? Do you want to say they don't represent a modern democracty....and at the time Germany was one too.......

It is pointless...actual criminals who use straw buyers will have them say it was lost or stolen.....the original owner won't be connected to the crime....

You can get the guy who sold the gun by sweating the criminal actually caught with the illegal gun....if they are buying from a guy selling guns to criminals then the police can go get them the same way they do with drug registration of guns needed.....

A Right is a can decide not to like the right but you are wrong............

The whole point to the second amendment was the government misusing it's power including the military...when only the military and police have guns you have the first step to a mass murder, genocide or ethnic cleansing if bad people get in charge of the government......that is why you keep the normal people armed.

Ask the Jews and political enemies in 1930s Germany....oh can't...they were murdered in gas chambers...after they registered their guns in the Weimar Republic...and 20 years late the nazis used those lists to take their guns..........
And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:
How does a manufacturer 'make sure' that the buyer complies with the law in the use of their product?

Are you in favor of allowing General Motors to be sued for every case of someone killing people in drunken car accidents with their GM cars?

Haven't got a clue. Just noting the reality and what to expect with a Hillary Presidency. . .
Clinton: Gun industry is 'wholly protected' from all lawsuits

Clinton Campaigns To Allow Hit-And-Run Victims To Sue Car Makers
According to the talking heads, she believes it will put pressure on gun makers to design guns with a lot more safety features. Less deaths, less suits.

No.....they will use it to sue gun makers out of existence....Lawfare......
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

97% of black people murdered this year will be murdered by anothe black person.
97% of animal molestation and white on white murder will be done by a white person this year.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh:

It isn't always a white dude.
Of course it is. Practically everyone knows that.

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