Mexican illegal alien w/ AK47 goes on rampage, kills 5 people in Kansas & Missouri; Build the wall.

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one. is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that. really need to learn the truth, the facts and reality. Whoever makes the is the person who pulls the trigger to commit murder who is at fault. Try to understand that.......
If Black people dont make the guns who are the Black people buying them from?

so no blacks or other minorities work in the factories that make guns.....

Why do so many blacks pull the trigger and commit murder compared to the criminals in other countries?
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

97% of black people murdered this year will be murdered by anothe black person.
97% of animal molestation and white on white murder will be done by a white person this year.

Black on black, and white on black murder are at higher rates in that community than white on white or white on black murder....why is that? simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
The most recent bill to close background check loopholes did speak to loaning a gun or transferring a gun within a family. There would not be a background check required in those circumstances.
I see no reason why a dangerous weapon like a gun should not be registered. You frequently point to the deadliness of autos. Well, they are registered and the users are also licensed as to knowledge of the laws and skill in using the auto. Why shouldn't guns be the same? Most guns already are registered, aren't they? Aren't most stolen guns able to be traced back to their last owner? Isn't that registration? If most already are, why shouldn't the rest be? Why are you so against that?

Sorry....that isn't have to check these states that are passing these universal background checks...they are starting to include family transfers as well....

The reason that you can't register opposed to that any registration list will later be used for banning guns and confiscating them......this has happened all over the world and gun registration always leads to bans, forced turn ins and confiscation....

Guns are a right, cars are not.

Would you support getting rid of the secret ballot for we know how people vote....or registering your electronic devises...I-pads, computers with the police to help monitor computer crimes? What about registering with the government before you post on the help them stop crime?

Registering guns in the hope of finding out who the owner is is pointless.....if a gun is stolen....or sold to a criminal and reported stolen.....defeats the point of registering the gun....

The whole point to registration is to down the road...sometimes decades down the road like in Germany, to ban, confiscate or outlaw guns.
Who told you that the whole point of registration is to confiscate your guns? You do realize, don't you, that Nazi Germany is not a good example of what happens in the average democracy?
It is most certainly NOT pointless to know who owns a gun that has been used in a crime. If it wasn't reported stolen, maybe you got your guy! And it happens all the time, since most guns are already registered.
In my state, the universal background checks thingee does eliminate transfers to family members and loans. It was in the paper. Not positive they weren't discussing the federal bill.
IMO, gun ownership is no more a right than a Ford truck. If you aren't in the military, the 2nd Amendment does not apply to you. I know you disagree; just answering your point.

Prior to every weapon confiscation scheme going back to the Byzantine Empire, there has first been a registration program. It's a 100% correlation. It's called history, you should read some of it.
So it is an idea born in your imagaination, heh?
I'd love it if you gun lovers had all your guns confiscated, but I have little hope that it will happen. I can read alien visitation in to history, as well, but it doesn't mean you or I will ever see it.

Of course you are an irrational person who acts out of emotion rather than logic.
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one. is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that. really need to learn the truth, the facts and reality. Whoever makes the is the person who pulls the trigger to commit murder who is at fault. Try to understand that.......
If Black people dont make the guns who are the Black people buying them from?

so no blacks or other minorities work in the factories that make guns.....

Why do so many blacks pull the trigger and commit murder compared to the criminals in other countries?
You think Black people or other people of color working in factories mean they own and sell the guns? BTW whites are the minorities not people of color.

Why do so many whites pull the trigger, push the button, order the invasion of other countries more than criminals globally? is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that. really need to learn the truth, the facts and reality. Whoever makes the is the person who pulls the trigger to commit murder who is at fault. Try to understand that.......
If Black people dont make the guns who are the Black people buying them from?

so no blacks or other minorities work in the factories that make guns.....

Why do so many blacks pull the trigger and commit murder compared to the criminals in other countries?
You think Black people or other people of color working in factories mean they own and sell the guns? BTW whites are the minorities not people of color.

Why do so many whites pull the trigger, push the button, order the invasion of other countries more than criminals globally?

You mean like obama.....or the muslims in the middle east...or the killers in Mexico...or the killers in North Korea....or the killers in China.........not a lot of white guys doing all that killing in those countries.
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
Black on black, and white on black murder are at higher rates in that community than white on white or white on black murder....why is that?

I think you mean that black on white murder rates are at higher rates
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
Is that all you have? Now provide for us the list of white shooters and lets do the percentages. Practically everyone knows its the white guys the vast majority of the time.

See...the problem is blacks shoot each other in the inner cities, they have no need to do more mass shootings......of the 8,124 gun many were commited by blacks v. whites?
What's the problem? I thought you would like it when everyone has guns.

I want law abiding people who choose to own a gun for self defense to be able to get that gun...criminals, as I have posted, need to be in jail.
And the gun maker would have made sure that he never acquired that piece. . . . :cool-45:
How does a manufacturer 'make sure' that the buyer complies with the law in the use of their product?

Are you in favor of allowing General Motors to be sued for every case of someone killing people in drunken car accidents with their GM cars?

Haven't got a clue. Just noting the reality and what to expect with a Hillary Presidency. . .
Clinton: Gun industry is 'wholly protected' from all lawsuits

Clinton Campaigns To Allow Hit-And-Run Victims To Sue Car Makers
According to the talking heads, she believes it will put pressure on gun makers to design guns with a lot more safety features. Less deaths, less suits. are some thoughts on suing gun makers...and how stupid that idea is...

Why Should Gun Makers Be Immune To Lawsuits? | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

Should a gunmaker be held responsible for acts committed with a gun they sold to a distributor, who sold it in turn to a gun dealer, who demanded and got at least one form of official ID and who rand a criminal background check on the purchaser?

A purchaser who almost lost it to a thief who traded the gun for drugs? Reason and the law say no.

However, there is something called a “Strategic Lawsuit.” It costs as little as $10.00 to file a lawsuit, and it can cost $100,000 to defend against a lawsuit that will inevitably be thrown out of court. Gun making is not a highly profitable enterprise, as few as a dozen strategic lawsuits would throw many gunmakers into bankruptcy. Even if they prevailed in every case.
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that. really need to learn the truth, the facts and reality. Whoever makes the is the person who pulls the trigger to commit murder who is at fault. Try to understand that.......
If Black people dont make the guns who are the Black people buying them from?

so no blacks or other minorities work in the factories that make guns.....

Why do so many blacks pull the trigger and commit murder compared to the criminals in other countries?
You think Black people or other people of color working in factories mean they own and sell the guns? BTW whites are the minorities not people of color.

Why do so many whites pull the trigger, push the button, order the invasion of other countries more than criminals globally?

You mean like obama.....or the muslims in the middle east...or the killers in Mexico...or the killers in North Korea....or the killers in China.........not a lot of white guys doing all that killing in those countries.
Of course there are alot of white guys doing killing in those countries. Matter of fact your very presence has caused most of the killings everywhere you furry people show up.
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.

Not deflecting....blacks murder more people than all mass shooters combined.....there were 37 people murdered by mass shooters last year...4 incidents.....muslim terrorist committed two of those...

So.....less than 37 deaths from white mass shooters last year...vs....8,124 gun deaths (2014 figure from FBI Table 8)......

So who murdered more people with guns....?
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.

Not deflecting....blacks murder more people than all mass shooters combined.....there were 37 people murdered by mass shooters last year...4 incidents.....muslim terrorist committed two of those...

So.....less than 37 deaths from white mass shooters last year...vs....8,124 gun deaths (2014 figure from FBI Table 8)......

So who murdered more people with guns....?
Youre still deflecting from the point that whites are the vast majority of mass shooters. Deflecting wont change that. :laugh:
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.

Not deflecting....blacks murder more people than all mass shooters combined.....there were 37 people murdered by mass shooters last year...4 incidents.....muslim terrorist committed two of those...

So.....less than 37 deaths from white mass shooters last year...vs....8,124 gun deaths (2014 figure from FBI Table 8)......

So who murdered more people with guns....?
Youre still deflecting from the point that whites are the vast majority of mass shooters. Deflecting wont change that. :laugh:

And you don't care that black men are murdering other blacks at huge rates.........but the occasional mass shooter gets you all hot and bothered.....
So logic would dictate that the shooting would have occurred anyway, even with a wall......A giant wall...never saved China from invasion...


I know you smoke a lot of dope, but you haven't given history quite the same attention...

The Great Wall as an extraordinary success, sploogy.

{Towards the end of the Ming, the Great Wall helped defend the empire against the Manchu invasions that began around 1600. Even after the loss of all of Liaodong, the Ming army held the heavily fortified Shanhai Pass, preventing the Manchus from conquering the Chinese heartland. The Manchus were finally able to cross the Great Wall in 1644, after Beijing had already fallen to Li Zicheng's rebels. Before this time, the Manchus had crossed the Great Wall multiple times to raid, but this time it was for conquest. The gates at Shanhai Pass were opened on May 25 by the commanding Ming general, Wu Sangui, who formed an alliance with the Manchus, hoping to use the Manchus to expel the rebels from Beijing.[33] The Manchus quickly seized Beijing, and eventually defeated both the rebel-founded Shun dynasty and the remaining Ming resistance, establishing the Qing dynasty rule over all of China.[34]}
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.

Not deflecting....blacks murder more people than all mass shooters combined.....there were 37 people murdered by mass shooters last year...4 incidents.....muslim terrorist committed two of those...

So.....less than 37 deaths from white mass shooters last year...vs....8,124 gun deaths (2014 figure from FBI Table 8)......

So who murdered more people with guns....?
Youre still deflecting from the point that whites are the vast majority of mass shooters. Deflecting wont change that. :laugh:

And you don't care that black men are murdering other blacks at huge rates.........but the occasional mass shooter gets you all hot and bothered.....
Youre still trying to deflect and I wont let you. Your fault you tried to jump in. Why are white people so inclined to mass shoot people? Why do they get so upset over their women dating other races they take it to the level of killing out of frustration?
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
Ah, no one is allowed. Clear?
Its always excused. A white guy blows away someone and they claim he is crazy. If a Black person does it then they say its Black culture.

Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.

Not deflecting....blacks murder more people than all mass shooters combined.....there were 37 people murdered by mass shooters last year...4 incidents.....muslim terrorist committed two of those...

So.....less than 37 deaths from white mass shooters last year...vs....8,124 gun deaths (2014 figure from FBI Table 8)......

So who murdered more people with guns....?

Blacks are the overwhelming majority perpetrators of mass shootings, under the revised Obama definition.
Remember...there are 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority comitted by minorities against other minorities in the commission of may not be culture but it is certainly job related.....
That doesnt have much to do with the fact white guys are chronic mass shooters but nice try at deflecting.

Not deflecting....blacks murder more people than all mass shooters combined.....there were 37 people murdered by mass shooters last year...4 incidents.....muslim terrorist committed two of those...

So.....less than 37 deaths from white mass shooters last year...vs....8,124 gun deaths (2014 figure from FBI Table 8)......

So who murdered more people with guns....?
Youre still deflecting from the point that whites are the vast majority of mass shooters. Deflecting wont change that. :laugh:

And you don't care that black men are murdering other blacks at huge rates.........but the occasional mass shooter gets you all hot and bothered.....
Youre still trying to deflect and I wont let you. Your fault you tried to jump in. Why are white people so inclined to mass shoot people? Why do they get so upset over their women dating other races they take it to the level of killing out of frustration?

Oh...I get it are an it now......

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