Mexican illegal alien w/ AK47 goes on rampage, kills 5 people in Kansas & Missouri; Build the wall.

if the firearm was made in America

it has a tracking history

all the feds has to do is determine the maker

call them and give them the serial number

the maker then will tell them who they first sent it to

and from the dealers use a 4473 form
and then as soon as it's a private sale what happens?

they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
The most recent bill to close background check loopholes did speak to loaning a gun or transferring a gun within a family. There would not be a background check required in those circumstances.
I see no reason why a dangerous weapon like a gun should not be registered. You frequently point to the deadliness of autos. Well, they are registered and the users are also licensed as to knowledge of the laws and skill in using the auto. Why shouldn't guns be the same? Most guns already are registered, aren't they? Aren't most stolen guns able to be traced back to their last owner? Isn't that registration? If most already are, why shouldn't the rest be? Why are you so against that?

Sorry....that isn't have to check these states that are passing these universal background checks...they are starting to include family transfers as well....

The reason that you can't register opposed to that any registration list will later be used for banning guns and confiscating them......this has happened all over the world and gun registration always leads to bans, forced turn ins and confiscation....

Guns are a right, cars are not.

Would you support getting rid of the secret ballot for we know how people vote....or registering your electronic devises...I-pads, computers with the police to help monitor computer crimes? What about registering with the government before you post on the help them stop crime?

Registering guns in the hope of finding out who the owner is is pointless.....if a gun is stolen....or sold to a criminal and reported stolen.....defeats the point of registering the gun....

The whole point to registration is to down the road...sometimes decades down the road like in Germany, to ban, confiscate or outlaw guns.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh:
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one. is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: is Ann Coulter...she lists the murderers by race....quite a few non white shooters...
Here are a few more shooters who were not were saying....?

Mass shooters: Mostly white men?

In 2011, nine months after Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson, Arizona, Sencion, a Mexican immigrant, shot up a Carson City, Nevada, IHOP, killing four Americans, including three National Guardsmen and a 67-year old woman.

Eduardo was a Mexican immigrant. The Times ran two stories on his mass murder – on Pages 17 and 18. By contrast, Loughner’s shooting got dozens of write-ups in the Times, including at least three front-page articles, three editorials and 10 op-eds.

The media are tickled pink whenever they have a white perpetrator because it happens so rarely in a country that is majority white.

In 2009 – the same year that model second-generation immigrant Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 soldiers at Fort Hood –

model first-generation Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong shot and killed 13 people in Binghamton, New York, because he was upset that people disrespected his English skills.

Read more at Mass shooters: Mostly white men?
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
Is that all you have? Now provide for us the list of white shooters and lets do the percentages. Practically everyone knows its the white guys the vast majority of the time.
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..
Really? Seemed to work for the Romans, the Chines, and the Soviets so long as the walls were manned and maintained. Walls work if they are allowed to.
Build the thing if you like, all you have to do is steal a lot of private land, and pay for it of course...

The folks who's land is being destroyed by the illegal invasion will happily gift the land to the government to stop the invasion.
You think so, huh?
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one. is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
Race doesn't matter here, boys. The dead and wounded are still wounded, and dead...
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: is Ann Coulter...she lists the murderers by race....quite a few non white shooters...
Here are a few more shooters who were not were saying....?

Mass shooters: Mostly white men?

In 2011, nine months after Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson, Arizona, Sencion, a Mexican immigrant, shot up a Carson City, Nevada, IHOP, killing four Americans, including three National Guardsmen and a 67-year old woman.

Eduardo was a Mexican immigrant. The Times ran two stories on his mass murder – on Pages 17 and 18. By contrast, Loughner’s shooting got dozens of write-ups in the Times, including at least three front-page articles, three editorials and 10 op-eds.

The media are tickled pink whenever they have a white perpetrator because it happens so rarely in a country that is majority white.

In 2009 – the same year that model second-generation immigrant Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 soldiers at Fort Hood –

model first-generation Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong shot and killed 13 people in Binghamton, New York, because he was upset that people disrespected his English skills.

Read more at Mass shooters: Mostly white men?
Your op ed is just an opinion. Lets see the numbers. Most mass shooters are white males. Its not even close.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
Is that all you have? Now provide for us the list of white shooters and lets do the percentages. Practically everyone knows its the white guys the vast majority of the time.

See...the problem is blacks shoot each other in the inner cities, they have no need to do more mass shootings......of the 8,124 gun many were commited by blacks v. whites?
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..
Really? Seemed to work for the Romans, the Chines, and the Soviets so long as the walls were manned and maintained. Walls work if they are allowed to.
Build the thing if you like, all you have to do is steal a lot of private land, and pay for it of course...

The folks who's land is being destroyed by the illegal invasion will happily gift the land to the government to stop the invasion.
You think so, huh?
He's a total moron, with no respect for private property apparently. Since the wetbacks scare him he has no issues taking the land of others...
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
Race doesn't matter here, boys. The dead and wounded are still wounded, and dead...
I think it does. How many white guys are going to be allowed to blow people away because they are upset the white women are dating other races?
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one. is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that. really need to learn the truth, the facts and reality. Whoever makes the is the person who pulls the trigger to commit murder who is at fault. Try to understand that.......
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?
I bet you held off posting this until you found out it wasnt some white guy like it always is. :laugh: the D.C snipers....uh...oh yeah...they were both black...... the Virginia Tech shooter....uh...oh yeah...he was asian..... the Long Island train shooter.....uh...oh yeah...he was black... the kansas lawn mower plant shooter last week....uh....oh yeah...he was black.....
Is that all you have? Now provide for us the list of white shooters and lets do the percentages. Practically everyone knows its the white guys the vast majority of the time.

See...the problem is blacks shoot each other in the inner cities, they have no need to do more mass shootings......of the 8,124 gun many were commited by blacks v. whites?
Youre staling. Lets see the list of white shooters compared to any other race.
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
What we need is for white guys to stop supplying illegal guns and then feigning surprise when someone gets one. is blacks who are selling illegal guns to each other and their gang member friends.........if black criminals stopped murdering people with guns we wouldn't have a gun murder problem......
Try again. Black people dont make guns. Whites make them, buy them, and sell them on the Black market. Everyone knows that. really need to learn the truth, the facts and reality. Whoever makes the is the person who pulls the trigger to commit murder who is at fault. Try to understand that.......
If Black people dont make the guns who are the Black people buying them from?
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

One ( Spanish ) person to help justify concealed carry. by lawful Americans.

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