Mexican illegal alien w/ AK47 goes on rampage, kills 5 people in Kansas & Missouri; Build the wall.

WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..
we need gun registration so we would know where he got that gun.

we already have that ability

the government already knows where it came from
where have you seen that?

if the firearm was made in America

it has a tracking history

all the feds has to do is determine the maker

call them and give them the serial number

the maker then will tell them who they first sent it to

and from the dealers use a 4473 form
and then as soon as it's a private sale what happens?

they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...

Yep.....and it would still be illegal for felons to buy guns.....and when they were caught with the gun they would be arrested. It would still be illegal to commit a crime with a gun....if you commit a crime with a gun you can be arrested. There used to be no background checks.....and less gun crime.......

Criminals do not go through any background checks...they get someone with a clean record to buy the gun...mass shooters go through the background check because they can pass it...and if they can't pass it (Columbine)...they buy their guns illegally.
Gun laws came about even in the 19th century, due to alcohol and gun play...

The massive surge in gun laws happened during the days of prohibition...and went nuts again in the 1960s.......then crime spiked.....and only after states started to allow concealed carry did the crime rate start dropping.....
It was the 1994 federal crimes bill that was copied by many states that caused the crime rate to decrease, not concealed carry.
But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...

Yep.....and it would still be illegal for felons to buy guns.....and when they were caught with the gun they would be arrested. It would still be illegal to commit a crime with a gun....if you commit a crime with a gun you can be arrested. There used to be no background checks.....and less gun crime.......

Criminals do not go through any background checks...they get someone with a clean record to buy the gun...mass shooters go through the background check because they can pass it...and if they can't pass it (Columbine)...they buy their guns illegally.
Gun laws came about even in the 19th century, due to alcohol and gun play...

The massive surge in gun laws happened during the days of prohibition...and went nuts again in the 1960s.......then crime spiked.....and only after states started to allow concealed carry did the crime rate start dropping.....
It was the 1994 federal crimes bill that was copied by many states that caused the crime rate to decrease, not concealed carry.
Then Obozo needs to ENFORCE it, doesn't he????
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
we need gun registration so we would know where he got that gun.

You realize that he, as a felon, would not have to register that gun..right? Haynes v. United States makes it illegal to compel a felon to register an illegal gun because it would violate his right against self incrimination...

And what would registering that gun have done to stop the gun murders? Not one thing. And now...they have him in custody....he will tell them where the gun came from...just like they do with drugs arrests......

Registration of guns is simply needed for later banning and does not stop one gun crime and it does not help to solve one gun crime.
But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...

Yep.....and it would still be illegal for felons to buy guns.....and when they were caught with the gun they would be arrested. It would still be illegal to commit a crime with a gun....if you commit a crime with a gun you can be arrested. There used to be no background checks.....and less gun crime.......

Criminals do not go through any background checks...they get someone with a clean record to buy the gun...mass shooters go through the background check because they can pass it...and if they can't pass it (Columbine)...they buy their guns illegally.
Gun laws came about even in the 19th century, due to alcohol and gun play...

The massive surge in gun laws happened during the days of prohibition...and went nuts again in the 1960s.......then crime spiked.....and only after states started to allow concealed carry did the crime rate start dropping.....
It was the 1994 federal crimes bill that was copied by many states that caused the crime rate to decrease, not concealed carry.

Sorry....not the point...but to address that.....states with concealed carry saw their violent crime rates go down lower than those states that also experienced a decrease in crime...I have posted the study....look it up....

Also....that doesn't address the fact that having more Americans own guns and having more Americans carry guns...which happened in the 90s going forward, did not increase the violent crime rate or increase the gun murder fact, both went down..

So the whole argument for keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding people is stupid.......having people own and carry guns does not increase the crime rate....and studies show it helps to lower it.....
But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
we need gun registration so we would know where he got that gun.

we already have that ability

the government already knows where it came from
where have you seen that?

if the firearm was made in America

it has a tracking history

all the feds has to do is determine the maker

call them and give them the serial number

the maker then will tell them who they first sent it to

and from the dealers use a 4473 form
and then as soon as it's a private sale what happens?

It is against the law to sell a gun to a criminal. When this guy killer is caught he can be arrested for using a gun to commit murder...oh yeah....they already caught him and can now put him in jail under existing laws......
I guess lefties can't blame the R.W. or the 2nd Amendment for this one so they don't talk about it. I wonder if the weapon was furnished by the ATF in Op. Fast/Furious.
I guess lefties can't blame the R.W. or the 2nd Amendment for this one so they don't talk about it. I wonder if the weapon was furnished by the ATF in Op. Fast/Furious.
They can blame the usual, guns, of which we have far too many.
we already have that ability

the government already knows where it came from
where have you seen that?

if the firearm was made in America

it has a tracking history

all the feds has to do is determine the maker

call them and give them the serial number

the maker then will tell them who they first sent it to

and from the dealers use a 4473 form
and then as soon as it's a private sale what happens?

they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
we already have that ability

the government already knows where it came from
where have you seen that?

if the firearm was made in America

it has a tracking history

all the feds has to do is determine the maker

call them and give them the serial number

the maker then will tell them who they first sent it to

and from the dealers use a 4473 form
and then as soon as it's a private sale what happens?

they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records

all that matters is the last owner of record

he knows who he sold it to

if it was not the illegal suspect

he will volunteer who he sold it to

and so on and so forth

you think he is going to take the hit if he didnt do it
I guess lefties can't blame the R.W. or the 2nd Amendment for this one so they don't talk about it. I wonder if the weapon was furnished by the ATF in Op. Fast/Furious.


i suspect that to be so

usually the feds are quick to point out where the gun came from
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...

Yep.....and it would still be illegal for felons to buy guns.....and when they were caught with the gun they would be arrested. It would still be illegal to commit a crime with a gun....if you commit a crime with a gun you can be arrested. There used to be no background checks.....and less gun crime.......

Criminals do not go through any background checks...they get someone with a clean record to buy the gun...mass shooters go through the background check because they can pass it...and if they can't pass it (Columbine)...they buy their guns illegally.
Gun laws came about even in the 19th century, due to alcohol and gun play...

The massive surge in gun laws happened during the days of prohibition...and went nuts again in the 1960s.......then crime spiked.....and only after states started to allow concealed carry did the crime rate start dropping.....
It was the 1994 federal crimes bill that was copied by many states that caused the crime rate to decrease, not concealed carry.
Then Obozo needs to ENFORCE it, doesn't he????
It worked in drastically cutting crime rates. We can always strive to improve ....
WCSC : Highway Patrol: Shooting suspect in custody in Missouri

More dead bodies that wouldn't be dead if we had built the damn wall. This Mexican illegal fucking alien shot up Kansas and Missouri in a rampage that left 5 dead. He's not supposed to be here....and was deported once in 2004 but came back, shocker right?? Hes not supposed to own a gun either.

But wow....who would've guessed an illegal migrant who doesn't respect our immigration laws also won't respect our other laws?

But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..

Really? Seemed to work for the Romans, the Chines, and the Soviets so long as the walls were manned and maintained. Walls work if they are allowed to.
So...walls work. Planning one on the Northern border too?
Yep.....and it would still be illegal for felons to buy guns.....and when they were caught with the gun they would be arrested. It would still be illegal to commit a crime with a gun....if you commit a crime with a gun you can be arrested. There used to be no background checks.....and less gun crime.......

Criminals do not go through any background checks...they get someone with a clean record to buy the gun...mass shooters go through the background check because they can pass it...and if they can't pass it (Columbine)...they buy their guns illegally.
Gun laws came about even in the 19th century, due to alcohol and gun play...

The massive surge in gun laws happened during the days of prohibition...and went nuts again in the 1960s.......then crime spiked.....and only after states started to allow concealed carry did the crime rate start dropping.....
It was the 1994 federal crimes bill that was copied by many states that caused the crime rate to decrease, not concealed carry.
Then Obozo needs to ENFORCE it, doesn't he????
It worked in drastically cutting crime rates. We can always strive to improve ....

Obama is not enforcing gun crime laws...his convictions are down at least 34%......and he is letting more felons out of prison...makes you wonder why he is doing that...doesn't it?
where have you seen that?

if the firearm was made in America

it has a tracking history

all the feds has to do is determine the maker

call them and give them the serial number

the maker then will tell them who they first sent it to

and from the dealers use a 4473 form
and then as soon as it's a private sale what happens?

they have copies all the way to the last person

ask them or charge them with a crime

if they gave or sold the firearm to someone that should not have had it
private sellers do not have to maintain records simply arrest the criminal who has possession of the gun...or you arrest him when he uses the gun to commit a crime. A private seller is not a police is not his job or his duty to conduct a background check on a private sale.

Background checks for private sales are simply the excuse to get gun registration...since that is the only way to check to make sure a background check was done...

And it is also a lie.....the anti gun leadership has quietly changed nutters think they want all gun "Sales" to undergo a background check.....the anti gun leadership wants all gun "Transfers" to under go a background check...big f*****g difference.

That would mean the end of private firearm instruction outside of a large corporate gun would mean you could not loan a gun to a friend at a range, or to your wife if she is going out shopping...without a criminal background check....among other vile things that it does....and it turns normal, law abiding gun owners into felons and destroys their lives....

Which is the whole point to universal background checks.
The most recent bill to close background check loopholes did speak to loaning a gun or transferring a gun within a family. There would not be a background check required in those circumstances.
I see no reason why a dangerous weapon like a gun should not be registered. You frequently point to the deadliness of autos. Well, they are registered and the users are also licensed as to knowledge of the laws and skill in using the auto. Why shouldn't guns be the same? Most guns already are registered, aren't they? Aren't most stolen guns able to be traced back to their last owner? Isn't that registration? If most already are, why shouldn't the rest be? Why are you so against that?
But....did he get a background check before he bought the illegal gun? Did he get a permit to carry that illegal gun?

What we need are background checks that actually work on illegal alien know...extra special...super dooper background checks that would make a criminal have to get a background check before they bought the illegal gun.....if only we had that.....
If you had no law for background checks guns could still be obtained...
Point is pinhead, round every illegal up deport them, then build the wall.
The wall will not stop peoples from coming into the US and will be used to keep some from leaving..

Really? Seemed to work for the Romans, the Chines, and the Soviets so long as the walls were manned and maintained. Walls work if they are allowed to.
So...walls work. Planning one on the Northern border too?

Sure...why not. Why wouldn't we....?
The guy will be put in jail, told when to come back for arraignment, and will be released by the Obama administration, never to be seen again. The murderer will head straight for a federal-law-breaking-yet-protected Sanctuary City where he will be given Safe Haven.

...and this administration / our government let's the murder of Americans by illegal invaders continue:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

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