Hitting Democrats On Abortion

There are two things I have never understood about Republican responses to the abortion issue, which they never really seem to bring up in their arguments:

1. If abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor, then doesn't that imply that a woman doesn't really have the right to choose if her doctor theoretically has veto power over her decision? Yes, I know that the woman will of course choose a doctor that agrees with her but, still, it doesn't change the fact that if it is a decision between her and her doctor, that clearly implies he could have veto power over her decision, meaning she doesn't really have the right to choose solely by herself, so a woman does not have the right to choose.

2. Why don't we corner democrats into stating at which week of the pregnancy a woman no longer has the right to choose? I mean the left claim that women don't ever choose to abort a late term pregnancy and that it doesn't happen unless the mother's life or the babies life is at risk. So, that implies that barring the life of the mother or the fetus being in real jeopardy (not fake jeopardy), there would actually be a point in the pregnancy where they would agree that if the mother's life or the fetus's life is not in jeopardy then a woman no longer has the right to choose. So, why don't we put more pressure on the left to state at which week the woman no longer has the right to choose? If they refuse to answer then they are admitting that a woman has the right to choose all the way up to a full term pregnancy, even if the mother's life or the fetus's life is not at risk. So, which week is it that women no longer have the right to choose? Or, do they have the right to choose all the way up to 9 months, even if her life or the fetus's life is not in jeopardy. Force the left to pick either one or the other.
Wow! A new world record in babbling.
I think the Left thinks they can make it all the abortion controversy go away now that Trump has sent the issue to the states.

Perhaps this is what the Left wants everyone to think, aside from energizing their base as they convince them that there are now less abortions, which there are actually more abortions today with fewer restrictions.

Correct. That is what overturning RvW did.
We had already agreed and made it law.

Overturning RvW tossed that out the wondow.
The states rely on a system when law is the issue. Courts are not where laws get made. Courts judge if a law is valid. ROE V wade was used as law yet it was not really law. And the Supreme Court ruled it is not a law.
The states rely on a system when law is the issue. Courts are not where laws get made. Courts judge if a law is valid. ROE V wade was used as law yet it was not really law. And the Supreme Court ruled it is not a law.

Which doesn't really address what I said.
Yes, the republican party is notorious for having platform items that are opposed by the majority of voters.
No, they just refuse to communicate the issue properly.

Again, most Americans think there should be regulations on abortion which democrats oppose.
A lie of course. Much of the party does want a total ban, as evidence by the legislation they are writing.
Trump has already said he does not.

The haert beat bill is another example passed by the GOP as it does not ban all abortion either.

Try again.

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