Mexican President Says US Deportations Feed Violence in Mexico


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
President Felipe Calderon on Monday accused U.S. authorities of deporting Mexican criminals to save on judicial costs, a policy that ostensibly "exacerbates" violence.

Within the framework of the inauguration of National Immigration Week 2011 in this capital, Calderon said that, for example, U.S. authorities "are deporting up to 80,000 people in a year" into the border cities of Reynosa and Ciudad Juarez.

Some of these deported people "are migrants, certainly, probably all of them," although some were "already involved in criminal acts" in the United States.

"In the face of the dilemma of pursuing the legal process in the American courts, which implies costs for the administration of justice in that country, they simply prefer to deport them to border cities, by which the cycle of violence is exacerbated even more," he said.

The Mexican leader went on to say that it is "truly inhumane and scandalous" that U.S. authorities are apprehending and deporting alone and "without any protection" children as young as 6.

Those minors who cross Mexico from Central America run the risk along the way of becoming victims of "criminal bands," are exposed to the dangers of crossing the border and, in addition, confront the security forces of the United States," Calderon said.

"I hope authorities in other countries become aware of how aberrant it is to leave a child to his fate in our country, without guaranteeing that he can once again find his parents or relatives," he said.

Mexican President Says US Deportations Feed Violence in Mexico | Fox News Latino
Well, you don't think Calderon wants his people back do you? Let them be criminals here.
The man has a lot of nerve. I would say he is a taco short of a combination plate. In other words, he again wants the USA to do his dirty work! He keeps proving my point time and again when it comes to that country's ineptness and irresponsibility.
Well, you don't think Calderon wants his people back do you? Let them be criminals here.
If those same illegals were to remain in Mexico there probably would have been a revolution there a few years ago and Calderon would be in jail, dead or in exile.

But if that were to happen the drug cartels backed by US weapons wouldn't be able to ship drugs to the US and launder their drug money in US Banks so easily. It would all unravel.
President Felipe Calderon on Monday accused U.S. authorities of deporting Mexican criminals to save on judicial costs, a policy that ostensibly "exacerbates" violence.

Within the framework of the inauguration of National Immigration Week 2011 in this capital, Calderon said that, for example, U.S. authorities "are deporting up to 80,000 people in a year" into the border cities of Reynosa and Ciudad Juarez.

Some of these deported people "are migrants, certainly, probably all of them," although some were "already involved in criminal acts" in the United States.

"In the face of the dilemma of pursuing the legal process in the American courts, which implies costs for the administration of justice in that country, they simply prefer to deport them to border cities, by which the cycle of violence is exacerbated even more," he said.

The Mexican leader went on to say that it is "truly inhumane and scandalous" that U.S. authorities are apprehending and deporting alone and "without any protection" children as young as 6.

Those minors who cross Mexico from Central America run the risk along the way of becoming victims of "criminal bands," are exposed to the dangers of crossing the border and, in addition, confront the security forces of the United States," Calderon said.

"I hope authorities in other countries become aware of how aberrant it is to leave a child to his fate in our country, without guaranteeing that he can once again find his parents or relatives," he said.

Mexican President Says US Deportations Feed Violence in Mexico | Fox News Latino

Sure, for years the US has been a place for their unemployed and dissatisfied to go rather than become a revolutionary threat to Mexico's corrupt government. If the US sends them back and they haven't the means to escape again to the north...they can become a threat.
Hi everybody!!

I am the USA.

I am the richest country on Earth. I can deport millions of Mexicans and other illegals to their places of origin WITH POCKET MONEY if I want to.

I can double, triple, quadruple the number of my border agents.

I am a democratic country. This means my population can elect politicians with the strongest anti-immigration policies you can imagine if they choose to do so.

I have the most powerful military in the world while most illegal immigrants are peaceful, unarmed civilians who do not resemble right wing american groups, armed to the teeth, by any stretch.

But despite all my money and power I am prevented from doing anything about illegal immigration and forced to put up with millions of illegals because of the powerful speeches Mexican presidents deliver from time to time.

If only they kept their mouths shut I could gather enough strenght and political will to deport my illegal population...

Poor me... I am raped and abused daily by the brutal, mighty, deadly words of mexican politicians...

The whole world should cry at the sight of a country so terribly brutalised by its neighbor!!


:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

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I guess I have to agree with you here Jose. Yes we do have the power and the money but lack the will. By the way, every country knows it and thinks it's their right of passage to demand, insult, humiliate, criticize, interfere and try to destroy the USA because of it. Calderon is proof of that. The USA has given him every reason to believe it and has sent him and everybody else the wrong message. On our dollar bill the message should read: Mia culpa, mia culpa - and also: forgive us Lord for WE know not what WE do.

Mexican politicians might have brutal and deadly words - but - never mighty.

The world hates us too much to cry over the abuse of the USA by other nations, Jose.

Your factious message did not escape me - I just chose to ignore parts of it.

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