Mexico braces for effects of Arizona immigration law

If this thing goes down as is, it will bankrupt Arizona. Period. :popcorn:

Nope, homeless brothers like you always looking for handouts bankrupt AZ! Patriots like your governor, will bring AZ back to the promise land!

And if you hate AZ so much why not go to CA or OR, they give food stamps, section 8 and welfare to blacks like you. Actually they give more! A brother like you will feel more at home in those liberal shitholes!
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There is only two arguments these fools have to bash SB1070. Either it will cause racial profiling or...
If this thing goes down as is, it will bankrupt Arizona. Period. :popcorn:

Both are bullshit! What makes you think it will bankrupt the State? Do you have any proof, say for instance another State or city that has had a mass exodus of illegal immigrants and then fallen onto hard times? I say again bullshit!
There is only two arguments these fools have to bash SB1070. Either it will cause racial profiling or...
If this thing goes down as is, it will bankrupt Arizona. Period. :popcorn:

Both are bullshit! What makes you think it will bankrupt the State? Do you have any proof, say for instance another State or city that has had a mass exodus of illegal immigrants and then fallen onto hard times? I say again bullshit!

Yea it will bankrupt them by:
(1) Not having to give free healthcare to illegals at the emergency room?
(2) Not having to give illegal children free education at the public schools (to which illegal children require more attention since they don't speak ingles and well behind in school before they get there)?
(3) Not having to give FOOD STAMPS, Section 8, welfare and other liberal entitlements to illegals?
(4) Not having to fight the increased crime rates that ALWAYS surrounds illegal immigrants?
(5) Not having to pay for the 25% of illegals that make up the prison population?
(6) Not having to pay the unemployment benefits to AMERICAN CITIZENS who work the jobs, specifically construction jobs, that illegals have hijacked?
(7) Not losing he tax revenue that illegals don't pay, but AMERICANS CITIZENS do?
(8) Not having to deal with auto accidents in which the illegal just cuts and runs without paying?
(9) Not having to provide all the translators in all areas of public services, from the courthouse to the DMV.

LOL, only a liberal moron like you would thing that fighting illegal immigration will bankrupt a country, I guess that is why you support a President who spends more than our entire GDP in one year! But then again its tough for a person like you on food stamps, section 8 and welfare to respect people who work and pay taxes!
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Mexico is know for its hypocricy. That will never change. They fight like hell for the american dollar! They will lie, cheat and steal for it - and they do ALL three.
Hi Bull:

The Opening Post story is filled with Open Border Lobby Disinformation Propaganda slanted against American Workers being displaced by Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals out of Mexico.

MEXICO CITY — The other side of the border is also preparing for the implementation of Arizona's new immigration law, which could lead to a surge of deportees back to Mexico.
Migrant shelters along the border in Mexico say they're bracing for new arrivals after the law goes into effect Thursday.

There is no such thing as 'Migrant Shelters' that are nothing more than Safe Houses for Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals crossing our borders "Illegally." The people running these havens are 'harboring, aiding and abetting' Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals in direct violation of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki).

Mexico's government has added more workers to its consulate in Phoenix to assist detained Mexicans. Migrants who have been deported say they're watching to see how the law is enforced before deciding whether to try again to cross the border illegally into Arizona.

Migrants 'migrate' within the borders of any sovereign country to pick fruit or work in other seasonal jobs. However, we are talking about Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals that are 'citizens' of other countries that enter the USA "ILLEGALLY" to steal identities and JOBS from American Workers. To label these "ILLEGAL ALIENS" as "Migrants" is to infer that 'legal external migration' is taking place within the borders of a sovereign nation, which is NOT the case at all.

"On the plane, everybody was talking about the law," said Ernesto González, a deportee who arrived here last week on a U.S. government flight from Tucson. "Everybody knows it's coming."

Everybody knows that entering Mexico "ILLEGALLY" is against Mexican Immigration Law! Everyone knows that stealing JOBS from Mexican Citizens in Mexico is "ILLEGAL" and against every Mexican Employment Law on the books! Everyone knows that entering the USA "ILLEGALLY" is already against the "Rule of Law," but they also know that Clinton, Bush and Obama are NOT enforcing our Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws that are already on the books. THAT is the reason that enforcement of the Arizona Immigration Law is the topic of conversation, because 'somebody' in the USA is going to start enforcing the Law. If Clinton/Bush/Obama was already enforcing our Laws, then Arizona would never enter the conversation ...

Arizona's law makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally.

No sir. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 makes it illegal to be in the USA illegally, but nobody is enforcing the Rule of Law! The Arizona Immigration Law mirrors the Federal Law to a Tee, and requires Arizona Law Enforcement to hand over all Illegal Aliens to Federal Agencies.

It requires police to check a person's immigration status when the person has been involved in another offense and the officer has reasonable cause to suspect the person is in the country illegally.

Police should be checking for 'legal' driver's license and proof of insurance at EVERY STOP to ensure that our Laws are ENFORCED. Period! That goes for every U.S. Citizen and every Foreign National that is here legally or illegally. Try going to a foreign country to drive on their roads and take jobs from their citizens and see what happens ...

The check can be made only during the course of a lawful police action, such as a traffic stop or investigation of a crime.

We have thousands of Illegal Aliens using the same 'stolen' Social Security Number, but so-called Law Enforcement must wait for the Illegal Alien to slip up and break a driving law :)cuckoo:). This is ridiculous!!!

The Obama administration and several rights groups have sued to stop the law from taking effect. The Mexican government has filed a "friend of the court" brief supporting the lawsuits.

Obama is not only refusing to 'enforce' our Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws, but he stands in the way of Governor Brewer from protecting the lives of Arizona Citizens! Americans are STUPID for allowing this charade to continue ...

In Nogales, Sonora, the state shelter for migrant children added 50 beds to the 100 it already had, Director Maria Isabel Arvizu said. The San Juan Bosco shelter in Nogales also is expecting more migrants, Director Francisco Loureiro said.

Most of these Mexican Foreign Nationals will simply 'migrate' to neighboring States that also harbor, aid and abet Illegal Aliens in Sanctuary Cities that also violate Federal Law.

"All of us are getting ready for people to come back," Arvizu said.

Mexico does not want to deal with its Illegal Alien Population that was sent to the USA for the purpose of accumulating illegal funds for transmission back to Mexico! Illegal Aliens from Mexico steal JOBS from Americans and drive down wages in every local job market they infect! Illegal Aliens kill the local Consumer Base by taking money out of the system. They kill the local Tax Base by displacing American Workers from JOBS, which leads to the firing of Govt Workers to increase unemployment. The answer has always been to ENFORCE our laws against American Employers hiring the Illegal Aliens, until nobody in America will hire them. That will put American Workers back on the payroll and lower unemployment and beef up the Consumer/Tax Base ...

The Mexican Foreign Ministry declined to comment on preparations for the law. But El Universal newspaper reported that the consulate in Phoenix increased its consular-protection staff from eight to 11 and is distributing pamphlets to inform Mexicans about the law.

In other words, the Mexican Government is assisting Mexican Foreign Nationals that have entered the USA Illegally, so they can continue stealing identities and JOBS from American Citizens.

Across Mexico, radio talk shows, blogs and the news media have turned Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer into a household name.

Every Governor in the USA should follow Gov. Brewer's example and start 'enforcing' the perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws already on the books 'and' by signing 'State Immigration Bills' into Law. Gov. Brewer is only doing the job that the Obama Administration refuses to do ...

On Friday, a morning show on Televisa aired a comedy skit in which an actor dressed as the Republican governor rampages through Mexico City with a stun gun, zapping people.

The country's newspapers have been running articles daily about the legal battle over the law.

The Mexicans down south benefit from Obama refusing to enforce our Laws and they want Gov. Brewer to look the other way also ...

Academics in Mexico say they are paying attention to the Arizona law and similar proposals in other U.S. states, said Victor Manuel Sánchez, a researcher at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, a graduate school in Mexico City.

"It's going to have an effect on the ways people migrate," Sánchez said.

This 'migrate' and 'migration' lingo seeks to confuse the line between 'legal' and "ILLEGAL" Immigration across our sovereign borders! Federal, State and Local Governments in the USA must begin to protect the identities and JOBS of American Citizens, or all "Job Creation" efforts are for Illegal Aliens and unscrupulous employers hiring them! Allowing Illegal Aliens to steal JOBS from Americans is a major part of the problem and Gov. Brewer is on the right track towards a real economic solution!


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"It's going to have an effect on the ways people migrate," Sánchez said.

Well duh - I certainly hope so! Let's see if they do it LEGALLY in the future!!
If this thing goes down as is, it will bankrupt Arizona. Period. :popcorn:
Can I quote you on that?

Sure. I just heard how many conventions that were cancelled and how much money this state lost because of it.

I remember what happened here because of the MLK birthday thing way back and this state almost went under then. They caved of course.

If this thing goes down as is, it will bankrupt Arizona. Period. :popcorn:
Can I quote you on that?

Sure. I just heard how many conventions that were cancelled and how much money this state lost because of it.

I remember what happened here because of the MLK birthday thing way back and this state almost went under then. They caved of course.


you fucking liar.....if MLK's birthday is so fucking important how come so many companies dont recognize it as a holiday and give their workers the day off with pay?....the State almost went under....your so full of shit....
If this thing goes down as is, it will bankrupt Arizona. Period. :popcorn:

No Zona, CA does not have this law nor has attempted to have this law, and it's bankrupt!! I do wish CA would go the way of AZ!! Trust me, that would bring back the CA I used to know and love!

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