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Mexico city earthquake: Moment deadly Popocatepetl volcano erupts after quake

The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.

The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.
You seem to be suffering grossly from a false sense of security. So when you come up for air from blowing the ghost of Obama you might want to take a second to realize that the paltry amount of power That is generated by the means your so happy about; travels through the same grid as the rest. If the grid goes down... Youre fucked unless you personally have these systems hardwired into your home, or BOL. Now wipe your chin...

First of all fuck you are your vile and vulgar comments. You've proved to be an asshole and an ignorant one. Many schools in CA have covered their parking lots with solar power, as have the roofs in many office buildings. Those schools and office buildings when used as shelters will have solar power, at least during the daylight hours.

Many homes in CA are putting solar panels on their roof, and many of us have solar panels we can use to charge batteries for lighting, and larger storage batteries which can run a low watt appliance.

We liver in Earthquake County, we have EQ Insurance, canned goods for at least a month and cases of water, just in case. Lots of flashlights, propane for heat and cooking on our Big Green Egg and a van with power outlets.

Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head, we have a store of first aid supplies and were prepared for most anything, at least until Trump made a mess of our foreign policy.
Sure you do. And even if you did. When was the last time you practiced living off of your preps in a grid down scenario? For how long? I bet dollars to donuts the answer is never.

I'd win. Ever been backpacking? I have. Mountain trout and dry freeze food. Yum.
Backpacking, huh...? Cool... ever done it in an urban area in the middle of a full scale catastrophe surrounded by 100's of thousands of scared desperate others who didn't plan for shit; and will do anything, and take from anyone to see to their own survival? Because not unlike you... They're depending on these systems to save them, and everyone else. They won't. Good luck.
Discern the times...these are the beginning of sorrows

2 Timothy 3 (NKJV)

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control,
brutal, despisers of good,
4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God,
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power.
And from such people turn away!
6 For of this sort are those who creep into households
and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins,
led away by various lusts,
7 always learning and never able to come
to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses,
so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds,
disapproved concerning the faith;
9 but they will progress no further,
for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

Matthew 24:6-8, 32-39, 42-44 KJV

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes,
in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree;
When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves,
ye know that summer is nigh:

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things,
know that it is near, even at the doors.

34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass,
till all these things be fulfilled.

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away.

36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man,
no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

37 But as the days of Noah were,
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
until the day that Noah entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away;
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known
in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched,
and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not
the Son of man cometh.

Luke 21:25 KJV

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon,
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations,
with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

These things have been happening throughout earths geological, and meteorological history. So I don't see what's so suspicious to you.
Discern the times

The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.

The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.
You seem to be suffering grossly from a false sense of security. So when you come up for air from blowing the ghost of Obama you might want to take a second to realize that the paltry amount of power That is generated by the means your so happy about; travels through the same grid as the rest. If the grid goes down... Youre fucked unless you personally have these systems hardwired into your home, or BOL. Now wipe your chin...

First of all fuck you and your vile and vulgar comments. You've proved to be an asshole and an ignorant one. Many schools in CA have covered their parking lots with solar power, as have the roofs in many office buildings. Those schools and office buildings when used as shelters will have solar power, at least during the daylight hours.

Many homes in CA are putting solar panels on their roof, and many of us have solar panels we can use to charge batteries for lighting, and larger storage batteries which can run a low watt appliance.

We liver in Earthquake County, we have EQ Insurance, canned goods for at least a month and cases of water, just in case. Lots of flashlights, propane for heat and cooking on our Big Green Egg and a van with power outlets.

Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head, we have a store of first aid supplies and were prepared for most anything, at least until Trump made a mess of our foreign policy.
Do you really live in California? Really?

Solar panels do not provide anything to the home they are attached to. Solar panels feed directly into the grid and the homeowner gets a credit for providing power into the grid. When the grid goes down, so do the solar panels. That why you still get an electric bill even if the bill only shows a credit.

To explain, if you don't understand. If you have a solar powered patio light, there is a battery. The solar panel feeds electricty into the little battery and that lights the light. The solar panels on roofs do not charge batteries. There are no batteries. They feed directly into the power lines.

If you really want to have independent power, get a generator. There are solar powered generators.
We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort
Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head,

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out a sentence that makes more sense

State of California Debt Clock

California's Total State/Local Debt $1.3 Trillion

Apparently your biases fail to recognize reality. Do some homework on California, Gov. Brown and its current economy.

The debt you speak of was a product of the Republican minority, and Republican Governors who played the game, you can have your cake and eat it too. In short, don't tax and spend.

Their Law and Order agenda, good PR, but not so good when they filled prisons and county jails with low level offenders, raided the once local tax base, which reduced everything local government could provide, from social work, to probation officers and an inability to repair pot holes.

On the national level the costs to provide medical care became the highest cost to local government. The Congress fought reform in health are for over 100 years, and even today are fixated in repealing the ACA, doing so only because they promised they would. Doing so will put the burden on each individual state.

The hidden agenda being Red States will no provide care for those with existing health problems and finds other reasons for exclusion, their hope those with serious health issues will move to a progressive state which will provide that care, at the expense of other local government services.

[In my first job in LE, I remember asking older colleagues what "floater" meant on FBI Rap sheets. Floaters were poor and mostly black men who had committed a minor and sometimes serious crime, and were given the choice, prison or take the bus ticket and go to California. They universally committed the offense in the deep south, aka, Red States].
Geez, I sure hope that volcano doesn't ramp up. An earthquake and volcano back to back would be tough on any country. I hope the hurricanes leave them alone so they can try and catch their breath.
We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort
Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head,

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out a sentence that makes more sense

State of California Debt Clock

California's Total State/Local Debt $1.3 Trillion

Apparently your biases fail to recognize reality. Do some homework on California, Gov. Brown and its current economy.

The debt you speak of was a product of the Republican minority, and Republican Governors who played the game, you can have your cake and eat it too. In short, don't tax and spend.

Their Law and Order agenda, good PR, but not so good when they filled prisons and county jails with low level offenders, raided the once local tax base, which reduced everything local government could provide, from social work, to probation officers and an inability to repair pot holes.

On the national level the costs to provide medical care became the highest cost to local government. The Congress fought reform in health are for over 100 years, and even today are fixated in repealing the ACA, doing so only because they promised they would. Doing so will put the burden on each individual state.

The hidden agenda being Red States will no provide care for those with existing health problems and finds other reasons for exclusion, their hope those with serious health issues will move to a progressive state which will provide that care, at the expense of other local government services.

[In my first job in LE, I remember asking older colleagues what "floater" meant on FBI Rap sheets. Floaters were poor and mostly black men who had committed a minor and sometimes serious crime, and were given the choice, prison or take the bus ticket and go to California. They universally committed the offense in the deep south, aka, Red States].


In terms of the 1.3 Trillion Dollar debt, much of which is retirement benefits for government employees, I presume, it took decades for this to accrue and it will take time - not tax cuts - to make it go away.

The beneficiaries will die, and all new hires are not receiving the (I admit, I'm one of them) a retirement which can pay more in retirement than earned while employed.
On Wry Catcher's point. There are many inexpensive foods that keep for a long time. I kept a sack of red beans for five years, a 25 lb sack, and then cooked them up and ate them. They were fine. Since my wife and I did a lot of camping, we have many types of camp stoves, many of which use white gas. The gas in your car is going to be useless for transportation for a while in a major disaster, so that would better be used to cook your meals. Then there are the campstoves that burn small bits of wood very efficiently, and also provide electricity for your cell phone. Where we are, there is plenty of water, so that is not an issue. Sanitation is, but we have picks and shovels to dig, and construct a quick outhouse.

No, there is no reason not to continue surviving a major disaster in this nation if one looks ahead, and has the necessary tools.
We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort
Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head,

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup
and shit out a sentence that makes more sense

State of California Debt Clock

California's Total State/Local Debt $1.3 Trillion

Apparently your biases fail to recognize reality. Do some homework on California, Gov. Brown and its current economy.

The debt you speak of was a product of the Republican minority, and Republican Governors who played the game, you can have your cake and eat it too. In short, don't tax and spend.

Their Law and Order agenda, good PR, but not so good when they filled prisons and county jails with low level offenders, raided the once local tax base, which reduced everything local government could provide, from social work, to probation officers and an inability to repair pot holes.

On the national level the costs to provide medical care became the highest cost to local government. The Congress fought reform in health are for over 100 years, and even today are fixated in repealing the ACA, doing so only because they promised they would. Doing so will put the burden on each individual state.

The hidden agenda being Red States will no provide care for those with existing health problems and finds other reasons for exclusion, their hope those with serious health issues will move to a progressive state which will provide that care, at the expense of other local government services.

[In my first job in LE, I remember asking older colleagues what "floater" meant on FBI Rap sheets. Floaters were poor and mostly black men who had committed a minor and sometimes serious crime, and were given the choice, prison or take the bus ticket and go to California. They universally committed the offense in the deep south, aka, Red States].


In terms of the 1.3 Trillion Dollar debt, much of which is retirement benefits for government employees, I presume, it took decades for this to accrue and it will take time - not tax cuts - to make it go away.

The beneficiaries will die, and all new hires are not receiving the (I admit, I'm one of them) a retirement which can pay more in retirement than earned while employed.
Also, since California is the seventh largest economy in the world, a debt that would be unthinkable in Montana is a minor matter to California. Scale makes a difference.
The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.

The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.
You seem to be suffering grossly from a false sense of security. So when you come up for air from blowing the ghost of Obama you might want to take a second to realize that the paltry amount of power That is generated by the means your so happy about; travels through the same grid as the rest. If the grid goes down... Youre fucked unless you personally have these systems hardwired into your home, or BOL. Now wipe your chin...

First of all fuck you and your vile and vulgar comments. You've proved to be an asshole and an ignorant one. Many schools in CA have covered their parking lots with solar power, as have the roofs in many office buildings. Those schools and office buildings when used as shelters will have solar power, at least during the daylight hours.

Many homes in CA are putting solar panels on their roof, and many of us have solar panels we can use to charge batteries for lighting, and larger storage batteries which can run a low watt appliance.

We liver in Earthquake County, we have EQ Insurance, canned goods for at least a month and cases of water, just in case. Lots of flashlights, propane for heat and cooking on our Big Green Egg and a van with power outlets.

Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head, we have a store of first aid supplies and were prepared for most anything, at least until Trump made a mess of our foreign policy.
Do you really live in California? Really?

Solar panels do not provide anything to the home they are attached to. Solar panels feed directly into the grid and the homeowner gets a credit for providing power into the grid. When the grid goes down, so do the solar panels. That why you still get an electric bill even if the bill only shows a credit.

To explain, if you don't understand. If you have a solar powered patio light, there is a battery. The solar panel feeds electricty into the little battery and that lights the light. The solar panels on roofs do not charge batteries. There are no batteries. They feed directly into the power lines.

If you really want to have independent power, get a generator. There are solar powered generators.

How Solar Works
We can change sunlight directly to electricity using solar cells. Every day, light hits your roof's solar panels with photons (particles of sunlight). The solar panel converts those photons into electrons of direct current ("DC") electricity. The electrons flow out of the solar panel and into an inverter and other electrical safety devices. The inverter converts that "DC" power (commonly used in batteries) into alternating current or "AC" power. AC power is the kind of electrical that your television, computer, and toasters use when plugged into the wall outlet.

A net energy meter keeps track of the all the power your solar system produces. Any solar energy that you do not use simultaneous with production will go back into the electrical grid through the meter. At night or on cloudy days, when your system is not producing more than your building needs, you will consume electricity from the grid as normal. Your utility will bill you for the "net" consumption for any given billing period and provide you with a dollar credit for any excess during a given period. You can carry your bill credit forward for up to a year.
How Solar Electricity Systems Work - Go Solar California
The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.

The results of no power for months will be devastating

......but yep happens all the time.. Gawd dam.

Puerto Rico could be out of power for months after Maria | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 150531

We are so lucky, especially in California, we have many solar panels and wind mills creating power which will allow us to live with much more comfort than those in Puerto Rico or in one of the Red States. Thank you President Obama and Governor Brown.
You seem to be suffering grossly from a false sense of security. So when you come up for air from blowing the ghost of Obama you might want to take a second to realize that the paltry amount of power That is generated by the means your so happy about; travels through the same grid as the rest. If the grid goes down... Youre fucked unless you personally have these systems hardwired into your home, or BOL. Now wipe your chin...

First of all fuck you and your vile and vulgar comments. You've proved to be an asshole and an ignorant one. Many schools in CA have covered their parking lots with solar power, as have the roofs in many office buildings. Those schools and office buildings when used as shelters will have solar power, at least during the daylight hours.

Many homes in CA are putting solar panels on their roof, and many of us have solar panels we can use to charge batteries for lighting, and larger storage batteries which can run a low watt appliance.

We liver in Earthquake County, we have EQ Insurance, canned goods for at least a month and cases of water, just in case. Lots of flashlights, propane for heat and cooking on our Big Green Egg and a van with power outlets.

Progressive and liberals look forward and plan a head, we have a store of first aid supplies and were prepared for most anything, at least until Trump made a mess of our foreign policy.
Do you really live in California? Really?

Solar panels do not provide anything to the home they are attached to. Solar panels feed directly into the grid and the homeowner gets a credit for providing power into the grid. When the grid goes down, so do the solar panels. That why you still get an electric bill even if the bill only shows a credit.

To explain, if you don't understand. If you have a solar powered patio light, there is a battery. The solar panel feeds electricty into the little battery and that lights the light. The solar panels on roofs do not charge batteries. There are no batteries. They feed directly into the power lines.

If you really want to have independent power, get a generator. There are solar powered generators.

Q. Is she lying, or simply echoing another right wing meme?

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