Michael Brown shooting: Eric Holder meets victim's family


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Michael Brown shooting: Eric Holder meets victim's family

1. The attorney general remembered how he was stopped twice on the New Jersey Turnpike and accused of speeding. Police searched his car, going through the trunk and looking under the seats.

"I remember how humiliating that was and how angry I was and the impact it had on me," Holder said during a private meeting with about 50 community leaders at the Florissant campus of St. Louis Community College.

The AG has a hard time letting his personal past go. Certainly it is dictating his actions now when he remembers those humiliating times at the hands of white police officers.

2. Asked whether he had confidence in the local investigation of the police officer, Johnson said Holder's presence "is a guarantee on that."

Does he ask if there is going to be a thorough investigation of any crimes? No. Just of the police officer.

3. At the college, Holder told his audience that the most experienced agents and prosecutors would be assigned to the Ferguson investigation.

Not just any agents. HIS MOST EXPERIENCED. The US is a big place. All of the most experienced agents are settled in little Ferguson Missouri while Chicago averages double digit murders each weekend. Go figure.

Michael Brown shooting: Eric Holder meets victim's family - World - CBC News

The headline read, Eric Holder Meets with Victims Family. That meant he met with Darren Wilson and his family, right? No, the victim is Michael Brown, the "gentle giant" that strong armed a convenience store clerk in a robbery before assaulting a police officer, leaving him with multiple fractures to his face in a struggle for his gun, but before ignoring the order to "freeze" and charging the police officer. THAT victim!

Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the US, the Supreme justice seeker in the land has found that Michael Brown was the victim without even a hearing. He chose to visit the Brown family and ignore the family of the injured police officer.

Is this the unbiased "holder' of justice we can be proud of?

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