Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

You know what? I grew up in a time when the FBI was a J. Edgar Hoover book and had some integrity, and they were talking about Klaus Fuchs, and a nickel. These days, notsomuch.

I think all these motherfuckers need a reminder from people that have sworn to uphold The Constitution, that's what I think. AKA: All of the US military.

Hoover had files on everyone in politics and kept his job by blackmailing Presidents and anyone else who threatened him. Hardly a man of integrity at all.
Yeah, Comey tried the same thing.
ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?

Did she do it? No?

Well then, back to the topic, Mr. whataboutism...

We all know she did do it.

Not according to FOX News. Bloom set up a fund but paid out no money. She returned the money raised to the donors.

Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct before Election Day, report says
So she says. We only have her word on that, and we can trust that about as much as you can trsut Hillary.
We shall see if Cohen is willing to die in prison for Trump. Trump can't save Cohen with a pardon - because the New York AG is also after him.
Cohen will never go to prison as long as Trump is president. He can afford to take the fall even if Trump was involved because at the end of the day, the president still has pardoning power.

The AG of New York State is looking at state charges for Cohen and Manafort because Trump’s power to pardon only applies to federal crimes. Both men could be charged with state crimes and sent to prison and there’s nothing Trump could do to stop it.
Trump can pardon any crime. Read what the Constitution actually says:

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
^^^ a fucking moron who doesn’t know the difference between the United States and the individual states. :eusa_doh:
Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.

She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Had she paid it out though, it could still be a campaign contribution. That wouldn't implicate Hillary, only Bloom.

We all know that Trump's accusers were paid for smearing Trump. Why else would they do it? It was an event staged and coordinated by the Hillary campaign. That much couldn't be more obvious. Hillary probably gave each one an exact date when she was supposed to anounce her accusation.
Fucking moron... you saying this means it’s bullshit.
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.

You really haven't been keeping up have you? Turn off FIX News and learn some facts....

I listen to many news outlets in many venues. YOU need to turn off the Clinton news network CNN and learn some facts. Lynch and comey are about to spill the beans on the Clintons in order to save their criminal asses.

You Trumpettes are Desperate....entiry understandable....

nope, not desperate at all. I am personally very happy with the way the economy and the country are moving under Trump. He is doing exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. BUT, as he does that he is undermining the corrupt establishment in both parties and their corrupt lying media counterparts.

As to the Clintons, they are criminals, but they will never be brought to justice because political elites are not subject to the same laws that apply to you and me, unless they are republicans, then new laws can be dreamed up to prosecute them.
ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.

She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?

you are the fricken expert, you tell us.

Why don’t we let Mueller tell us

If he had anything, he would already have told us. Its been over a year and NOTHING except wasting taxpayer money.
ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.
One recieved $30,000 to pay off her mortgage. The article doesn't discuss the amounts of other payouts.

Lisa Bloom tried to get Trump accusers paid

So she only "tried" now?

What part of "Lisa Bloom paid them off" didn't you understand?

We all know she did do it.

You're both a liar and a loser.
nope, not desperate at all. I am personally very happy with the way the economy and the country are moving under Trump. He is doing exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. BUT, as he does that he is undermining the corrupt establishment in both parties and their corrupt lying media counterparts.

As to the Clintons, they are criminals, but they will never be brought to justice because political elites are not subject to the same laws that apply to you and me, unless they are republicans, then new laws can be dreamed up to prosecute them.
Tissue ? ,,,grief counselors ?

Declaring the Clinton criminals does not cut it ...you have to indict them first , bring them to trial with Proof , Convict...Due Process ...Not wing Nut Declarations

Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.

She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.

there is nothing illegal about paying a person to sign an NDA.
Cohen is Trumps “fixer”

Let’s see wha5 had to be fixed

He had a one night tryst with a porn slut and then bought her silence and had her sign an NDA. Nothing illegal in any of that.

She probably committed breach of contract by talking about it.

BTW, Assad gassed his own people, NK is coming to the table, Taxes have been cut for middle class americans, American companies are expanding in America, illegal border crossings are down significantly, our military is strong, sanctions have been placed on Russia, ISIS is virtually defeated

but but but but----------------------------Stormy. You libs are fricken idiots.
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?

you are the fricken expert, you tell us.

Why don’t we let Mueller tell us

If he had anything, he would already have told us. Its been over a year and NOTHING except wasting taxpayer money.
So? You righties set the standard with Ken Starr... 6 years and unlimited funding.
We shall see if Cohen is willing to die in prison for Trump. Trump can't save Cohen with a pardon - because the New York AG is also after him.
Cohen will never go to prison as long as Trump is president. He can afford to take the fall even if Trump was involved because at the end of the day, the president still has pardoning power.

The AG of New York State is looking at state charges for Cohen and Manafort because Trump’s power to pardon only applies to federal crimes. Both men could be charged with state crimes and sent to prison and there’s nothing Trump could do to stop it.
Trump can pardon any crime. Read what the Constitution actually says:

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

against the United States,

Federal crimes.
Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.

She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.

there is nothing illegal about paying a person to sign an NDA.
Of course not, unless it’s of benefit to a candidate running for office and exceeds the legal limits of a campaign donation.
ASK FOLKS if they think paying off a whore to keep quite is a campaign expense or a personal expense. ASK THEM.

Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.
One recieved $30,000 to pay off her mortgage. The article doesn't discuss the amounts of other payouts.

Lisa Bloom tried to get Trump accusers paid

So she only "tried" now?

What part of "Lisa Bloom paid them off" didn't you understand?

We all know she did do it.

You're both a liar and a loser.

sorry, but the liar and loser is you. you lie on this board every day and your wonderful hildebeast LOST-----------------liar and loser.
Sure ask them.

"Given that a billionaire had sex with a porn star in 2006 and his personal lawyer then paid her $130,000 in 2016 just 11 days before an election. Do you think the payment of $130,000 to the porn star not to reveal her story just days before the election was done to keep the information from the American voter and influence the outcome of the election by withholding this information?"

If you are going to ask, then context of the question matters.


Lisa Bloom admitted on national television that she offered women as much as $750,000 to smear Trump. According to your theory, shouldn't that count as an illegal campaign contribution?
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.

She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Had she paid it out though, it could still be a campaign contribution. That wouldn't implicate Hillary, only Bloom.

We all know that Trump's accusers were paid for smearing Trump. Why else would they do it? It was an event staged and coordinated by the Hillary campaign. That much couldn't be more obvious. Hillary probably gave each one an exact date when she was supposed to anounce her accusation.

We all know that Trump's accusers were paid for smearing Trump.

We shall see if Cohen is willing to die in prison for Trump. Trump can't save Cohen with a pardon - because the New York AG is also after him.
Cohen will never go to prison as long as Trump is president. He can afford to take the fall even if Trump was involved because at the end of the day, the president still has pardoning power.

The AG of New York State is looking at state charges for Cohen and Manafort because Trump’s power to pardon only applies to federal crimes. Both men could be charged with state crimes and sent to prison and there’s nothing Trump could do to stop it.
Trump can pardon any crime. Read what the Constitution actually says:

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

against the United States,

Federal crimes.
I can’t believe what a fucking moron that idiot is. He’s the best proof that the raid on Cohen is legal and constitutional. Just the fact that he believes it’s not.
How much money did she pay out. If it exceeds $2,700, it may very well violate campaign finance laws.

She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.

there is nothing illegal about paying a person to sign an NDA.
Of course not, unless it’s of benefit to a candidate running for office and exceeds the legal limits of a campaign donation.

LOL, where do you get this crap? How do you know that the payment came from campaign funds? this is nothing but desperation from the witch hunter Mewler :206: since he has failed to find any illegal Russian collusion.

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