Michael Cohen sentenced to three years in prison

All for shit that nobody would have batted an eye at, were he not associated with Cheeto.

This isn't about criminality, it's about sending a strong signal to every other upstart who thinks that they can bust their way into the Big Club and not get their ass kicked.

View attachment 234321
Oh, look. A tard who doesn't know the difference between an open lawsuit settlement and conspiring to violate campaign finance laws.

washingtonpost.com: Jones v. Clinton Special Report
I hope to God the dude gets pounded by 300lb Bubba every day he’s in. I hope his wife is pounded by Mandingo and his four buddies daily while he’s away.
He won't be in that kind of prison. His worry will be making his tee time at the prison golf course.
I wonder how much money the feds let him keep. He owned several buildings, but like Trump he probably was leveraged up to his eyeballs. As G5000 said, he loses his law license, permanently. No one will trust him with money. He won't even be bondable and be able to sell investment stuff.

With Uber, he may not have much future in even driving a taxi with one of his medallions.

some rich shithook will keep him in the shadows to read and validate their deals -
I don't know. Cohen is nothing but a liability. The Trumpanzees who support Trump are not the rich folks out there who do deals, like Epstien and Bloomberg and anyone on the left coast. The funny thing about Trump, that the Trumpanzees never got, is that Trump has no actual friends or people with whom he shares favors. In this country anyway
That's an asset. And it's also the Reason the Crooked Clintons, Crooked Schummer, Crooked Obama Bin Lying, Crooked Waters, Crooked Pelosi and other Crooked GOP and DNC Politicians are trying to get him out of the way.

This guy does not need GRAFT, BRIBES, KICKBACKS, INSIDER TRADING, FAVORS, INFLUENCE SELLING TO GET RICH. The Clintons and Obamas did. He is cracking down on all that crap. And they don't like it because their pocketbooks are getting squeezed. The Clinton Foundation Donations dropped 40% after she lost The Election. People jumped out of windows on Wall Street during The Depression after such losses.

President Trump did absolutely NOTHING. That will be proven eventually. All this shit will disappear if he loses in 2020 or he finishes out in 2024. That's all this is about. And anyone who doesn't believe that is a moron not to see what is going on.

As long as he is in office, they are going to violate any law they can, violate his Civil Rights, raid all his attorney's offices, pry in to every crevice and crack, turn over every rock to find anything, even a false accusation they can pin on him until he is out of office.

That is how Morally and Ethically Low we have fallen. The FBI and DOJ, IRS, and FISA are an Abomination to a Nation that was founded on Individual Rights and Liberties. We are watching Mueller, The DOJ and FBI destroy our liberties once brick at a time right before our eyes and we don't even realize it is happening.
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regardless what Mueller finds, do you actually believe these uneducated partisan pimples are smart enough to fully understand the outcome ?
You...calling others "uneducated partisan pimples"....BWWWWAHAHAHAHAH!....Do yourself a favor and Google "self-awareness"....

Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Trump didn't break the law, asshole. The same crowd that defended Slick Willy to the last man is getting all high and mighty about Trump, and they don't eve have any evidence that Stormy's allegations are true, as they did with Lewinski's.

Revealing the truth about Hillary was a lucky break for America.
Lyin' Donald defended Slick Willy. They were golfing buddies. They also both spend time warding off the women they sexually assaulted. Comrades in arms.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. I didn't hear anyone, especially Giuliani, whining about a "perjury trap" back then.

Trump suborned his attorney to violate the law.

Let's wait until Mueller is done with his investigation. Then we'll see what Crooked Donald has been up to all these years.

regardless what Mueller finds, do you actually believe these uneducated partisan pimples are smart enough to fully understand the outcome ?

What's to understand, dickweed ?

That Donald was crooked.

You find that surprizing......? Then you are the undeducated pimple (and what a tough guy you are hiding behind your keyboard).

We know he was crooked.

We also know Hillary is too.

And a whole lot of others.

Any, and I mean any, moron who thinks any of the top brass in D.C. are clean....are either really stupid or exceptionally stupid.
I love it how the grasping for straws never ends when it’s about Trump getting “locked up”. Each day he’s driving these mindless sheep crazy. Gotta love it now.
Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Trump didn't break the law, asshole. The same crowd that defended Slick Willy to the last man is getting all high and mighty about Trump, and they don't eve have any evidence that Stormy's allegations are true, as they did with Lewinski's.

Revealing the truth about Hillary was a lucky break for America.
Lyin' Donald defended Slick Willy. They were golfing buddies. They also both spend time warding off the women they sexually assaulted. Comrades in arms.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. I didn't hear anyone, especially Giuliani, whining about a "perjury trap" back then.

Trump suborned his attorney to violate the law.

Let's wait until Mueller is done with his investigation. Then we'll see what Crooked Donald has been up to all these years.

regardless what Mueller finds, do you actually believe these uneducated partisan pimples are smart enough to fully understand the outcome ?

What's to understand, dickweed ?

That Donald was crooked.

You find that surprizing......? Then you are the undeducated pimple (and what a tough guy you are hiding behind your keyboard).

We know he was crooked.

We also know Hillary is too.

And a whole lot of others.

Any, and I mean any, moron who thinks any of the top brass in D.C. are clean....are either really stupid or exceptionally stupid.
So much for "draining the swamp".
I wonder how much money the feds let him keep. He owned several buildings, but like Trump he probably was leveraged up to his eyeballs. As G5000 said, he loses his law license, permanently. No one will trust him with money. He won't even be bondable and be able to sell investment stuff.

With Uber, he may not have much future in even driving a taxi with one of his medallions.

some rich shithook will keep him in the shadows to read and validate their deals -
I don't know. Cohen is nothing but a liability. The Trumpanzees who support Trump are not the rich folks out there who do deals, like Epstien and Bloomberg and anyone on the left coast. The funny thing about Trump, that the Trumpanzees never got, is that Trump has no actual friends or people with whom he shares favors. In this country anyway
That's an asset. And it's also the Reason the Crooked Clintons, Crooked Schummer, Crooked Obama Bin Lying, Crooked Waters, Crooked Pelosi and other Crooked GOP and DNC Politicians are trying to get him out of the way.

This guy does not need GRAFT, BRIBES, KICKBACKS, INSIDER TRADING, FAVORS, INFLUENCE SELLING TO GET RICH. The Clintons and Obamas did. He is cracking down on all that crap. And they don't like it because their pocketbooks are getting squeezed. The Clinton Foundation Donations dropped 40% after she lost The Election. People jumped out of windows on Wall Street during The Depression after such losses.

President Trump did absolutely NOTHING. That will be proven eventually. All this shit will disappear if he loses in 2020. That's all this is about. And anyone who doesn't believe that is a moron not to see what is going on.
Let's wait till we see those Deutchbank loans
Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Who gives a shit… We already seen all this before, the difference was slick Willy did all the same shit while in office. Lol
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Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Trump didn't break the law, asshole. The same crowd that defended Slick Willy to the last man is getting all high and mighty about Trump, and they don't eve have any evidence that Stormy's allegations are true, as they did with Lewinski's.

Revealing the truth about Hillary was a lucky break for America.
Lyin' Donald defended Slick Willy. They were golfing buddies. They also both spend time warding off the women they sexually assaulted. Comrades in arms.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. I didn't hear anyone, especially Giuliani, whining about a "perjury trap" back then.

Trump suborned his attorney to violate the law.

Let's wait until Mueller is done with his investigation. Then we'll see what Crooked Donald has been up to all these years.

regardless what Mueller finds, do you actually believe these uneducated partisan pimples are smart enough to fully understand the outcome ?
I've been thinking about starting a topic about that very thing.

There is ZERO chance these parroting rubes will read Mueller's report for themselves. They will bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are instructed to parrot.

And there will be a lot of blubbering, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaammmmaaaaaaa! :206:"

What's Obama got to do with this.

Pull your head out of your colon.

The rich and wonderful talent pool we have to draw from in electing our officials is incredible (uncredible too).

This we KNOW.
Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Trump didn't break the law, asshole. The same crowd that defended Slick Willy to the last man is getting all high and mighty about Trump, and they don't eve have any evidence that Stormy's allegations are true, as they did with Lewinski's.

Revealing the truth about Hillary was a lucky break for America.
Lyin' Donald defended Slick Willy. They were golfing buddies. They also both spend time warding off the women they sexually assaulted. Comrades in arms.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. I didn't hear anyone, especially Giuliani, whining about a "perjury trap" back then.

Trump suborned his attorney to violate the law.

Let's wait until Mueller is done with his investigation. Then we'll see what Crooked Donald has been up to all these years.

regardless what Mueller finds, do you actually believe these uneducated partisan pimples are smart enough to fully understand the outcome ?

What's to understand, dickweed ?

That Donald was crooked.

You find that surprizing......? Then you are the undeducated pimple (and what a tough guy you are hiding behind your keyboard).

We know he was crooked.

We also know Hillary is too.

And a whole lot of others.

Any, and I mean any, moron who thinks any of the top brass in D.C. are clean....are either really stupid or exceptionally stupid.
So much for "draining the swamp".
To drain the swamp you would have to get rid of every career politician and their deep state buddies.
Did you eat too much paste today?

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