Michael Moore Set To Release Latest America-Hating Film

The Great Goose

Gold Member
Sep 26, 2015
Democrat Darling Michael Moore Jumps Shark With Latest America-Hating Film: “Where to Invade Next”

Jim Hoft Dec 30th, 2015 11:25 am 21 Comments
Michael Moore is set to release his most vicious anti-American film to date.
“Where to Invade Next”

Democrats will love his twisting of history as he berates America for being nothing more than nation of invaders and imperialists.
It will surely be a hit at the Obama White House.
Moore released the movie trailer this week.
Poor Michael has put on even more weight and obviously struggles shuffling through the train station in the preview.

Colin Powell offered the best rebuttal to Moore’s hateful dishonesty back in 2003 in Switzerland.

When in Switzerland at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the former Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of empire building by George Bush.
Colin Powell replied,

“Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return.”

Why fucken invade a place if not to take land and settle families there?
It became very quiet in the room.

Read more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015...#ixzz3vphE5sk2
Freedom of speech says that Moore can do expose' on America's penchant for invading other nations for their resources under the ruse of "fighting for freedoms". Read up on "Manifest Destiny". It used to mean expansion from East to West Coast. But of late the corporations using our tax dollars (the military) have decided it means "expanding business outside our shores by force".

Moore's got a point. The rest of the world knows it. Any thinking man knows it. From Vietnam to secure tea and rubber, to Iraq to secure oil, we are known worldwide for our economic-invasions under the veil of "Liberty and Freedom!" Well, truth in advertising. It's the "liberty" to invade illegally and the "freedom" to take what we want once we ransack the target and destabilize it. It's an old game that's been going on since WW II and the world is getting sick and tired of it. And, it's the cause (one of the main ones anyway) of why we are under attack by Islamic extremists. You scare people enough to their core and they react accordingly in last-ditch efforts.

The solution is to simply stop doing that and be happy with what industry we can muster and support here at home and in FAIR trade of labor and goods abroad. We should stop fracking. US "oil wealth" is the land on top of the fracking fields and the food it produces. People can live in the world without oil. They can't live without food. America has a resource the world needs, so rein it in folks and trade fair. It will all work out without invading other countries for a few rich bastards who are in the tea, rubber or oil (etc.)trades...resources that aren't on US soil in any vast and easily-accessible amounts..
Freedom of speech says that Moore can do expose' on America's penchant for invading other nations for their resources under the ruse of "fighting for freedoms". Read up on "Manifest Destiny". It used to mean expansion from East to West Coast. But of late the corporations using our tax dollars (the military) have decided it means "expanding business outside our shores by force".

Moore's got a point. The rest of the world knows it. Any thinking man knows it. From Vietnam to secure tea and rubber, to Iraq to secure oil, we are known worldwide for our economic-invasions under the veil of "Liberty and Freedom!" Well, truth in advertising. It's the "liberty" to invade illegally and the "freedom" to take what we want once we ransack the target and destabilize it. It's an old game that's been going on since WW II and the world is getting sick and tired of it. And, it's the cause (one of the main ones anyway) of why we are under attack by Islamic extremists. You scare people enough to their core and they react accordingly in last-ditch efforts.

The solution is to simply stop doing that and be happy with what industry we can muster and support here at home and in FAIR trade of labor and goods abroad. We should stop fracking. US "oil wealth" is the land on top of the fracking fields and the food it produces. People can live in the world without oil. They can't live without food. America has a resource the world needs, so rein it in folks and trade fair. It will all work out without invading other countries for a few rich bastards who are in the tea, rubber or oil (etc.)trades...resources that aren't on US soil in any vast and easily-accessible amounts..
Yer a box of rocks. :slap:

From the EIA -

Fine, food and oil. We just need to stop invading countries under the bullshit veil of "liberty and freedom". Everyone's onto it. It's the elephant in every living room across the world. We need a new gig: maturity and respect.

We are a relatively new nation who hasn't quite yet hit a wall with our intrinsic resources where we HAVE to play nice in order to manage our large population and shrinking resources.. (Like European countries have to, whether they like it or not) We are like the bully teenage boy gang. We need to grow up and stop scaring people into bombing us into juvenile hall (jail of our own fears of terrorism). You can't go around beating people up and stealing their lunch money and then be beloved by all, or over time, even your closest allies. Pretty soon everyone sees you as the asshole you are. If we could stop doing this, we could be great again. We'll see..

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