Michael Savage Asks "Why Did The C.I.A. Hack Dianne Feinstein's Computer 3 Times?


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Just heard it listening to his show right now. It's a good question. She discovered they did it 3 different times. So what prompted them to do it in the first place? She must have done something nefarious for the damn CIA to take notice. Now she is getting revenge and is committing sedition. She has a personal vendetta and wants to neutralize the CIA and destroy their reputation putting all their personel in jeopardy at home and abroad.
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To find out what she was writing in her epic 6000 page indictment of the CIA... This way they had weeks to prepare a rebuttal to her shit, that DIDN'T sound like something laughable that obuma would make up to cover his many scandals!
Maybe because Dianne Feinstein and her husband were deeply involved in war profiteering in Iraq. She managed to steer more than $1 billion in federal contracts to her husband's construction companies, and they reaped hundreds of millions of dollars in war profits.

OK, you can unzip your mouth, open your eyes and take your hands away from your ears. Tom's already spoken the evil that you've already forgotten. Feinstein is no doubt one of the most rotten corrupt senators in US history, and maybe one of the top 3 hypocrites in US history.
Maybe because Dianne Feinstein and her husband were deeply involved in war profiteering in Iraq. She managed to steer more than $1 billion in federal contracts to her husband's construction companies, and they reaped hundreds of millions of dollars in war profits.

OK, you can unzip your mouth, open your eyes and take your hands away from your ears. Tom's already spoken the evil that you've already forgotten. Feinstein is no doubt one of the most rotten corrupt senators in US history, and maybe one of the top 3 hypocrites in US history.
That means Dianne Feinstein is a 'Quisling' and has sold out our nations national security intelligence apparatus. She has committed sedition.
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Maybe because Dianne Feinstein and her husband were deeply involved in war profiteering in Iraq. She managed to steer more than $1 billion in federal contracts to her husband's construction companies, and they reaped hundreds of millions of dollars in war profits.

OK, you can unzip your mouth, open your eyes and take your hands away from your ears. Tom's already spoken the evil that you've already forgotten. Feinstein is no doubt one of the most rotten corrupt senators in US history, and maybe one of the top 3 hypocrites in US history.
That means Dianne Feinstein is a 'Quisling' and has sold out our national security apparatus. She has committed sedition.

But who is to stop her or do you think Eric "The RED" Holder would investigate?...Sorry, that's just funny!

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