Michael Wolff: ‘Trump Is Even Crazier Than I Thought.’

Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:

see that?


^^^ that ^^^

is president joe biden revoking donny's executive orders.

ha ha ha.

& neener fucking neener.

Christ did he fall asleep again at his desk?? Someone wake up Joe.

putin kinda put that all to rest - pun intended. donny plays golf, & gets around in a cart.

biden rides a bike.

oh ya... & then there is this...

:p :p :p
Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:

see that?


^^^ that ^^^

is president joe biden revoking donny's executive orders.

ha ha ha.

& neener fucking neener.

Christ did he fall asleep again at his desk?? Someone wake up Joe.

putin kinda put that all to rest - pun intended. donny plays golf, & gets around in a cart.

biden rides a bike.

oh ya... & then there is this...

:p :p :p

We all look forward to Biden attempting to speak in public again, hilarious :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:

see that?


^^^ that ^^^

is president joe biden revoking donny's executive orders.

ha ha ha.

& neener fucking neener.

Christ did he fall asleep again at his desk?? Someone wake up Joe.

putin kinda put that all to rest - pun intended. donny plays golf, & gets around in a cart.

biden rides a bike.

oh ya... & then there is this...

:p :p :p

We all look forward to Biden attempting to speak in public again, hilarious :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

did the yo-semites agree?

worked in 2020....
Voter Fraud worked in 2020.

All Patriot Americans know what happened.

You maybe one of those Dumbass Leftist who thinks Joe Biden won or you may be one of those ASSHOLE Communist who knows what happened.

Either way ....

Patriot Americans know who you Useful Idiots/Communist are.
Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:

see that?


^^^ that ^^^

is president joe biden revoking donny's executive orders.

ha ha ha.

& neener fucking neener.

Christ did he fall asleep again at his desk?? Someone wake up Joe.

putin kinda put that all to rest - pun intended. donny plays golf, & gets around in a cart.

biden rides a bike.

oh ya... & then there is this...

:p :p :p

We all look forward to Biden attempting to speak in public again, hilarious :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

did the yo-semites agree?

You still here? You may go now I give you permission. :itsok:
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.
But wait… the stock market crashed anyway and hundreds of thousands died needlessly

Yep. sadly that can happen in a pandemic.
Especially with someone as stupid as Trump in charge of the response
Could have been worse...could of had Xiden and Obama and their great response to a pandemic....simply stop testing. Trump at least cared to test, closed travel, and got a vaccine out. He could have ignored the science too, like Cuomo, and just started killing off the elderly...but no, he sent them hosptials and medical support...Cuomo simply ignored it...talk about a dead killer

During the H1N1 pandemic, with 3% of the world's population, the Obama Administration had 1.5% of the deaths in the world from H1N1.

During the covid pandemic, with 3% of the world's population, the Trump Administration has 15% of the world's deaths. The Trump Administration had the worst covid response in the world.

Biden shut the virus down in 6 months, after a year of steadily rising numbers.
we will never know the real number because they stop testing once it was declared a pandemic
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.
Duh. HE CAUSED the stock market to crash, because HE WAS LYING about the Corona virus and the seriousness of the pandemic and wall street knew otherwise, and felt he didn't have a grip on the reality of it, when he continued to lie about it.
not according to the experts. they said he didn’t lie about it.

the market fell because of shutdowns, but rebounded thanks to Trump’s policy
The market fell before any govt shutdowns. Sports venues did decide to shut down based on the information they had....

Trump had to show wall street, he actually was addressing the pandemic, and that is why he changed his Mind and finally agreed and okd the lock downs to come....he called all state governors to let them know it was coming...and made the announcement himself.

He was lying to us, about covid. We know this because we have Trump on tape, telling Woodward how dangerous and deadly the corona virus was in February....greater and more dangerously deadly than the worst flu we've had....

We have Dr. Fauci the expert, saying he never heard Trump d distort the facts about the virus: Fauci denies hearing Trump distort facts on coronavirus

Did Trump spread fear, like the leftist propagandist did? Of course not. He didn't want people to panic. Yes, the market responded to the pandemic, China was shutting down regions, Trump shut down travel to China, the market obviously reacted....and yes, the President responded to the CDC advice, and welcomed the measures to stop the spread, sadly some state Govs, like in NY ignored the advice, and as we learned more about the virus, continued to ignore the advice...but that's a different story.

Trump's strong econonic policies, prior to the pandemic, and the plan to get out, helped...sadly, the Dembots took the reigns as we were getting out, and now we still have high UE, people unwilling to work, and record high inflation.
Over 600,000 dead, yeah....great job! :(
Our death rate never changed. There weee not 600k additional deaths due to COVID. In the end it was a pretty normal year, we just called the deaths something new.
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.

he flat out LIED about how it will allllll be gone by springtime & other complete bullshit instead of leveling & telling the american public the truth. his greed drove his decisions.
that wasn’t a lie that a prediction based on the evidence from the experts.

Dr Fauci said he never distorted anything. Is Fauci a liar?
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.
But wait… the stock market crashed anyway and hundreds of thousands died needlessly

Yep. sadly that can happen in a pandemic.
Especially with someone as stupid as Trump in charge of the response
Could have been worse...could of had Xiden and Obama and their great response to a pandemic....simply stop testing. Trump at least cared to test, closed travel, and got a vaccine out. He could have ignored the science too, like Cuomo, and just started killing off the elderly...but no, he sent them hosptials and medical support...Cuomo simply ignored it...talk about a dead killer

During the H1N1 pandemic, with 3% of the world's population, the Obama Administration had 1.5% of the deaths in the world from H1N1.

During the covid pandemic, with 3% of the world's population, the Trump Administration has 15% of the world's deaths. The Trump Administration had the worst covid response in the world.
That is an oft repeated falsehood even with several nations, such as England, that have a higher death rate than the USA.

That we had the 'worst' response is just plain propaganda. The fact that there seems to be little to no correlation with stricter mask mandates and lockdowns with improved COVID death rates among the states also shows that the response here was mostly irrelevant in the death rates.

We have one of the most vulnerable populations to COVID considering the American lifestyle is to live in excess. I do not think any nation out there has higher obesity rates than we do - one of the major risk factors for COVID.
Biden shut the virus down in 6 months, after a year of steadily rising numbers.
And this is nothing more than partisan goggles. Biden did squat to 'shut' down the virus as the vaccine was already developed and being distributed when he took office. The supposed vaccination goals originally set by the Biden administration were nothing more than rates that were already projected. Finally, it seems that the US actually has one of the highest new COVID case death rates at the moment, beating the UK. That is not on the news, of course, like the outright lie that the US had the worst death rates you heard continually spouted during the Trump administration.
Our death rate never changed.

Our death rate isn't likely to change soon. It's hovered right around 100% throughout all of recorded history.

Considering that is not what death rate means as death rate is number of deaths by population by year, he is not incorrect.

Surprisingly, over half a million deaths in a nation that sees under 3 million deaths a year, you would think COVID would show significant increases in death rates. Even if we had fewer deaths from other causes due to lockdowns, you would expect COVID killing something like 20% of what we would expect to have died from everything else in one year it would have pushed our death rate up of more than 0.2%. Add to that the death rate followed the trend line exactly.

Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.
well his first two books on the trump whitehouse got him rich from the dembots, but were widely considered pure fiction

When you say "widely considered to be pure fiction", what you really mean is that nobody sued him for lying about them.
Our death rate never changed.

Our death rate isn't likely to change soon. It's hovered right around 100% throughout all of recorded history.

Considering that is not what death rate means as death rate is number of deaths by population by year, he is not incorrect.

Surprisingly, over half a million deaths in a nation that sees under 3 million deaths a year, you would think COVID would show significant increases in death rates. Even if we had fewer deaths from other causes due to lockdowns, you would expect COVID killing something like 20% of what we would expect to have died from everything else in one year it would have pushed our death rate up of more than 0.2%. Add to that the death rate followed the trend line exactly.

It was never about the number of people dying from covid that was the problem, it was the number of people getting sick and needing medical care.
Our death rate never changed.

Our death rate isn't likely to change soon. It's hovered right around 100% throughout all of recorded history.

Considering that is not what death rate means as death rate is number of deaths by population by year, he is not incorrect.

Surprisingly, over half a million deaths in a nation that sees under 3 million deaths a year, you would think COVID would show significant increases in death rates. Even if we had fewer deaths from other causes due to lockdowns, you would expect COVID killing something like 20% of what we would expect to have died from everything else in one year it would have pushed our death rate up of more than 0.2%. Add to that the death rate followed the trend line exactly.

It was never about the number of people dying from covid that was the problem, it was the number of people getting sick and needing medical care.
No, it was not. Peddle that sidestep elsewhere.

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