Michael Wolff: ‘Trump Is Even Crazier Than I Thought.’

well his first two books on the trump whitehouse got him rich from the dembots, but were widely considered pure fiction

When you say "widely considered to be pure fiction", what you really mean is that nobody sued him for lying about them.
um it was fiction…you can’t sue over fiction

Actually if the book was fiction and completely untrue, he could sue. But if it’s true he can’t.

Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.

Trump didn't get things done because of the "Deep State". He didn't get things done because he was incompetent and lazy.

There is a massive bureaucracy in government with all kinds of checks, balances and oversight, and there are processes and ways of getting things accomplished, but Trump has never had to work, plan or organize things in his entire life. He has issued orders and others made it happen.

Trump got nothing done because he didn’t know how to do it and he was too lazy to learn. He just wanted to be king. Issue orders and have others take carry them out.

You elected someone with absolutely no government experience. Then you’re surprised he doesn’t know how government works or how to get things done.

With a different kind of person, they might have adapted. Trump is incapable of learning, listening or having to work at anything
The Left will be writing books and making movies about trump for decades.
But someone needs to make an honest movie about Obama's abuses of power and corruption.
Obama was the most corrupt president that we have ever had.

HomO, W and LBJ.

W is still on top....
well his first two books on the trump whitehouse got him rich from the dembots, but were widely considered pure fiction

When you say "widely considered to be pure fiction", what you really mean is that nobody sued him for lying about them.
um it was fiction…you can’t sue over fiction

Actually if the book was fiction and completely untrue, he could sue. But if it’s true he can’t.

Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.

Trump didn't get things done because of the "Deep State". He didn't get things done because he was incompetent and lazy.

There is a massive bureaucracy in government with all kinds of checks, balances and oversight, and there are processes and ways of getting things accomplished, but Trump has never had to work, plan or organize things in his entire life. He has issued orders and others made it happen.

Trump got nothing done because he didn’t know how to do it and he was too lazy to learn. He just wanted to be king. Issue orders and have others take carry them out.

You elected someone with absolutely no government experience. Then you’re surprised he doesn’t know how government works or how to get things done.

With a different kind of person, they might have adapted. Trump is incapable of learning, listening or having to work at anything
hahah no you can't win a lawsuit over fiction and parody...we know this with the famous case involving Jerry Farewell and Larry Flynt

worked in 2020....
Voter Fraud worked in 2020.

All Patriot Americans know what happened.

You maybe one of those Dumbass Leftist who thinks Joe Biden won or you may be one of those ASSHOLE Communist who knows what happened.

Either way ....

Patriot Americans know who you Useful Idiots/Communist are.

biden won

trump lost.

it really is that simple.

accept it.

or not.

doesn't matter...

now bitch some more, little deplorable snowflake.

i am quite amused.
Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:

see that?


^^^ that ^^^

is president joe biden revoking donny's executive orders.

ha ha ha.

& neener fucking neener.

Christ did he fall asleep again at his desk?? Someone wake up Joe.

putin kinda put that all to rest - pun intended. donny plays golf, & gets around in a cart.

biden rides a bike.

oh ya... & then there is this...

:p :p :p

We all look forward to Biden attempting to speak in public again, hilarious :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

did the yo-semites agree?

You still here? You may go now I give you permission. :itsok:


& biden is still prez.

really sucks to be a trump humping deplorable. :heehee:
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.

he flat out LIED about how it will allllll be gone by springtime & other complete bullshit instead of leveling & telling the american public the truth. his greed drove his decisions.
that wasn’t a lie that a prediction based on the evidence from the experts.

Dr Fauci said he never distorted anything. Is Fauci a liar?

'ALWAYS wanted to play it down.'

It was never about the number of people dying from covid that was the problem, it was the number of people getting sick and needing medical care.
You libs made a big deal about people dying from Covid. You overplayed your hand. Most of the dead already had one foot in the grave before the pandemic. On the bright side the pandemic will save us Social Security money.

24-year-old who needed double lung transplant wishes he'd been vaccinated for COVID-19​

David Knowles
·Senior Editor
Wed, July 14, 2021, 2:08 PM
24-year-old who needed double lung transplant wishes he'd been vaccinated for COVID-19
well his first two books on the trump whitehouse got him rich from the dembots, but were widely considered pure fiction

When you say "widely considered to be pure fiction", what you really mean is that nobody sued him for lying about them.
um it was fiction…you can’t sue over fiction

Actually if the book was fiction and completely untrue, he could sue. But if it’s true he can’t.

Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.

Trump didn't get things done because of the "Deep State". He didn't get things done because he was incompetent and lazy.

There is a massive bureaucracy in government with all kinds of checks, balances and oversight, and there are processes and ways of getting things accomplished, but Trump has never had to work, plan or organize things in his entire life. He has issued orders and others made it happen.

Trump got nothing done because he didn’t know how to do it and he was too lazy to learn. He just wanted to be king. Issue orders and have others take carry them out.

You elected someone with absolutely no government experience. Then you’re surprised he doesn’t know how government works or how to get things done.

With a different kind of person, they might have adapted. Trump is incapable of learning, listening or having to work at anything
hahah no you can't win a lawsuit over fiction and parody...we know this with the famous case involving Jerry Farewell and Larry Flynt

If someone writes something claiming it's true and it's not,
TDS is a serious mental health disease.

It really is. The deranged idea that Donald Trump won the election and is still President is leading to the cognitive decline of millions of Americans, such as yourself.

You need to get your ass off the internet, and out into the real world, assuming you're vaxxed, of course.
The Gateway Pundit is not a legitimate source. The lies they publish are proof of nothing.

The Inspector General investigated, the John Durham Investigated, Bill Barr investigation. They found no spying of any kind.

No charges have been laid, and no proof has every been shown.

Donald Trump says he was spied on, but has given us nothing to support the idea that this was true.
Why is Gateway Pundit not a legitimate source. Who told you that CNN, MSNBC and the stupid Google 'fact checkers?' It is as legitimate as any lamestream media. You just don't like it because that what they told you to think.

Pretty much everyone agrees that the Gateway Pundit is a bullshit source.

Even Wikipedia says it's a fake news site known for printing lies, hoaxes and conspiracy theories.

Even Wikipedia?
Do you even know what that is?
his new book "Landslide" is seriously frightening. we were ruled by 4 years by a madman, folks

So you bought the book to find out what was in it...or did you steal it? (Of course, if you have not read it they you really don't know what you are talking about, just pulling things out of your ass :p)
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.
Duh. HE CAUSED the stock market to crash, because HE WAS LYING about the Corona virus and the seriousness of the pandemic and wall street knew otherwise, and felt he didn't have a grip on the reality of it, when he continued to lie about it.
not according to the experts. they said he didn’t lie about it.

the market fell because of shutdowns, but rebounded thanks to Trump’s policy
The market fell before any govt shutdowns. Sports venues did decide to shut down based on the information they had....

Trump had to show wall street, he actually was addressing the pandemic, and that is why he changed his Mind and finally agreed and okd the lock downs to come....he called all state governors to let them know it was coming...and made the announcement himself.

He was lying to us, about covid. We know this because we have Trump on tape, telling Woodward how dangerous and deadly the corona virus was in February....greater and more dangerously deadly than the worst flu we've had....

We have Dr. Fauci the expert, saying he never heard Trump d distort the facts about the virus: Fauci denies hearing Trump distort facts on coronavirus

Did Trump spread fear, like the leftist propagandist did? Of course not. He didn't want people to panic. Yes, the market responded to the pandemic, China was shutting down regions, Trump shut down travel to China, the market obviously reacted....and yes, the President responded to the CDC advice, and welcomed the measures to stop the spread, sadly some state Govs, like in NY ignored the advice, and as we learned more about the virus, continued to ignore the advice...but that's a different story.

Trump's strong econonic policies, prior to the pandemic, and the plan to get out, helped...sadly, the Dembots took the reigns as we were getting out, and now we still have high UE, people unwilling to work, and record high inflation.
Over 600,000 dead, yeah....great job! :(
Our death rate never changed. There weee not 600k additional deaths due to COVID. In the end it was a pretty normal year, we just called the deaths something new.
That's not true, we had hundreds of thousands of Excess deaths last year, over and above the heart attacks, kidney failures, cancer patients etc etc etc that they had in previous years....

The right wing made up a LIE about excess deaths being non existent early on and passed it around as disinformation to its acolytes ad nauseum and the rumor stuck, in your crowd.

It was a made up lie.....your right wing media, regurgitated....to play corona virus down...it was nothing but a mild flu, crap..... While people, human beings were dropping like flies.

Thank you. I suspected that was the case, but I hadn't seen it doccumented until now.
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.

he flat out LIED about how it will allllll be gone by springtime & other complete bullshit instead of leveling & telling the american public the truth. his greed drove his decisions.
that wasn’t a lie that a prediction based on the evidence from the experts.

Dr Fauci said he never distorted anything. Is Fauci a liar?

'ALWAYS wanted to play it down.'

Of course he wanted to...and I don't care what he said to the report...what matters is what happened in reality...and as the expert, and current member of the Xiden admin made clear....Trump didn't lie, or distort anything about the Chinese Virus.

So there is that...reality...not what he said to a reporter before it was a major issue in the United States.
his new book "Landslide" is seriously frightening. we were ruled by 4 years by a madman, folks

So you bought the book to find out what was in it...or did you steal it? (Of course, if you have not read it they you really don't know what you are talking about, just pulling things out of your ass :p)

Speaking of people pulling things out of his ass!!! For the past 5 years, you've been pulling allegations of corruption and sleaze against Democrats out of YOUR ass. And so far not ONE of the people you claim to be dishonest or corrupt has been charged with a crime. You've posted hundreds of links to your "proof" of their crimes, and yet not a single criminal charge against ANYONE.

But the people you CLAIM are honest and decent, keep getting arrested, charged, tried and found guilty. Trump, his staffers, his campaign workers, his lawyers, and his corporate employees, have all been indicted, plead or been found guilty, and many of them were pardoned by Trump. Flynn and Stone even participated in the coup attempt, which means that both may very well be going back to jail.

You seem confused about who is telling the truth and who is pulling stuff of his ass!!
well his first two books on the trump whitehouse got him rich from the dembots, but were widely considered pure fiction

When you say "widely considered to be pure fiction", what you really mean is that nobody sued him for lying about them.
um it was fiction…you can’t sue over fiction

Actually if the book was fiction and completely untrue, he could sue. But if it’s true he can’t.

Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.

Trump didn't get things done because of the "Deep State". He didn't get things done because he was incompetent and lazy.

There is a massive bureaucracy in government with all kinds of checks, balances and oversight, and there are processes and ways of getting things accomplished, but Trump has never had to work, plan or organize things in his entire life. He has issued orders and others made it happen.

Trump got nothing done because he didn’t know how to do it and he was too lazy to learn. He just wanted to be king. Issue orders and have others take carry them out.

You elected someone with absolutely no government experience. Then you’re surprised he doesn’t know how government works or how to get things done.

With a different kind of person, they might have adapted. Trump is incapable of learning, listening or having to work at anything
hahah no you can't win a lawsuit over fiction and parody...we know this with the famous case involving Jerry Farewell and Larry Flynt

If someone writes something claiming it's true and it's not,
TDS is a serious mental health disease.

It really is. The deranged idea that Donald Trump won the election and is still President is leading to the cognitive decline of millions of Americans, such as yourself.

You need to get your ass off the internet, and out into the real world, assuming you're vaxxed, of course.
Nah, man...you can write fiction all day and claim it's based on fact, but take liberty with it all day.

Let's look at what some reviewers of the book had to say about it and the writer...PBS NewsHour, David Brooks: "very dubious about accepting everything" in the book. "

or even CNN's own Jack Trapper: Tapper: Wolff’s Book ‘Should Be Met With Skepticism…Riddled With Errors and Rumors’

Tapper: Wolff’s Book ‘Should Be Met With Skepticism…Riddled With Errors and Rumors’​

Not even the leftist propagandist took the writer or book seriously!
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.

he flat out LIED about how it will allllll be gone by springtime & other complete bullshit instead of leveling & telling the american public the truth. his greed drove his decisions.
that wasn’t a lie that a prediction based on the evidence from the experts.

Dr Fauci said he never distorted anything. Is Fauci a liar?

'ALWAYS wanted to play it down.'

Of course he wanted to...and I don't care what he said to the report...what matters is what happened in reality...and as the expert, and current member of the Xiden admin made clear....Trump didn't lie, or distort anything about the Chinese Virus.

So there is that...reality...not what he said to a reporter before it was a major issue in the United States.

Trump lied and distorted EVERYTHING about the virus. And he did nothing for three months after he learned about it. That's why 600,000 people died. Because Trump lied about the virus, and Republican governors continue to lie about the virus.

Trump said it would "all go away like magic".
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.

he flat out LIED about how it will allllll be gone by springtime & other complete bullshit instead of leveling & telling the american public the truth. his greed drove his decisions.
that wasn’t a lie that a prediction based on the evidence from the experts.

Dr Fauci said he never distorted anything. Is Fauci a liar?

'ALWAYS wanted to play it down.'

Of course he wanted to...and I don't care what he said to the report...what matters is what happened in reality...and as the expert, and current member of the Xiden admin made clear....Trump didn't lie, or distort anything about the Chinese Virus.

So there is that...reality...not what he said to a reporter before it was a major issue in the United States.

Trump lied and distorted EVERYTHING about the virus. And he did nothing for three months after he learned about it. That's why 600,000 people died. Because Trump lied about the virus, and Republican governors continue to lie about the virus.

Trump said it would "all go away like magic".

it is going away like magic…thanks to his quick thinking and policies to get a vaccine out in recor d time!

beyond that, i am curious why you think Dr Fauci is a liar? and why don’t you ask Xiden to fire him for being one?

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