Michael Wolff: ‘Trump Is Even Crazier Than I Thought.’

Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.

I think I have a different definition of "deep state". I thought of it as an inner cabal of powerful people who steered things. I sort of imagined that if anyone really managed to threaten the status quo, they'd prevent them ever gaining power. I was wrong.

People blocking Trump were just people blocking Trump. He was a divisive figure. He provoked a lot of hatred and radical resistance. He had no interest in consensus. That's just shitty leadership.
Not agreeing with the deep state makes you crazy?

Being delusional makes you crazy.

I used to think there was something like the "deep state". Trump's election convinced me otherwise.
How so? Trumps tenure showed me the opposite.

Almost everything Trump wanted to get done simply did not get done because there is a massive bureaucracy working behind the scenes that did not want it to happen. Most of which was a good thing but it is the very definition of a deep state.

I think I have a different definition of "deep state". I thought of it as an inner cabal of powerful people who steered things. I sort of imagined that if anyone really managed to threaten the status quo, they'd prevent them ever gaining power. I was wrong.

People blocking Trump were just people blocking Trump. He was a divisive figure. He provoked a lot of hatred and radical resistance. He had no interest in consensus. That's just shitty leadership.

Yes, some of that too. I guess some on the hard right see 'deep state' as a small cabal running things but I do not think that is true to what deep state really is. Deep state, afaik, refers to a set of people that are persistent in government and not really subject to the power of the vote. Thousands of these people permeate government and make real change almost impossible to impose no matter how good a leader you may or may not be. It has taken a few hundred years to establish the various powers that our government uses, it is going to take either a long time or a lot of blood to change direction and much of that is because that system manned by those that are part of the deep state.

I can, of course, be using the term incorrectly though.

It is worth noting that Trump got through because those in power in the Republican party dropped the ball. You can see how efficiently the parties can block someone like Trump by simply looking at Biden.

Had the Republicans got their shit together and forced most of the field out early, Trump would have been crushed. They let him gain steam and, to use a much abused term, the Trump Train became unstoppable.

It was never about the number of people dying from covid that was the problem, it was the number of people getting sick and needing medical care.
You libs made a big deal about people dying from Covid. You overplayed your hand. Most of the dead already had one foot in the grave before the pandemic. On the bright side the pandemic will save us Social Security money.

Who Is Michael Wolff? 6 Things to Know About Author of Trump White House Tell-All

1. He’s been working in the media since the ’70s

The 64-year-old grew up in New Jersey, the son of an advertising executive father and a newspaper reporter mother. He got his start in the 1970s as a copy boy at the New York Times, and landed his first big break with a Times Magazine profile of Angela Atwood, who helped to kidnap Patty Hearst.

Since then, he’s worked as a writer, essayist and media columnist for outlets like USA Today, Newsweek, Vanity Fair and The Hollywood Reporter. But his main claim to fame has been best-selling books such as 1998’s “Burn Rate,” about the early days of internet moguls, and “The Man Who Owns the News,” a biography of Rupert Murdoch.

2. He’s no stranger to charges of stretching the truth

Wolff has contended with claims against his stories’ accuracy for years. The now-defunct media review publication Brill’s Content said 13 different subjects in his of his 1998 book “Burn Rate” disputed Wolff’s account of them and accused him of inventing or changing quotes: “And none of those quoted recalls Wolff taking notes or recording the discussions, some of which took place three years ago.”

While the late New York Times media reporter David Carr mostly praised Wolff’s “joyously nasty” 2008 biography of Rupert Murdoch, he also wrote, “One of the problems with Wolff’s omniscience is that while he may know all, he gets some of it wrong.”

Washington Post writer Paul Farhi said Wolff “has a penchant for stirring up an argument and pushing the facts as far as they’ll go.”

A Slate review even suggested that Wolff may have even admitted to his own embellishments. “How many fairly grievous lies had I told? How many moral lapses had I committed? How many ethical breaches had I fallen into?” the review quotes Wolff as saying.

3. He resists traditional labels
Wolff has resisted the traditional journalist label as well as that of a media critic. A New Republic profile of Wolff said he’s uninterested in the working press and makes himself the center of the story by fixating on moguls and power players in media, tech or politics.

“Wolff is the quintessential New York creation, fixated on culture, style, buzz, and money, money, money. For Wolff, nothing is more erotic than a multibillionaire,” the author Michelle Cottle wrote.

4. He’s been a vocal critic of the media

Wolff has taken aim at everyone from Rupert Murdoch to Politico in his time as a media columnist, but he’s most recently fed into the narrative that the media “is obsessed with Trump,” and vice versa. “To the media, it is a given that Trump is largely out of control and that the people around him are struggling at all times to save him from himself–and largely failing,” Wolff wrote in Newsweek. “This view persists (again in a series of unsourced stories this past week), despite Trump’s victory flattening almost every media assumption about his supposed haplessness and lack of strategy.”

He called out CNN’s Brian Stelter in that same article, and even then appeared on Stelter’s “Reliable Sources” to call him a “ridiculous figure” to his face. “It’s not a good look to repeatedly and self-righteously defend your own self-interest. The media should not be the story,” Wolff said.

5. The Trump White House was his dream assignment

Wolff interviewed Trump in June of 2016 for The Hollywood Reporter and said that he leveraged that profile into gaining access to the White House.

“This is the most extraordinary story of our time,” Wolff told CNBC after the election.

And he explained in New York Magazine that with the encouragement of the president himself, he achieved “something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing.” He said there were no ground rules placed on his access or what he could report.

6. “Fire & Fury” has already drawn fire

It’s no surprise that some of the people at the center of the story would dispute some of Wolff’s claims. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that the president really did know who John Boehner was — despite Wolff’s reporting that he didn’t — and Tony Blair called portions of the book “a complete fabrication.”

In addition, Tom Barrack, the billionaire private equity investor and Trump loyalist, told Maggie Haberman of the New York Times that a quote attributed to him is “totally false,” and former deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh disputed passages about her to Jonathan Swan of Axios.

But Wolff has defended his story, saying in a THR column that “you can’t make this s— up.”

And even some skeptics acknowledge this story could be bigger than nitpicking individual quotes and details.
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.
Duh. HE CAUSED the stock market to crash, because HE WAS LYING about the Corona virus and the seriousness of the pandemic and wall street knew otherwise, and felt he didn't have a grip on the reality of it, when he continued to lie about it.
not according to the experts. they said he didn’t lie about it.

the market fell because of shutdowns, but rebounded thanks to Trump’s policy
The market fell before any govt shutdowns. Sports venues did decide to shut down based on the information they had....

Trump had to show wall street, he actually was addressing the pandemic, and that is why he changed his Mind and finally agreed and okd the lock downs to come....he called all state governors to let them know it was coming...and made the announcement himself.

He was lying to us, about covid. We know this because we have Trump on tape, telling Woodward how dangerous and deadly the corona virus was in February....greater and more dangerously deadly than the worst flu we've had....

We have Dr. Fauci the expert, saying he never heard Trump d distort the facts about the virus: Fauci denies hearing Trump distort facts on coronavirus

Did Trump spread fear, like the leftist propagandist did? Of course not. He didn't want people to panic. Yes, the market responded to the pandemic, China was shutting down regions, Trump shut down travel to China, the market obviously reacted....and yes, the President responded to the CDC advice, and welcomed the measures to stop the spread, sadly some state Govs, like in NY ignored the advice, and as we learned more about the virus, continued to ignore the advice...but that's a different story.

Trump's strong econonic policies, prior to the pandemic, and the plan to get out, helped...sadly, the Dembots took the reigns as we were getting out, and now we still have high UE, people unwilling to work, and record high inflation.
Over 600,000 dead, yeah....great job! :(
Our death rate never changed. There weee not 600k additional deaths due to COVID. In the end it was a pretty normal year, we just called the deaths something new.
That's not true, we had hundreds of thousands of Excess deaths last year, over and above the heart attacks, kidney failures, cancer patients etc etc etc that they had in previous years....

The right wing made up a LIE about excess deaths being non existent early on and passed it around as disinformation to its acolytes ad nauseum and the rumor stuck, in your crowd.

It was a made up lie.....your right wing media, regurgitated....to play corona virus down...it was nothing but a mild flu, crap..... While people, human beings were dropping like flies.

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You got that right........................A deep "delusional" state, the Trump cult proved that.
You libs are delusional. You still don't think the election was stolen.
The 2020 election?
Not even once.

The 2000 and 2016 election was stolen.
Gore- 51,009,810 votes.
Bush- 50,462,412 votes.

Clinton- 65,853,625 votes.
Trump- 62,985,106 votes.

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