Michael Wolff: ‘Trump Is Even Crazier Than I Thought.’

People getting rich off TDS, who'd have thought it?

They learned from O'bummer, who will be worth 100 million soon because he writes and says stuff.
it is going away like magic…

^^^^ lie ^^^
no it's not.

thanks to his quick thinking and policies to get a vaccine out in recor d time!

^^^ lie ^^^

Trump Leaves Office With 13.5 Million Americans Vaccinated for COVID, Falling Short of 35 Million Goal​

Trump leaves office with 13.5 million Americans vaccinated for COVID, falling short of 35 million goal


biden wanted 100 million people to have gotten their first vaccine by his 100th day in office. he met that goal on day 58.

beyond that, i am curious why you think Dr Fauci is a liar?

fauci isn't a liar. but yer chosen one is pathological. he couldn't tell the truth even if it served him better.

and why don’t you ask Xiden to fire him for being one?

lol ... silly you. fauci is a civilian federal worker. biden has no authority to hire o

r fire him.

Nope it's true it's going away
lol ... don't hold yer breath.

Yes, Xiden was able to use the Trump distribution plan

lol ... donny had no distribution plan.

cough up a credible unbiased link .... lol ....

that was in place, good for him, I'll give him credit for that. He did fall drastically short of his July 4th goal,

actually he was way ahead than anybody could have hoped for by day 58. & yep - he fell short of july 4th - NOT because of supply NOT because of HIS plan put in place to distribute ----- but because of poorly educated dumbfucks who think a microchip is gonna be impanted - or the vaccine will change yer DNA.

why did donny & his trophy wife get vaxxed on the down low? why didn't he tell his pawns he got it? why didn't he join the other prez's & their wives with the public infomercial showing them getting it? donny is a media attention whore - he could have had a red carpet event, complete with those hollywood search lights & had a whole show on FOX. why not? why did he hide it?

you know when he was on his own and not piggy backing off what Trump already had in place.

that methane filled RW bubble you live in is warping yer brain.

Then you agree with the good doctor, so why are you saying that Trump lied and distorted the truth about the virus?

lol ... i don't know where you're getting yer alternative narratives from but that seems to be messing with you too.

Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

the fact is fauci is not a political appointee dumbass. biden cannot fire him. do try to learn & research things b4 you spew nonsense.

Trump says he might fire Fauci. Technically, he can’t.​


He's the Director of an Executive agency...

^^^ lie ^^^

he was appointed by a President

^^^ lie ^^^

and can be fired by the President,

^^^ lie ^^^
moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

Technically, the president of the United States cannot directly fire Fauci, let’s say by a tweet, mainly because he is not a political appointee. As a career federal employee and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, Fauci is protected by federal civil service regulations that shield him from being fired or demoted for political reasons.

from the above link.
it is going away like magic…

^^^^ lie ^^^
no it's not.

thanks to his quick thinking and policies to get a vaccine out in recor d time!

^^^ lie ^^^

Trump Leaves Office With 13.5 Million Americans Vaccinated for COVID, Falling Short of 35 Million Goal​

Trump leaves office with 13.5 million Americans vaccinated for COVID, falling short of 35 million goal


biden wanted 100 million people to have gotten their first vaccine by his 100th day in office. he met that goal on day 58.

beyond that, i am curious why you think Dr Fauci is a liar?

fauci isn't a liar. but yer chosen one is pathological. he couldn't tell the truth even if it served him better.

and why don’t you ask Xiden to fire him for being one?

lol ... silly you. fauci is a civilian federal worker. biden has no authority to hire o

r fire him.

Nope it's true it's going away
lol ... don't hold yer breath.

Yes, Xiden was able to use the Trump distribution plan

lol ... donny had no distribution plan.

cough up a credible unbiased link .... lol ....

that was in place, good for him, I'll give him credit for that. He did fall drastically short of his July 4th goal,

actually he was way ahead than anybody could have hoped for by day 58. & yep - he fell short of july 4th - NOT because of supply NOT because of HIS plan put in place to distribute ----- but because of poorly educated dumbfucks who think a microchip is gonna be impanted - or the vaccine will change yer DNA.

why did donny & his trophy wife get vaxxed on the down low? why didn't he tell his pawns he got it? why didn't he join the other prez's & their wives with the public infomercial showing them getting it? donny is a media attention whore - he could have had a red carpet event, complete with those hollywood search lights & had a whole show on FOX. why not? why did he hide it?

you know when he was on his own and not piggy backing off what Trump already had in place.

that methane filled RW bubble you live in is warping yer brain.

Then you agree with the good doctor, so why are you saying that Trump lied and distorted the truth about the virus?

lol ... i don't know where you're getting yer alternative narratives from but that seems to be messing with you too.

Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

the fact is fauci is not a political appointee dumbass. biden cannot fire him. do try to learn & research things b4 you spew nonsense.

Trump says he might fire Fauci. Technically, he can’t.​


He's the Director of an Executive agency...

^^^ lie ^^^

he was appointed by a President

^^^ lie ^^^

and can be fired by the President,

^^^ lie ^^^
moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

Technically, the president of the United States cannot directly fire Fauci, let’s say by a tweet, mainly because he is not a political appointee. As a career federal employee and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, Fauci is protected by federal civil service regulations that shield him from being fired or demoted for political reasons.

from the above link.
I won't...I got the Trump vaccine....no need to.

Of course he did...Xiden and Harris got caught in a lie...and you continue to repeat it after it's been massively debunked...including by Dr. Fauci


Biden's Misleading Vaccine Boasts - FactCheck.org

In remarks at a Pfizer manufacturing site, President Joe Biden made misleading claims while boasting about his administration's progress in getting Americans vaccinated against COVID-19.


Fauci Refutes Biden Admin Claim that Trump Left ‘No Plan’ for Vaccine Distribution

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, refuted a claim by the Biden administration that the outgoing Trump administration left no plan for distributing coronavirus vaccines. President Biden said at a White House press conference on Thursday that...

“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source told CNN on Thursday.

However, Dr. Fauci directly refuted this claim after Biden left the press conference.

“We certainly are not starting from scratch,” Dr. Fauci told reporters.


PolitiFact - Trump vaccine plan left logistics to states, but it did exist

President Joe Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain criticized the Trump administration’s vaccination campaign as "chaotic," /> <meta name=

Xiden and Harris just can't tell the truth....

hahaha of course his a Director of an Excutive agency....he's the direction of the NIH. Moreover Xiden appointed him Chief Medical Advisor! hahah you don't even know what the man does! Why do you continue to attack him by calling him a liar when you don't know what he even does?

I never said he was a political appointee...he is still appointed by the President...the President can fire people that work for him. But, he is an political appointee now that the President appointed him Chief Medical Advisor to the President...geez...you are clueless
The Gateway Pundit is not a legitimate source. The lies they publish are proof of nothing.

The Inspector General investigated, the John Durham Investigated, Bill Barr investigation. They found no spying of any kind.

No charges have been laid, and no proof has every been shown.

Donald Trump says he was spied on, but has given us nothing to support the idea that this was true.
Why is Gateway Pundit not a legitimate source. Who told you that CNN, MSNBC and the stupid Google 'fact checkers?' It is as legitimate as any lamestream media. You just don't like it because that what they told you to think.

Pretty much everyone agrees that the Gateway Pundit is a bullshit source.

Even Wikipedia says it's a fake news site known for printing lies, hoaxes and conspiracy theories.

Congratulations you just supported what I said. You believe what you are told to believe and only read what you are told to read. You're a good little Marxist. And no, 'everyone' does not agree with you, Ms. Arrogant.

Au contraire, my little idiot, I have just confirmed that I believe NOTHING unless I can verify the source, through multiple other unconnected sources.
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
his new book "Landslide" is seriously frightening. we were ruled by 4 years by a madman, folks

Your threads consistently bore me. Do better.

And yet, here we are.


I thought you had a business to run. How can you make money by spending all day on here posting????

You thought? It was all day. Pretty sure I did not post from 11 until what 3?
What could he have done that he didn't?

enacted the DPA instead of allowing private companies to ship 17 tons of PPE to china.

He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,


Maybe if you all could have accept the results of the 2016 election, instead of working tirelessly to undo the will of the people with parody impeachments you would have been more prepared.

lol ... maybe if you stopped believing a conman who has a proven track record of lying & fraud ...

heck even when he took clear action, such as the China travel ban,

he went about that a bit late & half assed making americans scramble to get on commercial flights & probably allowed that virus to come here with some of them.

that saved lives according to Dr. Fauci,

a travel ban did. of course had he done it sooner ... rather than later.... instead he was praising china for weeks about all the hard work they were doing to contain covid.

the dems, who clearly weren't taking it seriously, undermined him....Nancy P welcoming people out to China town,

way early on b4 it was a pandemic & that certainly didn't continue once it looked like it was becoming one ... unlike donny.

Mayor Deblowme encouraging people to go out to Time Square and Broadway, and Joey Xiden calling him xenophobic.....

see above answer

U.S. Legal News
March 25, 2020 / 10:26 PM / 4 months ago
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

Marisa Taylor
11 Min Read
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

& donny knew since january that the virus was heading our way & chose to ignore it, despite the many warnings & pleas from our intel community & scientists. but what did donny do, besides ignore them?

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
04/15/2020 06:27 PM EDT

POLITICO has compiled a list of 15 times the president hailed China for its push to prevent a pandemic in the early months of 2020 — an effort that ultimately failed:

Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time. And now it's reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.”

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”

Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

When Trump covered for China’s alleged coronavirus coverup

The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump was advised twice in January to press China to be more transparent about the outbreak in Wuhan. But Trump ignored the advice:

Early this year, several of Mr. Trump’s political advisers inside and outside the campaign urged him to take on China more directly, which they argued would have bipartisan appeal. One idea they suggested was a special commission to investigate the origins of the virus and whether Beijing responded sufficiently to control the outbreak.
Mr. Trump twice declined suggestions from his team in January to press [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] for more transparency about the virus’s causes and symptoms, in one case saying that the criticism could cause Beijing to be less helpful, said White House officials.

Click to expand...
Click to expand...
In fact, Trump didn’t just decline the suggestions; he actually went in the opposite direction. Trump repeatedly praised China’s coronavirus response through late February. And on two different occasions, he actually vouched for China’s transparency, despite the advice.
Trump did so voluntarily on Jan. 24, tweeting, “The United States greatly appreciates [China’s] efforts and transparency.” He was then asked directly on Feb. 7 whether he was “concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus.” He said flatly, “No. … They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.”

U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis
Dian Zhang, Erin Mansfield, Dinah Voyles Pulver
April 2, 2020 Updated April 3, 2020

U.S. exports of surgical masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear to China skyrocketed in January and February, when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc in the country where it began and as U.S. intelligence agencies warned it would soon spread.
U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis


why did donny keep it a secret that he & his mail order bride got vaxxed?
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!
What could he have done that he didn't?

enacted the DPA instead of allowing private companies to ship 17 tons of PPE to china.

He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,


Maybe if you all could have accept the results of the 2016 election, instead of working tirelessly to undo the will of the people with parody impeachments you would have been more prepared.

lol ... maybe if you stopped believing a conman who has a proven track record of lying & fraud ...

heck even when he took clear action, such as the China travel ban,

he went about that a bit late & half assed making americans scramble to get on commercial flights & probably allowed that virus to come here with some of them.

that saved lives according to Dr. Fauci,

a travel ban did. of course had he done it sooner ... rather than later.... instead he was praising china for weeks about all the hard work they were doing to contain covid.

the dems, who clearly weren't taking it seriously, undermined him....Nancy P welcoming people out to China town,

way early on b4 it was a pandemic & that certainly didn't continue once it looked like it was becoming one ... unlike donny.

Mayor Deblowme encouraging people to go out to Time Square and Broadway, and Joey Xiden calling him xenophobic.....

see above answer

U.S. Legal News
March 25, 2020 / 10:26 PM / 4 months ago
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

Marisa Taylor
11 Min Read
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

& donny knew since january that the virus was heading our way & chose to ignore it, despite the many warnings & pleas from our intel community & scientists. but what did donny do, besides ignore them?

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
04/15/2020 06:27 PM EDT

POLITICO has compiled a list of 15 times the president hailed China for its push to prevent a pandemic in the early months of 2020 — an effort that ultimately failed:

Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time. And now it's reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.”

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”

Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

When Trump covered for China’s alleged coronavirus coverup

The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump was advised twice in January to press China to be more transparent about the outbreak in Wuhan. But Trump ignored the advice:

Early this year, several of Mr. Trump’s political advisers inside and outside the campaign urged him to take on China more directly, which they argued would have bipartisan appeal. One idea they suggested was a special commission to investigate the origins of the virus and whether Beijing responded sufficiently to control the outbreak.
Mr. Trump twice declined suggestions from his team in January to press [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] for more transparency about the virus’s causes and symptoms, in one case saying that the criticism could cause Beijing to be less helpful, said White House officials.

Click to expand...
Click to expand...
In fact, Trump didn’t just decline the suggestions; he actually went in the opposite direction. Trump repeatedly praised China’s coronavirus response through late February. And on two different occasions, he actually vouched for China’s transparency, despite the advice.
Trump did so voluntarily on Jan. 24, tweeting, “The United States greatly appreciates [China’s] efforts and transparency.” He was then asked directly on Feb. 7 whether he was “concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus.” He said flatly, “No. … They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.”

U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis
Dian Zhang, Erin Mansfield, Dinah Voyles Pulver
April 2, 2020 Updated April 3, 2020

U.S. exports of surgical masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear to China skyrocketed in January and February, when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc in the country where it began and as U.S. intelligence agencies warned it would soon spread.
U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis


why did donny keep it a secret that he & his mail order bride got vaxxed?

You realize you start your post by saying he didn't send PPE to China,

then your last link is a link to where he actually did....

You can't make this up! You are so full of lies and desperation to attack him you contradict yourself in your own post! hahahhaha
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
What could he have done that he didn't?

enacted the DPA instead of allowing private companies to ship 17 tons of PPE to china.

He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,


Maybe if you all could have accept the results of the 2016 election, instead of working tirelessly to undo the will of the people with parody impeachments you would have been more prepared.

lol ... maybe if you stopped believing a conman who has a proven track record of lying & fraud ...

heck even when he took clear action, such as the China travel ban,

he went about that a bit late & half assed making americans scramble to get on commercial flights & probably allowed that virus to come here with some of them.

that saved lives according to Dr. Fauci,

a travel ban did. of course had he done it sooner ... rather than later.... instead he was praising china for weeks about all the hard work they were doing to contain covid.

the dems, who clearly weren't taking it seriously, undermined him....Nancy P welcoming people out to China town,

way early on b4 it was a pandemic & that certainly didn't continue once it looked like it was becoming one ... unlike donny.

Mayor Deblowme encouraging people to go out to Time Square and Broadway, and Joey Xiden calling him xenophobic.....

see above answer

U.S. Legal News
March 25, 2020 / 10:26 PM / 4 months ago
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

Marisa Taylor
11 Min Read
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

& donny knew since january that the virus was heading our way & chose to ignore it, despite the many warnings & pleas from our intel community & scientists. but what did donny do, besides ignore them?

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
04/15/2020 06:27 PM EDT

POLITICO has compiled a list of 15 times the president hailed China for its push to prevent a pandemic in the early months of 2020 — an effort that ultimately failed:

Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time. And now it's reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.”

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”

Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

When Trump covered for China’s alleged coronavirus coverup

The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump was advised twice in January to press China to be more transparent about the outbreak in Wuhan. But Trump ignored the advice:

Early this year, several of Mr. Trump’s political advisers inside and outside the campaign urged him to take on China more directly, which they argued would have bipartisan appeal. One idea they suggested was a special commission to investigate the origins of the virus and whether Beijing responded sufficiently to control the outbreak.
Mr. Trump twice declined suggestions from his team in January to press [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] for more transparency about the virus’s causes and symptoms, in one case saying that the criticism could cause Beijing to be less helpful, said White House officials.

Click to expand...
Click to expand...
In fact, Trump didn’t just decline the suggestions; he actually went in the opposite direction. Trump repeatedly praised China’s coronavirus response through late February. And on two different occasions, he actually vouched for China’s transparency, despite the advice.
Trump did so voluntarily on Jan. 24, tweeting, “The United States greatly appreciates [China’s] efforts and transparency.” He was then asked directly on Feb. 7 whether he was “concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus.” He said flatly, “No. … They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.”

U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis
Dian Zhang, Erin Mansfield, Dinah Voyles Pulver
April 2, 2020 Updated April 3, 2020

U.S. exports of surgical masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear to China skyrocketed in January and February, when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc in the country where it began and as U.S. intelligence agencies warned it would soon spread.
U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis


why did donny keep it a secret that he & his mail order bride got vaxxed?

You realize you start your post by saying he didn't send PPE to China,

then your last link is a link to where he actually did....

You can't make this up! You are so full of lies and desperation to attack him you contradict yourself in your own post! hahahhaha

i said he allowed private companies to send PPE to china when we needed them here. he would not enact the DPA which would have mandated private companies to produce PPE for americans. why do you make shit up? oh i know - cause you have to.

i contradicted nothing.

nice try though.
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Dr Brix and Fauci are experts no?
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?
What could he have done that he didn't?

enacted the DPA instead of allowing private companies to ship 17 tons of PPE to china.

He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,


Maybe if you all could have accept the results of the 2016 election, instead of working tirelessly to undo the will of the people with parody impeachments you would have been more prepared.

lol ... maybe if you stopped believing a conman who has a proven track record of lying & fraud ...

heck even when he took clear action, such as the China travel ban,

he went about that a bit late & half assed making americans scramble to get on commercial flights & probably allowed that virus to come here with some of them.

that saved lives according to Dr. Fauci,

a travel ban did. of course had he done it sooner ... rather than later.... instead he was praising china for weeks about all the hard work they were doing to contain covid.

the dems, who clearly weren't taking it seriously, undermined him....Nancy P welcoming people out to China town,

way early on b4 it was a pandemic & that certainly didn't continue once it looked like it was becoming one ... unlike donny.

Mayor Deblowme encouraging people to go out to Time Square and Broadway, and Joey Xiden calling him xenophobic.....

see above answer

U.S. Legal News
March 25, 2020 / 10:26 PM / 4 months ago
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

Marisa Taylor
11 Min Read
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

& donny knew since january that the virus was heading our way & chose to ignore it, despite the many warnings & pleas from our intel community & scientists. but what did donny do, besides ignore them?

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
04/15/2020 06:27 PM EDT

POLITICO has compiled a list of 15 times the president hailed China for its push to prevent a pandemic in the early months of 2020 — an effort that ultimately failed:

Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time. And now it's reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.”

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”

Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

When Trump covered for China’s alleged coronavirus coverup

The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump was advised twice in January to press China to be more transparent about the outbreak in Wuhan. But Trump ignored the advice:

Early this year, several of Mr. Trump’s political advisers inside and outside the campaign urged him to take on China more directly, which they argued would have bipartisan appeal. One idea they suggested was a special commission to investigate the origins of the virus and whether Beijing responded sufficiently to control the outbreak.
Mr. Trump twice declined suggestions from his team in January to press [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] for more transparency about the virus’s causes and symptoms, in one case saying that the criticism could cause Beijing to be less helpful, said White House officials.

Click to expand...
Click to expand...
In fact, Trump didn’t just decline the suggestions; he actually went in the opposite direction. Trump repeatedly praised China’s coronavirus response through late February. And on two different occasions, he actually vouched for China’s transparency, despite the advice.
Trump did so voluntarily on Jan. 24, tweeting, “The United States greatly appreciates [China’s] efforts and transparency.” He was then asked directly on Feb. 7 whether he was “concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus.” He said flatly, “No. … They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.”

U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis
Dian Zhang, Erin Mansfield, Dinah Voyles Pulver
April 2, 2020 Updated April 3, 2020

U.S. exports of surgical masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear to China skyrocketed in January and February, when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc in the country where it began and as U.S. intelligence agencies warned it would soon spread.
U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis


why did donny keep it a secret that he & his mail order bride got vaxxed?

You realize you start your post by saying he didn't send PPE to China,

then your last link is a link to where he actually did....

You can't make this up! You are so full of lies and desperation to attack him you contradict yourself in your own post! hahahhaha

i said he allowed private companies to send PPE to china when we needed them here. he would not enact the DPA which would have mandated private companies to produce PPE for americans. why do you make shit up? oh i know - cause you have to.

i contradicted nothing.

nice try though.

of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Dr Brix and Fauci are experts no?

they weren't in on those meetings. they had no security clearance even though no security clearance was needed until donny made it that way.
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.

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