Michael Wolff: ‘Trump Is Even Crazier Than I Thought.’

of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?
It does not. Nor does it solve world hunger or Chinese indoctrination camps.

What is your point.
Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:
Trump figured he could bullshit his way out of the pandemic & in the bargain got 600,000 people dead, wrecked the economy & in the process cost his own companies millions & millions of dollars in lost revenue. Oops!

"Stable Genius" he ain't. The Orange Baboon figured he could run the Country like it was a season of The Apprentice because he's a first class imbecile.
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?
It does not. Nor does it solve world hunger or Chinese indoctrination camps.

What is your point.
that’s my point it does nothing
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?
It does not. Nor does it solve world hunger or Chinese indoctrination camps.

What is your point.
that’s my point it does nothing
Then your point fails. It would have lessened the vaccine hesitancy that is currently on the right. Pointing to another group and whining 'what about them' is utterly irrelevant and does nothing to make your point.
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?

obama & michele helped with that. they weren't scared to show how they walk upright - donny & his trophy wife could have done it for the knuckledragging humpers.
done what? made the vaccine political? geez trumps policies made the vaccine in record time…why did he have to a make a political show of it?

that's a really bad cop out. & the research for Mrna vax have been researched & in the works for years .... the only thing donny did right CONcerning that - was throw cash into the development; although pfizer - the first to get the vaccine to market didn't take the money.

there was nothing political about every living prez including REPUBLICAN george W & laura showing & endorcing the vaccination rollout.

nice try, but you:

homer fail cornflake.gif
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Dr Brix and Fauci are experts no?

they weren't in on those meetings. they had no security clearance even though no security clearance was needed until donny made it that way.
hahaha they the agencies they certainly were

nope. another lie - god damn you suck at this.
ahaha show me that the director of NiH wasn’t involved in CDC meetings

lol ... i showed you reporting that the experts didn't have security clearances & those without didn't attend the meetings.

YOU show ME that they were.


Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
Crazy compared to who, half brain Joe Biden? :eusa_hand:
You mean the man who beat the orange slug in 2020 and is now President of the United States?
No the man who had an election stolen for him while he hid out in his basement. :itsok:
Trump figured he could bullshit his way out of the pandemic & in the bargain got 600,000 people dead, wrecked the economy & in the process cost his own companies millions & millions of dollars in lost revenue. Oops!

"Stable Genius" he ain't. The Orange Baboon figured he could run the Country like it was a season of The Apprentice because he's a first class imbecile.

genocide thru policy.
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Dr Brix and Fauci are experts no?

they weren't in on those meetings. they had no security clearance even though no security clearance was needed until donny made it that way.
hahaha they the agencies they certainly were

nope. another lie - god damn you suck at this.
ahaha show me that the director of NiH wasn’t involved in CDC meetings

lol ... i showed you reporting that the experts didn't have security clearances & those without didn't attend the meetings.

YOU show ME that they were.


View attachment 513795
didn’t say Dr Fauci didn’t have clearance and moreover Brix were the ones briefing the president and giving press conference

your tin foil belongs in Area 51
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?

obama & michele helped with that. they weren't scared to show how they walk upright - donny & his trophy wife could have done it for the knuckledragging humpers.
done what? made the vaccine political? geez trumps policies made the vaccine in record time…why did he have to a make a political show of it?

that's a really bad cop out. & the research for Mrna vax have been researched & in the works for years .... the only thing donny did right CONcerning that - was throw cash into the development; although pfizer - the first to get the vaccine to market didn't take the money.

there was nothing political about every living prez including REPUBLICAN george W & laura showing & endorcing the vaccination rollout.

nice try, but you:

View attachment 513793
haha the money wasn’t the big thing
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?
It does not. Nor does it solve world hunger or Chinese indoctrination camps.

What is your point.
that’s my point it does nothing
Then your point fails. It would have lessened the vaccine hesitancy that is currently on the right. Pointing to another group and whining 'what about them' is utterly irrelevant and does nothing to make your point.
how? you said already it would if had no impact
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Dr Brix and Fauci are experts no?

they weren't in on those meetings. they had no security clearance even though no security clearance was needed until donny made it that way.
hahaha they the agencies they certainly were

nope. another lie - god damn you suck at this.
ahaha show me that the director of NiH wasn’t involved in CDC meetings

lol ... i showed you reporting that the experts didn't have security clearances & those without didn't attend the meetings.

YOU show ME that they were.


View attachment 513795
didn’t say Dr Fauci didn’t have clearance and moreover Brix were the ones briefing the president and giving press conference

your tin foil belongs in Area 51

lol ... so in other words you have nothing to prove otherwise.

got it.
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?

obama & michele helped with that. they weren't scared to show how they walk upright - donny & his trophy wife could have done it for the knuckledragging humpers.
done what? made the vaccine political? geez trumps policies made the vaccine in record time…why did he have to a make a political show of it?

that's a really bad cop out. & the research for Mrna vax have been researched & in the works for years .... the only thing donny did right CONcerning that - was throw cash into the development; although pfizer - the first to get the vaccine to market didn't take the money.

there was nothing political about every living prez including REPUBLICAN george W & laura showing & endorcing the vaccination rollout.

nice try, but you:

View attachment 513793
haha the money wasn’t the big thing

oh ya - it sure was - & that's why pfizer didn't take it. it all hasta do with profits & how it can be marketed on the back end.
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
hahaa they aren’t in chinese state labs you idiot
He was doing things as far back as November to try and mitigate it,

lol.... donny was hell bent on keeping the american public in the dark.


Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
yeah he keep top level meetings classified…big woo

then you all complained about the fact he had his task force give daily briefings! haha you can make this up! Even your Propagandist at MSDNC stopped airing them because they didn’t want the facts from Dr Brix and Fauci to get in the way of grandma killer Cuomo’s lies!

he didn't allow the EXPERTS in. he did allow kelly loeffler in though.... hmmmm curious that.
Dr Brix and Fauci are experts no?

they weren't in on those meetings. they had no security clearance even though no security clearance was needed until donny made it that way.
hahaha they the agencies they certainly were

nope. another lie - god damn you suck at this.
ahaha show me that the director of NiH wasn’t involved in CDC meetings

lol ... i showed you reporting that the experts didn't have security clearances & those without didn't attend the meetings.

YOU show ME that they were.


View attachment 513795
didn’t say Dr Fauci didn’t have clearance and moreover Brix were the ones briefing the president and giving press conference

your tin foil belongs in Area 51

lol ... so in other words you have nothing to prove otherwise.

got it.
um i actually watched the briefings daily…i get that MSDNC stopped airing them for the dembots so you might be unaware and still believe these wingnut conspiracies
of course he did! he was trying to contain the virus! why wouldn’t he try and contain it?

by trying to squelch the testing? by trying to keep americans on floating petri dishes 'cause ' he liked the numbers where they were' ?

and of course they were private companies! the US Govt doesn’t manufacture PPE! hahaa

& by enacting the Defense Production Act ... them thar private companies would not have produced PPE to sell for greedy profit, they would have been compensated for the MANDATE to make them for americans - not the chinese or for any other foreign state.

why did donny keep it a secret when he got vaxxed? why didn't he tell his deplorables & encourage them to do the same?

& i see how you backed off of your lie that i contradicted myself.
what are you talking about? we had massive testing. it was xiden and obama who ordered testing to be stopped once swine flu was labeled a pandemic

why did he have to make it a public display? i get that harris and biden jumped in front of the line and made a political show out of it…but that seems unnecessary
Because making the inoculation public would have relieved much of the vaccine hesitancy that is on the right at the moment. It is an easy call to make and has no downsides.
haha yeah…but what about all of it on the left and with the african- american community?

how does taking the shot on camera gonna do that?

obama & michele helped with that. they weren't scared to show how they walk upright - donny & his trophy wife could have done it for the knuckledragging humpers.
done what? made the vaccine political? geez trumps policies made the vaccine in record time…why did he have to a make a political show of it?

that's a really bad cop out. & the research for Mrna vax have been researched & in the works for years .... the only thing donny did right CONcerning that - was throw cash into the development; although pfizer - the first to get the vaccine to market didn't take the money.

there was nothing political about every living prez including REPUBLICAN george W & laura showing & endorcing the vaccination rollout.

nice try, but you:

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haha the money wasn’t the big thing

oh ya - it sure was - & that's why pfizer didn't take it. it all hasta do with profits & how it can be marketed on the back end.
hahaa no it had to do with cutting red tape buracatic crap so that it could be ready and hit the market faster.

That why harris went around spreading distrust about it
Trump figured he could bullshit his way out of the pandemic & in the bargain got 600,000 people dead,
Trump handled the pandemic perfectly. Trump knew if he made too big a deal about the virus, investors would panic and the stock market would crash.

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