Michael Wolff: ‘Trump Is Even Crazier Than I Thought.’

Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
hahaa they aren’t in chinese state labs you idiot

'state' as in national. did you not know they are interchangeable when it is referring to a nation? you poor thing.
Trump figured he could bullshit his way out of the pandemic & in the bargain got 600,000 people dead,
Trump handled the pandemic perfectly. Trump knew if he made too big a deal about the virus, investors would panic and the stock market would crash.

which means he put profits over american lives.

608,000+ dead.

it was genocide over policy & that is a fact, jack.
um i actually watched the briefings daily…

as did i

i get that MSDNC

i don't have cable- so don't even bother bringing up CNN either.

stopped airing them for the dembots

i am not a (D) & i fucking guarantee i voted for more (R)s than you ever for a (D) AND i voted 3rd party as well. so bite me.

so you might be unaware and still believe these wingnut conspiracies

apparently you didn’t and for some reason think Dr Fauci is a liar…it’s sad really
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
hahaa they aren’t in chinese state labs you idiot

'state' as in national. did you not know they are interchangeable when it is referring to a nation? you poor thing.
haha i did the CDC is not and in ever going to have authority of the Chinese labs, in particular labs dealing with biological weapons

The CDC is a US agency not s Chinese one! haha
um i actually watched the briefings daily…

as did i

i get that MSDNC

i don't have cable- so don't even bother bringing up CNN either.

stopped airing them for the dembots

i am not a (D) & i fucking guarantee i voted for more (R)s than you ever for a (D) AND i voted 3rd party as well. so bite me.

so you might be unaware and still believe these wingnut conspiracies

apparently you didn’t and for some reason think Dr Fauci is a liar…it’s sad really

what sad is you think your trolling is factual.

poor poor poorly educated you that donny loves long time.
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
hahaa they aren’t in chinese state labs you idiot

'state' as in national. did you not know they are interchangeable when it is referring to a nation? you poor thing.
haha i did the CDC is not and in ever going to have authority of the Chinese labs, in particular labs dealing with biological weapons

The CDC is a US agency not s Chinese one! haha

i never said otherwise. but ya, they were there. it's called being partners with the WHO & they were in africa too with infectious diseases too. ie EBOLA. do yer damn homeowrk, deplorable you are wasting my time. show links - UNBIASED credible links.

btw - it's like being part of the world monetary fund. think.
um i actually watched the briefings daily…

as did i

i get that MSDNC

i don't have cable- so don't even bother bringing up CNN either.

stopped airing them for the dembots

i am not a (D) & i fucking guarantee i voted for more (R)s than you ever for a (D) AND i voted 3rd party as well. so bite me.

so you might be unaware and still believe these wingnut conspiracies

apparently you didn’t and for some reason think Dr Fauci is a liar…it’s sad really

what sad is you think your trolling is factual.

poor poor poorly educated you that donny loves long time.
haha oh i am trolling! hahaha that’s classic
Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
hahaa they aren’t in chinese state labs you idiot

'state' as in national. did you not know they are interchangeable when it is referring to a nation? you poor thing.
haha i did the CDC is not and in ever going to have authority of the Chinese labs, in particular labs dealing with biological weapons

The CDC is a US agency not s Chinese one! haha

i never said otherwise. but ya, they were there. it's called being partners with the WHO & they were in africa too with infectious diseases too. ie EBOLA. do yer damn homeowrk, deplorable you are wasting my time. show links - UNBIASED credible links.

btw - it's like being part of the world monetary fund. think.
hahaha no the CDC was not in the lab! where do you get this nonsense?!

China even refused Trumps numerous request to send the CDC over there when the outbreak became known!
um i actually watched the briefings daily…

as did i

i get that MSDNC

i don't have cable- so don't even bother bringing up CNN either.

stopped airing them for the dembots

i am not a (D) & i fucking guarantee i voted for more (R)s than you ever for a (D) AND i voted 3rd party as well. so bite me.

so you might be unaware and still believe these wingnut conspiracies

apparently you didn’t and for some reason think Dr Fauci is a liar…it’s sad really

what sad is you think your trolling is factual.

poor poor poorly educated you that donny loves long time.
haha oh i am trolling! hahaha that’s classic



Sure Xiden has the authority to fire members of the executive.

he cannot fire fauci from the position he's held at the NIAID since 1984.

He's the Director of an Executive agency...he was appointed by a President and can be fired by the President,

not from the NIAID.

moreover, Xiden even made him Chief Medical Advisor....geez....you are clueless

who cannot be fired from the NIAID.
1) yes he can...for cause. But moreover, he is also now Xiden's Chief Medical Advisor, he can fire him from that job whenever he wants, with or without cause.
2) yes for cause. Dr. Fauci would have the right to appeal, but can still fire him
3) hahaha where on Earth did you get this idea that a Govt employee can't be fired? hahahha you are just silly...I would ask you to use some critical thinking skills here and think about what you are saying...but...

fauci cannot be fired from his civilian job at the NIAID.
hahaa wow you are clueless

civilian job? you do realize the vast majority of people working in the executive branch are civilians? right?

haha where did you get this idea that govt employees are employees for life and can’t be fired?

the article i gave you that explains it. you are selectively illiterate i see.
that explains he tried to contain the virus in china? ohhh yeah

is that why had the pandemic response team embedded in china disbanded?
i have no idea why china did what they did

because it wasn't china.


Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak​

By Marisa Taylor
Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

why can't you cough up any sources to back up what you claim?

lol .... yaaaaaaaaaaaa we both know why. there aren't any. oh how you must have daily backaches from all that bending over & grabbing yer ankles for yer dear leader. he loves you loooooooong time.
the CDC in China ir otherwise has no control of a Chinese lab

they are there to observe & make sure pandemics don't happen. that is EXACTLY why they were there. do you know what embedded even means? bless yer heart - you are trying so hard.

try again.
hahaa they aren’t in chinese state labs you idiot

'state' as in national. did you not know they are interchangeable when it is referring to a nation? you poor thing.
haha i did the CDC is not and in ever going to have authority of the Chinese labs, in particular labs dealing with biological weapons

The CDC is a US agency not s Chinese one! haha

i never said otherwise. but ya, they were there. it's called being partners with the WHO & they were in africa too with infectious diseases too. ie EBOLA. do yer damn homeowrk, deplorable you are wasting my time. show links - UNBIASED credible links.

btw - it's like being part of the world monetary fund. think.
hahaha no the CDC was not in the lab! where do you get this nonsense?!

China even refused Trumps numerous request to send the CDC over there when the outbreak became known!

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

yer welcome. I am thru with you.enjoy breathing in that methane that the (R) nutter bubble is full of. :113:

which means he put profits over american lives.
608,000+ dead.
Of course you like the Dem plan where we shut things down and bankrupted businessmen.
Clown, there was a shutdown because that was the only way to slow the spread. We have a vaccine but you nitwits who won't get it are going to possibly put us all back to square one. That too hard for you idiots to figure out? Or are you waiting for a signal from Murdoch's goons on Fox News? Think Tucker's not vaccinated? Or that vapid douche, Laura?
like what?
His virus response for starters
Trump handled it perfectly. He knew if he scared people while talking about Coronavirus he could spook investors and cause a stock market crash.

he flat out LIED about how it will allllll be gone by springtime & other complete bullshit instead of leveling & telling the american public the truth. his greed drove his decisions.
that wasn’t a lie that a prediction based on the evidence from the experts.

Dr Fauci said he never distorted anything. Is Fauci a liar?

'ALWAYS wanted to play it down.'

He even comes out and SAYS it, and they STILL don’t care.

The Fifth Avenue Rule remains alive and well.
Clown, there was a shutdown because that was the only way to slow the spread. We have a vaccine but you nitwits who won't get it are going to possibly put us all back to square one. That too hard for you idiots to figure out? Or are you waiting for a signal from Murdoch's goons on Fox News?
You liberals don't understand herd immunity.
Clown, there was a shutdown because that was the only way to slow the spread. We have a vaccine but you nitwits who won't get it are going to possibly put us all back to square one. That too hard for you idiots to figure out? Or are you waiting for a signal from Murdoch's goons on Fox News?
You liberals don't understand herd immunity.
We actually do. You're an idiot
they say to know someone more is to love them less

but there more i learn about Trump in these tell-alls, the more i love him

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