Michele Bachmann Gets Official Approval To Form House Tea Party Caucus


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said on Monday that her proposal to create a Tea Party caucus in the United States House of Representatives has been officially approved.

Bachmann announced that she had filed paperwork to establish the House group last week. The mission of the coalition she said at the time would be to promote "fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

And now, it seems that Bachmann's Tea Party caucus dream has become a reality. "Just got word that the Committee on House Administration officially approved the House Tea Party Caucus," said the conservative congresswoman in a tweet on Monday afternoon.

Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence became the first House member to signal his intention to join Bachmann's newly-created caucus. Talking Points Memo reports:

At a press availability this afternoon, Pence was enthusiastic. "You betcha," Pence said when asked if he'd join.

Michele Bachmann Gets Official Approval To Form House Tea Party Caucus

All righty then. and I know beyond a shadow of a doublt that any memeber of the congressional black caucus should be barred from joining. til they change their racist ways.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said on Monday that her proposal to create a Tea Party caucus in the United States House of Representatives has been officially approved.

Bachmann announced that she had filed paperwork to establish the House group last week. The mission of the coalition she said at the time would be to promote "fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

And now, it seems that Bachmann's Tea Party caucus dream has become a reality. "Just got word that the Committee on House Administration officially approved the House Tea Party Caucus," said the conservative congresswoman in a tweet on Monday afternoon.

Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence became the first House member to signal his intention to join Bachmann's newly-created caucus. Talking Points Memo reports:

At a press availability this afternoon, Pence was enthusiastic. "You betcha," Pence said when asked if he'd join.

Michele Bachmann Gets Official Approval To Form House Tea Party Caucus

All righty then. and I know beyond a shadow of a doublt that any memeber of the congressional black caucus should be barred from joining. til they change their racist ways.

She got the official tweet, eh? Sounds serious.

So let me get this straight, the Republicans in Congress are forming a Tea Party caucus. But the Tea Party and GOP aren't one in the same?

What is this? I don't even.
So let me get this straight, the Republicans in Congress are forming a Tea Party caucus. But the Tea Party and GOP aren't one in the same?

What is this? I don't even.

Michele Bachmann's convoluted attempt at an explanation of what the caucus is and isn't literally gave me a headache.
I think they should start testing the water in Minnisota.

Al Franken
The wrestler guy gubner ... oh ya Jesse Ventura...

Seriously... there is something in the water...:eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
how does her votes/support for:

intelligent design, banning same sex marriage, patriot act, and warrantless wiretapping

support the groups mission of:

"fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

??? please explain
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said on Monday that her proposal to create a Tea Party caucus in the United States House of Representatives has been officially approved.

Bachmann announced that she had filed paperwork to establish the House group last week. The mission of the coalition she said at the time would be to promote "fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

And now, it seems that Bachmann's Tea Party caucus dream has become a reality. "Just got word that the Committee on House Administration officially approved the House Tea Party Caucus," said the conservative congresswoman in a tweet on Monday afternoon.

Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence became the first House member to signal his intention to join Bachmann's newly-created caucus. Talking Points Memo reports:

At a press availability this afternoon, Pence was enthusiastic. "You betcha," Pence said when asked if he'd join.
He thought it was a pretty good idea taking-on Obama, too!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]

Cuacus-Shmuacus, if they were truly "Independent" they wouldn't sit/caucus/schmooz/vote with either party. They'd vote their conscience issue by issue.
So let me get this straight, the Republicans in Congress are forming a Tea Party caucus. But the Tea Party and GOP aren't one in the same?

What is this? I don't even.

Let me expand your thinking for you. There is a Congressional Black Caucus. I think they are all Democrats. I think that JC Watts wanted to join and was excluded.

See a sub group can exist within another group. It's usually a small number of a greater number.

And, no, they are certainly not one in the same. Republicans and Democrats are both opposite sides of the same two-headed coin. Flip it all you want and it's still heads.

The TEA Party is the only option in the game. If you have a Senator in office, vote him out. I don't care which one your talking about. Every one of those jag offs is useless. Thieving, lying crooks who exist only to be bribed and to sell influence. When I see a Senator talking, i automatically know he's lying. It's the same with Obama.

If the Senator you see on the ballot in not endorsed by the TEA Party, count on more of the same and more and higher deficits. Send a message and send the crooks home.
I think they should start testing the water in Minnisota.

Al Franken
The wrestler guy gubner ... oh ya Jesse Ventura...

Seriously... there is something in the water...:eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That something is not fish. I grew up there. Only half of the State Slogan fits on the License Plates: "Minnesota: land of 10,000 Lakes". The part that doesn't fit is"...and 1 fish.".
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said on Monday that her proposal to create a Tea Party caucus in the United States House of Representatives has been officially approved.

Bachmann announced that she had filed paperwork to establish the House group last week. The mission of the coalition she said at the time would be to promote "fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

And now, it seems that Bachmann's Tea Party caucus dream has become a reality. "Just got word that the Committee on House Administration officially approved the House Tea Party Caucus," said the conservative congresswoman in a tweet on Monday afternoon.

Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence became the first House member to signal his intention to join Bachmann's newly-created caucus. Talking Points Memo reports:

At a press availability this afternoon, Pence was enthusiastic. "You betcha," Pence said when asked if he'd join.

Michele Bachmann Gets Official Approval To Form House Tea Party Caucus

All righty then. and I know beyond a shadow of a doublt that any memeber of the congressional black caucus should be barred from joining. til they change their racist ways.

She got the official tweet, eh? Sounds serious.


English really must not be your first language.
how does her votes/support for:

intelligent design, banning same sex marriage, patriot act, and warrantless wiretapping

support the groups mission of:

"fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

??? please explain

Riiiight. Because the stated aims of that particular caucus preclude its members from ever voting on any other issue that comes up.

Please. No one could be this retarded without actually working at it.
how does her votes/support for:

intelligent design, banning same sex marriage, patriot act, and warrantless wiretapping

support the groups mission of:

"fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government."

??? please explain

Riiiight. Because the stated aims of that particular caucus preclude its members from ever voting on any other issue that comes up.

Please. No one could be this retarded without actually working at it.

hey asswipe. Yeah you. You just proved that you can can't comprehend English. :eusa_clap: :eusa_boohoo: :lol:

Bachmann listed several reasons for her yes vote on the bill, which extended lone wolf surveillance, roving wire taps and access to business records until mid-2015.

No REAL T- Partier would've voted for the Patriot Act missy.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
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how does her votes/support for:

intelligent design, banning same sex marriage, patriot act, and warrantless wiretapping

support the groups mission of:

??? please explain

Riiiight. Because the stated aims of that particular caucus preclude its members from ever voting on any other issue that comes up.

Please. No one could be this retarded without actually working at it.

hey asswipe. Yeah you. You just proved that you can can't comprehend English. :eusa_clap: :eusa_boohoo: :lol:

Bachmann defends vote for Patriot Act after fielding complaints about government over-reach - The Hill's Floor Action
Bachmann listed several reasons for her yes vote on the bill, which extended lone wolf surveillance, roving wire taps and access to business records until mid-2015.

No REAL T- Partier would've voted for the Patriot Act missy.

Benjamin Franklin - Wikiquote
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

I do so always love hearing arrogant liberals lecture me on how to REALLY be something that they themselves have never been. Perhaps next you'd like to go lecture a group of swallows on how no REAL bird would ever fly like that.

Truly amazing, how you can make your remarks even LESS relevant, meaningful, and interesting, just when I'd assumed that wasn't possible.

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