Michele Bachmann; More Crazy, Every DAY!

I see the usual Bachman-bashing suspects are up-and-at 'em already. What did you all do before logging in? Beat your wives?
Here's one that would kill any chance whatsoever of a Romney Presidency..

Romney/Bachmann! Go for it!!!

An Obama/Biden ticket would be a real winner, huh?


Excuse me while I check my home value and spend $145 to gas up.

By the way, I have to help my unemployed neighbor move out of his foreclosed home tomorrow.
If you had NO plan, and NO answers, isn't that what you'd do?

The GOP has NO plan nor answers. They can no sooner balance the budget than they could all perform a synchronized unicycle routine, on ice.

Of course they want to do nothing except investigate for 2 years.

One absolutely irrefutable indication of the effectiveness and righteousness of a person is the hateful criticism of the pathetically failed Obamarrhoidal Liberrhoids.

Apparently, Michelle Bachmann is spot on with whatever she decides.

ONLY Stephanie would get that logic!!!! :lol:
Here's one that would kill any chance whatsoever of a Romney Presidency..

Romney/Bachmann! Go for it!!!

An Obama/Biden ticket would be a real winner, huh?


Excuse me while I check my home value and spend $145 to gas up.

By the way, I have to help my unemployed neighbor move out of his foreclosed home tomorrow.

I can't wait for the cries of "four more years!"


So in his game of "fuck fuck," Wonky Pundit gives me a 100 percent negative rep for my posting of this - http://www.usmessageboard.com/3790289-post163.html

Tells me I am on ignore, and again, personally attacks me.

What are you dude............ 15?

You are seriously on my shitlist.

And you don't want to be there - trust me.

Have fun with you lame postings....

I will be keeping a look out for ya.
Always with the racism and misogyny there Sheman.

how was quoting her racist or misogynist?
Teabaggers have a tendency to get a little confused; from-time-to-time.


s0n........when she's the next vice president, there wont be enough gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics chasing you around this forum!!!:fu::boobies:
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At least she'll have an excuse (now), for having LOST her elected-office!

QUESTION: I might be putting the cart before the horse here, but assuming the Republicans win the House back this next cycle, how do you feel about the chances for a little oversight and a little accountability now that the Republicans would have the subpoena power? How aggressive do you think?

BACHMANN: Well I think that’s all we should do. I think all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another and expose all the nonsense that has gone on.


so far what I've learned from the heros of the conservative movement is that their plan to fix America includes; restoring HONOR and traditional family values, bring god back into schools to indoctrinate everyones children, and subpoena (punish) liberals and democrats for crimes that they havent actually committed...

sounds a lot like the taliban to me

At least she'll have an excuse (now), for having LOST her elected-office!


so far what I've learned from the heros of the conservative movement is that their plan to fix America includes; restoring HONOR and traditional family values, bring god back into schools to indoctrinate everyones children, and subpoena (punish) liberals and democrats for crimes that they havent actually committed...

sounds a lot like the taliban to me

But WAIT!....Theres more!

With this limited time offer, if you vote Republican by November you get...

- Tax cuts for the wealthy
- More debt
- Repeal of Healthcare
- Drill baby...drill
- Deregulation of the financial industry
- A public apology to BP

.....And, a good time will be had....

....BY ALL!!!!!!



(....If you can afford the admi$$ion.)​

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