Michele Bachmann; More Crazy, Every DAY!

If you had NO plan, and NO answers, isn't that what you'd do?

The GOP has NO plan nor answers. They can no sooner balance the budget than they could all perform a synchronized unicycle routine, on ice.

Of course they want to do nothing except investigate for 2 years.

They have more plans and actions than you think. They are just being smart, as the Dems. bury themselves and then, closer to the election, the GOP will present them..:clap2:
....Or, shortly (after) such an election.

Yeah.....we've seen that, before.....​

"What caused this economic downturn goes back to when George W. Bush was merely President-elect, waiting to take office, and continued on through his first six months in office.

Repeatedly, President-elect, and then President, Bush talked about how the economy was in trouble. Arriving in office following the longest continuous economic upturn in generations, President Bush seized on a stock market that had faltered some in the uncertainty following the 2000 Presidential election.

The "bad" economy, he talked about. Again and again. The "bad" economy."

"The world's largest economy sank into a recession in March, ending 10 years of growth that was the longest expansion on record in the United States, a group of economists that dates U.S. business cycles said Monday."

If you had NO plan, and NO answers, isn't that what you'd do?

The GOP has NO plan nor answers. They can no sooner balance the budget than they could all perform a synchronized unicycle routine, on ice.

Of course they want to do nothing except investigate for 2 years.

They have more plans and actions than you think. They are just being smart, as the Dems. bury themselves and then, closer to the election, the GOP will present them..:clap2:


Super secret plans on how the GOP is going to save the country

This should be good
.....Just like the last-time....

They have more plans and actions than you think. They are just being smart, as the Dems. bury themselves and then, closer to the election, the GOP will present them..:clap2:


Super secret plans on how the GOP is going to save the country

This should be good

Timing is everything...just ask the Dems.
No doubt.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnoPpWdlG3A]YouTube - ‪Rachel Maddow (1) 111th Congress put policy before politics‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBHK7zsz7xU]YouTube - ‪Rachel Maddow (2) 111th Congress put policy before politics‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfWpBWP8krs]YouTube - ‪Obama Takes a Victory Lap After Big Wins‬‏[/ame]​
They have more plans and actions than you think. They are just being smart, as the Dems. bury themselves and then, closer to the election, the GOP will present them..:clap2:


Super secret plans on how the GOP is going to save the country

This should be good

It will be. Hopefully we can get folks like you off the dole and paying your fair share.

"conservatives" can't (even) manage the momentum of....

.....without fuckin'-it-up.

The GOP method is say no to everything Obama proposes, do nothing and watch the country rot then blame Democrats and Obama for doing nothing.
Hell....the Republicans figured the same, in '92.

They were soooooooooooooo sure....

.....would body-slam Bill Clinton.....and, Republicans would waltz right-back-into the Whitehouse, in '96!!


NOW.....Republicans are gettin' a little-more pro-active.

The LAST thing Republicans need is....another Dem, cleanin'-up after another BUSH!!!

The only thing WORSE (in their eyes), would be if....


Aw, jeez......another Historical-reference, by......

.....Perfesser Shelly!!!!

Someone needs to contact Katie Couric, and try to figure-out what-the-fuck Shelly Bach reads!!!!!

FACT CHECK: Bachmann bomblets raising eyebrows - Forbes.com
Examining 24 of her statements, Politifact.com, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking service of the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times, found just one to be fully true and 17 to be false (seven of them "pants on fire" false). No other Republican candidate whose statements have been vigorously vetted matched that record of inaccuracy.
If you had NO plan, and NO answers, isn't that what you'd do?

The GOP has NO plan nor answers. They can no sooner balance the budget than they could all perform a synchronized unicycle routine, on ice.

Of course they want to do nothing except investigate for 2 years.

One absolutely irrefutable indication of the effectiveness and righteousness of a person is the hateful criticism of the pathetically failed Obamarrhoidal Liberrhoids.

Apparently, Michelle Bachmann is spot on with whatever she decides.

Do you want to tell us what the Republican plan is to balance the budget?

They aren't going to raise taxes, and they support spending MORE on the military, so,

go ahead and tell us how the GOP will balance the budget with those 2 items off the table.

Or, shut up.

Well any idiot can tell nether team has much to offer,so this pissing match is kinda foolish.
FACT CHECK: Bachmann bomblets raising eyebrows - Forbes.com
Examining 24 of her statements, Politifact.com, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking service of the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times, found just one to be fully true and 17 to be false (seven of them "pants on fire" false). No other Republican candidate whose statements have been vigorously vetted matched that record of inaccuracy.
....Yet, what grabs the Teabaggers is....

Hell......it isn't like her "Cuckoo's Nest" photo!!!

Come on liberals, go easy on Bachmann. We don't want her to sink until she gets the nomination.

Even Republicans are not that dumb. I doubt she can make it through Super Tuesday without being humiliated

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