Michele Bachmann says Barack Obama has "released all of the oil from the SOR"


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008

On Face the Nation, Bachmann took aim at this policy. Her comment came as she responded to host Bob Schieffer’s question about the accuracy of some of her past statements as judged by PolitiFact. Schieffer specifically referenced a Truth-O-Meter item in which we gave Bachmann a Pants on Fire rating for saying that there had been only one offshore oil drilling permit during the Obama administration.

Here’s a portion of the exchange between Schieffer and Bachmann:

Bachmann: "It’s ironic and sad that the president released all of the oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve because the president doesn’t have an energy policy."

Schieffer (overlapping): "Do you think that was a good move?"

Bachmann: "He has a politically correct environmental policy."

Schieffer (overlapping): "Was that a good thing?"

Bachmann: "It was a very bad move. It pu t-- it has made the United States more vulnerable. There’s only a limited amount of oil that we have in the Strategic Oil Reserve. It’s there for emergencies. We do not -- the emergency that we have is the fact that ... the president of the United States has failed to give the American people an energy policy. Here’s the good news that a lot of Americans don’t even realize. We are the No. 1 energy resource-rich nation in the world according to the Congressional Research Service. But the president of the United States has unfortunately put American energy resources off limits."

We turned to the administration’s official announcement. Here’s an excerpt:

"U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today that the U.S. and its partners in the International Energy Agency have decided to release a total of 60 million barrels of oil onto the world market over the next 30 days to offset the disruption in the oil supply caused by unrest in the Middle East. As part of this effort, the U.S. will release 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The SPR is currently at a historically high level with 727 million barrels."

So the release of 30 million barrels accounts for just over 4 percent of the current holdings in the reserve -- nowhere near "all" of it.

So while deflecting from a question about her lying and attacking President Obama, Michele Bachmann lies again.

I also fail to see how the President has " unfortunately put American energy resources off limits."

Why do I say that?

List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because as of 2011, we're #3 in the world in oil production by a large amount. Those who are saying we need to drill more are ignoring just how much we drill already. Furthermore, there is no evidence that all or even any of the oil that is drilled will stay in this country when it is finally available years down the road.
The eastern GOM is off limits, as are the Atlantic and Pacific OCS.
Re: Bachmann's statement perhaps she should have said "all of that oil" instead of "all of THE oil".
She is correct- Obama has no coherent energy policy.

In his SOTU address, Obama said we need 2 million electric cars on our roads. He immediately followed this nonsense with "we'll pay for it by getting taxpayer dollars back from the oil companies- they're doing fine on their own". What a moronic idiot.

Bachmann was the only one with enuff balls to call him to the carpet on these statements.
The eastern GOM is off limits, as are the Atlantic and Pacific OCS.
Re: Bachmann's statement perhaps she should have said "all of that oil" instead of "all of THE oil".
She is correct- Obama has no coherent energy policy.

In his SOTU address, Obama said we need 2 million electric cars on our roads. He immediately followed this nonsense with "we'll pay for it by getting taxpayer dollars back from the oil companies- they're doing fine on their own". What a moronic idiot.

Bachmann was the only one with enuff balls to call him to the carpet on these statements.

Did Bush ever have an energy policy? Or was it secret and they would just not tell us?
This is what the right does now.

They just lie about whatever they want to lie about without any qualms.

They will decrease their ranks with this stupid behavior.
Hilarious. Libturds have finally decided that lying is wrong. AFTER they voted a bald faced liar into office.. oh my my my oh my.

On Face the Nation, Bachmann took aim at this policy. Her comment came as she responded to host Bob Schieffer’s question about the accuracy of some of her past statements as judged by PolitiFact. Schieffer specifically referenced a Truth-O-Meter item in which we gave Bachmann a Pants on Fire rating for saying that there had been only one offshore oil drilling permit during the Obama administration.

Here’s a portion of the exchange between Schieffer and Bachmann:

Bachmann: "It’s ironic and sad that the president released all of the oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve because the president doesn’t have an energy policy."

Schieffer (overlapping): "Do you think that was a good move?"

Bachmann: "He has a politically correct environmental policy."

Schieffer (overlapping): "Was that a good thing?"

Bachmann: "It was a very bad move. It pu t-- it has made the United States more vulnerable. There’s only a limited amount of oil that we have in the Strategic Oil Reserve. It’s there for emergencies. We do not -- the emergency that we have is the fact that ... the president of the United States has failed to give the American people an energy policy. Here’s the good news that a lot of Americans don’t even realize. We are the No. 1 energy resource-rich nation in the world according to the Congressional Research Service. But the president of the United States has unfortunately put American energy resources off limits."

We turned to the administration’s official announcement. Here’s an excerpt:

"U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today that the U.S. and its partners in the International Energy Agency have decided to release a total of 60 million barrels of oil onto the world market over the next 30 days to offset the disruption in the oil supply caused by unrest in the Middle East. As part of this effort, the U.S. will release 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The SPR is currently at a historically high level with 727 million barrels."

So the release of 30 million barrels accounts for just over 4 percent of the current holdings in the reserve -- nowhere near "all" of it.

So while deflecting from a question about her lying and attacking President Obama, Michele Bachmann lies again.

I also fail to see how the President has " unfortunately put American energy resources off limits."

Why do I say that?

List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because as of 2011, we're #3 in the world in oil production by a large amount. Those who are saying we need to drill more are ignoring just how much we drill already. Furthermore, there is no evidence that all or even any of the oil that is drilled will stay in this country when it is finally available years down the road.

We are #3 because we are much larger then other countries, but for as big as we are and for as much oil we consume we are not drilling and refining nearly as much as we need to sustain us, we import more oil then any other country while sitting on the worlds largest reserves, so those numbers although correct are also very misleading.

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